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The Enigmatic Return

The Enigmatic Return

Grace Zhuo


Nancy’s reputation was forever ruined after meeting up with three men at a hotel room. She’s exiled from her family as a result of that. When she returned five years later, her beauty was unrivaled and every woman instantly became very protective of their husbands from her. However, she surprised everyone when she married the wealthiest man in the capital. Everyone were lamenting the fact that the man was a fool. However, Nancy shocked everyone further when she revealed herself to be… a legendary healer, the boss of a secret organization, the founder of a designer jewelry brand. A lady said, “No matter how talented she is, she’s still a wench! The father of her child would be a mystery to all, right?” The wealthiest man of the capital said, “I am the father of her child, so who was it that claimed that the father of her child is a mystery?

Chapter 1 1

"Have you heard about it? Last night, in this very room, the recently reunited daughter of the Garcia family was involved in an intimate encounter with three individuals!"

"Really? That would be major news if it were true..."

A large group of reporters gathered in front of the presidential suite of Kingsview's Palais Hotel early in the morning.

They poised their cameras and microphones, eagerly awaiting the appearance of the main character.

Inside the suite, Neera Garcia was wrapped in nothing but a bath towel. Her face was pale as she huddled in a corner, listening to the commotion outside.

She couldn't understand how things had ended up this way!

The previous night, she had attended her stepsister Roxanne Garcia's birthday party. She vaguely remembered drinking a glass of fruit juice and then passing out shortly after.

When she woke up, she found herself in this room, covered in bruises of various sizes.

She was certain that she hadn't engaged in any sexual activities with the "three individuals" as rumored, but... she was also certain that she had done something inappropriate with one man.

As far as she could recall, she had been drifting in and out of consciousness. The man's face was a blur to her, but she vividly remembered his heavy panting as he forcefully took advantage of her.

Other than that, she knew nothing.

Now that she was awake, she could already hear the crowd of reporters outside. Her body began to tremble uncontrollably, and she was at a loss for what to do.

She was given the cold, hard truth. No one in the family welcomed her presence. If that were the case, Neera would rather leave. Her departure was most celebrated by Susan Lembert, her stepmother, and Roxanne.

“Even though Neera went to the wrong room yesterday, we’ve achieved what we wanted! Neera has lost her share of the Garcia family estate, her father despises her, and Zachary has called off the engagement! That’s killing three birds with one stone! I wonder how you come up with such wonderful ideas, Mother!” Susan grinned smugly. “I wouldn’t be the matriarch of the family if I didn’t have some tricks up my sleeve! Now that the annoying obstacle is gone, the Garcia family fortune will be entirely yours.”

Six years later…

A fair-skinned woman in trendy clothes checked in at the receptionist’s counter of the Paramount Hotel in Kingsview. While typing on his computer, the male receptionist could not help but steal glances at the woman in front of him. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her facial features were exquisite, and her body was curvaceous in the right places. She wore a dress that accentuated her long and slender legs but at the same time showcased her feminine elegance. Her demeanor exuded maturity and capability. What was even more attractive was the three children surrounding her. Two of the three children were boys. They were dressed in white shirts and jeans, and they looked identical to each other. The other child was a girl. She wore a princess dress and was currently engrossed in a book. The people who passed by could not take their eyes off them.

“Are they triplets? My gosh, they look so charming. It makes me want to have children of my own!”

"Is that woman their older sister or mother? She looks so beautiful. Is she a celebrity?"

Neera overheard those comments. She glanced at her three children and grinned smugly.

She was proud of them. They stole the spotlight wherever they went!

Six years ago, after being kicked out of the Garcia household, she had nowhere to go.

Eventually, her aunt Adriana took her in and brought her abroad, to Essley.

She did not expect that she was already pregnant!

When she realized it, she was already more than three months pregnant. In Essley, it was illegal to have an abortion beyond the first trimester.

