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ABANDONED (beautiful love stories)

ABANDONED (beautiful love stories)

Lala's pen


'No longer wanted' was always the case. Her once perfect life was thrown off balance the moment she realized she had been chasing an illusion. "They never truly cared, or perhaps they did but chose to exert control. That's why she made the decision to leave." Watching his father walk out of their lives, after a series of violence, molestation, and blackmail, was the best sight he had ever seen. "Always left in the care of nannies, they never showed any concern, whether she was alive or dead. Their presence at home only brought violence into her life." Four lives become entangled in a web of manipulation, and as young adults, they strive for victory against all odds, united by the common circumstances of being "ABANDONED". And amidst it all, the mysterious truth about Ella Blythe's identity lingers. But when the enigmatic truth is finally revealed, will everything remain the same?

Chapter 1 In the beginning...

…Because the possibility of my story with us becoming a reality is uncertain…

Ella Blythe finished writing her diary entry for the day and placed her diary beneath her pillow. She sighed, contemplating how it would feel to see her family again after a whole year, and imagined what her summer vacation would be like.

"Have you packed your things, Ella? I don't want you forgetting anything," her sister Annie asked as she entered the room.

"Come on, Annie, I packed my things last week!" Ella exclaimed. "Besides, I'm not that disorganized," she added, causing Annie to chuckle.

"Says the person who forgot her iPad last year. Or should I remind you of when you left your backpack at school?" Annie teased.

"Come on, Annie, I was only 10," Ella defended herself, her face turning red with embarrassment.

"Now you're 14, not much different," Annie replied, staring at Ella intently.

"I promise I'

ve packed everything I'll need," Ella pouted.

"Alright, I'll leave you some time to rest. Sweet dreams, princess," Annie replied, tucking Ella into bed, momentarily forgetting that she was already 14.

"Goodnight, Annie," Ella mumbled, closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep immediately.


"What do we do now?" Rodney asked, growing frustrated.

"Son, I know what's best," Mrs. Quinn replied, trying to persuade him.

"Of course, and that's why you get to decide what I wear. In case you've forgotten, I'm 16," he sarcastically replied.

"Rodney, that was rude," Gov. Joey chimed in.

"I'm sorry, Dad, but isn't it time for me to start making my own decisions? You and Mom have been controlling my life since birth, and it's not fair," he complained.

"As the governor of New York, do you think I would just sit back and let my children go astray?" Gov. Joey asked, growing frustrated.

"That's exactly my point. You're the governor of New York, not the ruler of my life. Give me the space to live my own life," Rodney snapped, storming out of the dining room.

"He rarely gets angry. Look what you've done," Rina, his twin, mumbled, suddenly losing her appetite.

"Thanks for dinner," she mumbled, leaving the dining room as well.


"Nanny Flora, do you really have to leave? You promised to stay until I was old enough to take care of myself," Kelly asked, her eyes growing misty.

"I'm sorry, princess, but I really have to," Nanny Flora replied, feeling guilty about leaving the insecure girl.

"This is because of my mom, right? So you're choosing her orders over me. How much did she even pay you?" Kelly asked, disappointed.

"Princess, this has nothing to do with money. You know I would never trade you for anything in this world," Nanny Flora replied, hoping the curious teenager would stop asking further questions.

"So she threatened you? It's fine, you may leave," Kelly painfully chuckled.

"Princess, it..." Nanny Flora began, but Kelly interrupted her.

"Get out," she yelled.

"I'm sorry," Nanny Flora said, taking one last glance at the room before walking out.


I thought she would stay, hug me, and assure me that everything would be fine, like she always does," Kelly said, hiccupping during a video call.


Is that why your face is red? She's not worth your tears. After all, she's poor," Cindy, her best friend, replied, feeling sorry for her.

"I know she's poor, but she's been with me since childhood, and you know that. Why would my mom make her go away?" she sadly pouted.

"Have you called your mom?" Cindy asked.

"You're right, I didn't think of that. I'll call her now. Let's talk later," she said, ending the call.


