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18+ "Please.” "What do you really want?" he asked in a breathy voice. "You," she had cried out in a sweet moan and he chuckled. "That was exactly what I wanted when you left me hanging," he whispered as his fingers trailed against her aching nipples. "I'm sorry..." she said, then gasped, and arched her back off the bed as he jammed two of his fingers into her while biting one of her hard nipples. "Please! Stop this torture—" He growled in her ear, tugging her earlobe, "Oh, Love, I'm just getting started with punishing you…"

Chapter 1 The Invitation

The buzzing sound of the city filled the air as everyone hurried on to either get home or complete an errand. Of course, others sort to relax and unwind as the day slowly ended. But not for Isabelle. Hers was just starting.

Living in Los Angeles and working in one of the most popular bars in the city, Friday night proved to be the most hectic and she couldn't be more grateful. She needed all the tips she could lay her hands on.

She leaned on the counter, eyeing the door for the next client that would walk in. She wanted to serve as many patrons tonight as possible. The money would help her grow her savings for her dear brother's treatment.

Thoughts of her brother almost made her lose her target, but she recuperated right as the door to the Solo Bar and Lounge opened and a group of well-dressed ladies trouped in. It immediately drew Isabelle to them. She left her position at the counter and took long strides towards the table they had occupied.

At only seventeen, Isabelle had a figure that turned heads wherever she went. Her pale blue eyes were impossible to ignore, and she knew exactly how to use them to her advantage.

"Hello, ladies!" Isabelle said with a huge smile on her face.

The ladies stopped talking amongst themselves and turned to stare at her. They were not outright angry at her for interrupting them, they just seemed indifferent.

"I am Isabelle, and I am your server for the night. What would you like to have?" She asked, using her sweetest voice.

It had worked for her every time she tried it, and this time wouldn't be different.

The three ladies loosened up a bit and smiled back at her.

"I'd like a bottle of white wine please, " the one closest to her said and Isabelle diligently wrote the order.

The other two stared at one another and waved their hands at the same time.

"We'll have the same thing," they said in unison.

Isabelle's smile grew even bigger. Surely they already liked her and the tip she would give would be huge. But then a small voice at the back of her mind reminded her of how much exactly she needed at that moment.

Landon needed more than some meagre tips to survive what he was going through in the hospital.

Her smile no longer came from her heart as she walked to the bar to get them their drink.


Isabelle didn't have to turn around to see who it was. She knew from the way her name was called that it was her supervisor. She rolled her eyes and tried to keep her fake smile on her face as she finally turned around.

"Yes, ma'am?" Isabelle replied.

"Martha called. She said your brother had been feeling the pains again," her supervisor said and Isabelle felt her heart drop to her stomach.

God no! Not now — Isabelle thought as her heartbeat.

Where was she going to get the money for the operation?

The older woman moved closer to her and gave her a soft pat on the shoulder. "As soon as you finish with this table, you can go home and take care of him."

Isabelle didn't even have time to thank her uptight supervisor for the time off or the kind gesture. Her mind had gone to her fourteen-year-old brother.

She had left him with her neighbour Martha, so she could come to work. She needed to raise enough money for his heart surgery and so far; she hadn't been able to come up with anything.

Landon was all she had left in life. Her parents had died in an accident when she was barely ten years old and they left her to take care of her little brother. She had so many debts to pay already and no one would lend her anymore. Where could she get the money now?

Tears crawled in her eyes, but she had to be strong. She hadn't survived seven years on her own by crying. She sniffled her tears away and took the bottles of wine she had initially come to pick up at the bar. She would have to solve her problems, but first, she had a table to attend to.

Isabelle walked to the table where the three fancy ladies were still happily chatting and gently placed the bottles. She uncorked each of them and poured out the content unto glasses for them to enjoy.

"Enjoy your drink," she said with another bright smile despite the darkness she felt in her heart.

The ladies took their glasses and continued with their conversation like they hadn't even seen her. Isabelle took a few steps back and watched them. If only she could talk to them, maybe they would help her with a bit of funds.

No, she thought against it. If she begged the ladies for some money, her supervisor was going to be super angry at her. She couldn't afford to lose this job.

Isabelle was already giving up on the ladies when her ears tuned into their conversation and she couldn't stop herself from eavesdropping.

"The wealthiest man in New York is going to be there. Come with me. I can't do this alone, girls, please!" The first one said.

"Babes, we will love to come with you, but we can't!" Her friend said.

"But why do you speak for her?" The lady groaned.

The third lady chuckled softly and dropped her wineglass on the table.

"Belle, she is right. I have a date next week. I can't miss it for anything in the world!" She wiggled her brows, and they burst into laughter.

They seemed to have shared an internal joke that Isabelle didn't understand, but that didn't even interest her.

What was the place in New York where the wealthy would mingle?

"Look," the one they had called Belle, brought out a fancy golden card Isabelle was sure to cost a fortune to produce. "My father gave me this and insisted I should be there but... since you two naughty girls want to have fun without me, I have changed my mind," she said as she dramatically dropped the invitation card onto the floor.

Her friends broke out in laughter again, and this time Isabelle tuned them out. A perfect plan started playing in her head as she stared at the fancy card on the floor.

This card could solve all her problems.

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