With no other choice, she carried the babies to term and gave birth to them.

She thought that was the best decision she had ever made.

Thanks to the company of the three children, she managed to get back on her feet.

Very soon, the check-in was complete, and Neera beckoned at her children. "Come on, babies. Let's go upstairs!"

"Okay!" the three children replied with their adorable voices.

They dragged their suitcases and followed Neera into the elevator.

After they had gone into the room, Neera fell tiredly on the bed. She did not want to move.

She had administered treatment to a patient before boarding her flight. The flight was another fourteen hours. By now, she was completely exhausted.

Harvey, her eldest son, leaned over and said softly next to her ear, "Mommy, do you want a massage? You must be tired!"

"Yes! Thank you, Harvey." Neera smiled indulgently at him.

Harvey clambered onto the bed and gently massaged Neera's shoulders.

Neera closed her eyes and said, "You're becoming more and more skilled!"

Harvey smiled contentedly at the praise.

Sammy, the second son, came over and showed his phone to his mother. "Bad news, Mommy! We landed only two hours ago, but we're facing a financial crisis! According to my calculations, this is the amount of money we need to permanently relocate here... But Harvey took the money in the bank account and invested it into the stock market, and we can't cash in anytime soon! That's why... I helped you set up an appointment through the Dark Web. In two days, you'll have to go to a local tycoon's house and treat his illness!"

Neera opened her eyes wide when she heard that. She grumbled, "Can't you relax for a few more days? You're a slave driver! I have other important things to do too..."

There were a couple of reasons for her return. Not only did she need to manage her aunt's business, but she also had to return to the Garcia household. Alfonso told her that her birth mother had bequeathed her some shares before she passed away, and she needed to sign some paperwork. She did not know why Alfonso was suddenly so nice to her, but she did not mind claiming what rightfully belonged to her. The thought of meeting Alfonso and the others already made her unhappy. She was not in the mood to treat any patients.

Sammy wagged his finger and said, "No! You have to go! That guy is offering 50 million dollars for your services, and he's willing to pay 30 million in advance! Don't forget you have three children to raise, and Great-Aunt Adriana needs you too!"

Neera was on the verge of tears. Can't I get a break?

Harvey had been silent, though he noticed that his little brother needed some help in convincing their mother. "You should go, Mommy! I've read the order, and the patient's condition isn't difficult by your standards. If you think it's troublesome, you can get Penny to go with you!"

Penny, the youngest daughter, chimed in. "Yes, Mommy, I can help you! Don't forget I'm a doctor too!"

Now that all three children were in agreement, Neera could not disappoint them. "Fine, I'll accept it. Show me the information. Where's the tycoon from?"

Sammy immediately replied, "The patient is Jean Beauvort of Kingsview's Beauvort family. He has a chronic disease and is bedridden for half the time. Many doctors have tried to treat him, but all have failed. They're very happy that they've found you!"

Neera gasped when she heard that. "The Beauvort family!" That was the most influential family in the country! Jean Beauvort was one of the heavyweights in the business world. He was almost a trillionaire, but he kept a low profile.

Sammy nodded and patted her shoulder. "Yes! You'll have to do your best, Mommy. The fifty million dollars will fund our first house back here!"

Harvey also comforted his mother. "Don't feel too pressured, Mommy. After this, it'll be my turn to support the family."

Penny added, "And I'll be... emotional support!"

Neera grinned. Her three babies were so adorable. Harvey, the first child, was a natural-born investor. He had made a lot of money from the stock market. Sammy, the second child, had an affinity with electronics. He was a master hacker as well. Penny, the third and youngest child, loved to read and dreamed of becoming a doctor. She was Neera's assistant during her consultation sessions.

Not only were her children very intelligent, but they were also very empathetic. She was willing to do anything for them, which is why she accepted the job. Little did she know, the three children had set her up! Before they returned, they had learned about Jean and suspected that he was their biological father.

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