"Mum, you told me you were over him. You promised. You warned me never to be like him. Yet, you still loved him. I watched him mistreat you, and I couldn't do anything. You still occupy a large part of my heart, even though you betrayed me," Jeremy said, pausing to wipe his tears. "I may not come here as often as I used to, but I promise I'll always love you," he sniffed, placing the flowers he brought for his mom on her bedside table. Instead of waiting like he used to, he ran back to the car, and the drive home began. The driver kept looking at him with pity, wondering what the poor boy was going through, fully aware of how difficult life had been for him.


With time, everything will be alright, son," his driver said in a soothing tone.

"Thanks, Mr. Adams," he mumbled in response.


"Mum, why?" Kelly sniffed, speaking to her mom on the phone.

"Why what? Where are your manners?" Mrs. Kang asked.

"Do you really think I would happily exchange pleasantries with you after what you've done? That's a joke," she rudely replied.

"Kelly, I didn't raise you to be this rude," Mrs. Kang snapped.

"Did you even raise me? Do you think three months a year is enough?" Kelly asked, expecting Nanny Flora to rush into her room and scold her for being rude. But then she remembered the main reason she called.

"Kelly, why did you call?" Mrs. Kang asked, knowing that Kelly only called her when it was truly important. She would rather call her dad.

"What did I ever do to deserve this?" she asked, her voice filled with sadness.

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Kang asked, unaware of where the question was leading.

"You know how much I loved her. Why did you bring her here in the first place if you didn't like her?" Kelly sniffed.

"I really don't understand. Who are you referring to?" Mrs. Kang asked.

"Fine, why did you force Nanny Flora to leave?" she asked.

"Wait, who said I forced her? She didn't tell you that, did she?" Mrs. Kang asked.

"She didn't have to tell me. Mom, I know you well enough to know what you're capable of," Kelly impatiently mumbled, hating that her mom was pretending not to know.

"Fine, I asked her to leave because you deserve better, Kelly. Do you know who you are? You should be thanking me instead of speaking poorly," Mrs. Kang scoffed.

"But you knew I loved her," Kelly pouted.

"That's exactly why she had to leave. I couldn't bear to share your love with someone of lower status," Mrs. Kang replied nonchalantly.

"And you decided to ruin my happiness. It's fine, but the love you did it for, you'll never see or feel," Kelly said in a broken voice before hanging up.

To Be Continued...…Because the possibility of my story with us becoming a reality is uncertain…

Ella Blythe finished writing her diary entry for the day and placed her diary beneath her pillow. She sighed, contemplating how it would feel to see her family again after a whole year, and imagined what her summer vacation would be like.

"Have you packed your things, Ella? I don't want you forgetting anything," her sister Annie asked as she entered the room.

"Come on, Annie, I packed my things last week!" Ella exclaimed. "Besides, I'm not that disorganized," she added, causing Annie to chuckle.

"Says the person who forgot her iPad last year. Or should I remind you of when you left your backpack at school?" Annie teased.

"Come on, Annie, I was only 10," Ella defended herself, her face turning red with embarrassment.

"Now you're 14, not much different," Annie replied, staring at Ella intently.

"I promise I'

ve packed everything I'll need," Ella pouted.

"Alright, I'll leave you some time to rest. Sweet dreams, princess," Annie replied, tucking Ella into bed, momentarily forgetting that she was already 14.

"Goodnight, Annie," Ella mumbled, closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep immediately.


"What do we do now?" Rodney asked, growing frustrated.

"Son, I know what's best," Mrs. Quinn replied, trying to persuade him.

"Of course, and that's why you get to decide what I wear. In case you've forgotten, I'm 16," he sarcastically replied.

"Rodney, that was rude," Gov. Joey chimed in.

"I'm sorry, Dad, but isn't it time for me to start making my own decisions? You and Mom have been controlling my life since birth, and it's not fair," he complained.

"As the governor of New York, do you think I would just sit back and let my children go astray?" Gov. Joey asked, growing frustrated.

