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The Mafia's Bride (she's fierce )

The Mafia's Bride (she's fierce )



She's fierce but innocent 🌺🌺🌺

Chapter 1 Episode one

🌀The mafia's

bride 🌀

Excerpt **

"No" Hailey screamed as the poison was injected into Mira

"You have to give her the antidote, I'll do anything, just give it to her" she said this time her tears were dropping.


Hailey Baldwin is a 20year old genius, the heiress to the whole of Baldwin's empire, traveling around the world is her hobby, especially going with her one and only friend Mira.

Just like all the rest, they had both travelled Italy, that was when her life took a new turn

Leonardo Rossi a cold and ruthless mafia lord, he's 27, he's the leader of the black spiders , they deal in all kinds of illegal drugs, they could be consider as one of the top in the puligistic world

Terry Hart a renowned hacker, he's very intelligent and smart, almost every organization wants him and always try their best to track him down

Leo was finally able to lay his hand on him, being a short tempered person, couldn't put up with stubborn Terry's stunt and had killed him out of anger

But just then he received an information that Terry had an apprentice, code named Miley, she was even smarter than terry her location was unknown

Just when he was about to give up,he finally found a lead to get her and she turned out to be Hailey Baldwin, being the proud and cocky heiress she is wouldn't just seat and watch any one boss her around

Leo being the devil he is injected her friend with a cureless poison, yes the poison has no cure, there's only a medicine to suppress it and will have to take it for her entire life

It has to be taken monthly, this left her with no choice than to work with the devil to save Mira's life

How would they end up together the heartless and cold Leo and our cocky and proud Hailey find out in this intriguing story.

Episode one loading.....

I Purple You 💜💜💜🌀The Mafia's

bride 🌀

🌺🌺(She's fierce but innocent)🌺🌺

Episode one)

"No you're going nowhere, the press conference is in a week, and you have to be there" Mr Francis Baldwin yelled at Hailey who has a deadpan expression, she looks less concerned by his yelling

Not like he can stop her anyways, the door to the study opened and Old Mr John Baldwin came in with his walking stick


""Grandpa"they both greeted at the same time, the old man replied with a wave of him hand before glaring at his son

"What's the noise all about" he asked sternly

"Dd..dad" Francis stuttered and Hailey smirked

"Grandpa" she called sweetly and the old man turned to face her, she held his hand

"Mira and I wish visit to Italy, the conference can wait right" she asked acting coquettishly

"Of course, of course" the old man replied nodding

"But dad.." Francis tried to speak

"Shut up son" the old man snapped before walking out with his granddaughter.

Francis sighed heavily,is this really his father, he couldn't believe the same person who was so strict with him while he was growing is now spoiling his daughter

He sighed again, she's twenty for f*ck sake at that age he was already the CEO.

(Maxwell cafe)

Mira sat at a table her phone in her hands as she typed away, two cups of piping hot coffee sat on the table

She was backing the entrance so she didn't know when Hailey came in, she sneaked behind her

"Hey" she called suddenly startling her

"Hey, that scared me" she pouted and Hailey smiled before taking her seat

"So how was it" Mira asked

"What do you expect, when grand pappy is always on my side" she smiled raising the cup of coffee to her lips

"I trust you, so when are we departing" Mira asked

"Hmmm I think the weekend" Hailey replied, just then her head snapped to the entrance and she saw chase entering with a girl

Her hold on the coffee cup tightened, the paper cup folded and everything spilled on her hand but she cared less

"Hail, you don't have to look" Mira said trying to divert her attention from the two who had just taken a seat

"Weekend it is" she smiled hurtfully as she made to leave

"Let's hangout tomorrow ok" Mira said running after her she nodded slightly before getting into her purple Mercedes Benz G class.

and drove off

Mira sighed glaring at chase through the glass transparent door,all thanks to this bastard their outing for today was cut short.

(Basilicata, Italy)

*Black spiders base*

A figure could be seen sitting on the couch in the dimly lit room, there were various tattoo and piercing on his shirtless upper body, he was well built and packed with bulging muscle in each arm,he was staring downward so his face wasn't visible, he finally looked up and his face was revealed through the dim light,he's none other than Leonardo Rossi (THE DEVIL) as usual s roll of weed was hanging by his mouth as he took a Puff,a trainee entered before bowing to him

"Boss, she isn't the one" he reported and leo smirked, within the blink of an eye he brought out his gun and shot the trainee straight in the forehead and the man went down limp

Leo smiled in satisfaction " just wait till I gat my hands on you Miley, you can't run forever" he smirked again taking a large puff from his weed.


How's the start

I Purple You 💜💜💜

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