"That's exactly my point. You're the governor of New York, not the ruler of my life. Give me the space to live my own life," Rodney snapped, storming out of the dining room.

"He rarely gets angry. Look what you've done," Rina, his twin, mumbled, suddenly losing her appetite.

"Thanks for dinner," she mumbled, leaving the dining room as well.


"Nanny Flora, do you really have to leave? You promised to stay until I was old enough to take care of myself," Kelly asked, her eyes growing misty.

"I'm sorry, princess, but I really have to," Nanny Flora replied, feeling guilty about leaving the insecure girl.

"This is because of my mom, right? So you're choosing her orders over me. How much did she even pay you?" Kelly asked, disappointed.

"Princess, this has nothing to do with money. You know I would never trade you for anything in this world," Nanny Flora replied, hoping the curious teenager would stop asking further questions.

"So she threatened you? It's fine, you may leave," Kelly painfully chuckled.

"Princess, it..." Nanny Flora began, but Kelly interrupted her.

"Get out," she yelled.

"I'm sorry," Nanny Flora said, taking one last glance at the room before walking out.


I thought she would stay, hug me, and assure me that everything would be fine, like she always does," Kelly said, hiccupping during a video call.


Is that why your face is red? She's not worth your tears. After all, she's poor," Cindy, her best friend, replied, feeling sorry for her.

"I know she's poor, but she's been with me since childhood, and you know that. Why would my mom make her go away?" she sadly pouted.

"Have you called your mom?" Cindy asked.

"You're right, I didn't think of that. I'll call her now. Let's talk later," she said, ending the call.


"Mum, you told me you were over him. You promised. You warned me never to be like him. Yet, you still loved him. I watched him mistreat you, and I couldn't do anything. You still occupy a large part of my heart, even though you betrayed me," Jeremy said, pausing to wipe his tears. "I may not come here as often as I used to, but I promise I'll always love you," he sniffed, placing the flowers he brought for his mom on her bedside table. Instead of waiting like he used to, he ran back to the car, and the drive home began. The driver kept looking at him with pity, wondering what the poor boy was going through, fully aware of how difficult life had been for him.

"With time, everything will be alright, son," his driver said in a soothing tone.

"Thanks, Mr. Adams," he mumbled in response.


"Mum, why?" Kelly sniffed, speaking to her mom on the phone.

"Why what? Where are your manners?" Mrs. Kang asked.

"Do you really think I would happily exchange pleasantries with you after what you've done? That's a joke," she rudely replied.

"Kelly, I didn't raise you to be this rude," Mrs. Kang snapped.

"Did you even raise me? Do you think three months a year is enough?" Kelly asked, expecting Nanny Flora to rush into her room and scold her for being rude. But then she remembered the main reason she called.

"Kelly, why did you call?" Mrs. Kang asked, knowing that Kelly only called her when it was truly important. She would rather call her dad.

"What did I ever do to deserve this?" she asked, her voice filled with sadness.

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Kang asked, unaware of where the question was leading.

"You know how much I loved her. Why did you bring her here in the first place if you didn't like her?" Kelly sniffed.

"I really don't understand. Who are you referring to?" Mrs. Kang asked.

"Fine, why did you force Nanny Flora to leave?" she asked.

"Wait, who said I forced her? She didn't tell you that, did she?" Mrs. Kang asked.

"She didn't have to tell me. Mom, I know you well enough to know what you're capable of," Kelly impatiently mumbled, hating that her mom was pretending not to know.

"Fine, I asked her to leave because you deserve better, Kelly. Do you know who you are? You should be thanking me instead of speaking poorly," Mrs. Kang scoffed.

"But you knew I loved her," Kelly pouted.

"That's exactly why she had to leave. I couldn't bear to share your love with someone of lower status," Mrs. Kang replied nonchalantly.

"And you decided to ruin my happiness. It's fine, but the love you did it for, you'll never see or feel," Kelly said in a broken voice before hanging up.

To Be Continued...

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