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Dirty Lying Belle

Chapter 7 Morning Conversations

Word Count: 1666    |    Released on: 31/10/2023

s she thought about what she would tell Maxton in the morning. He was proba

probably try to discourage her and she couldn't afford to back down now

t to think of the consequences of being found out. She was lying to one of the

oughts were how she would get an address from Teja and

s fast as she could. Teja was practically leaving in a human s

ed with enough energy

" she

ine has to take a leave from work to care for her sick aunt. I asked her

to her problems. She'd also wondered on what she'd be doing throughout her p

nd a huge kiss on her ch

ed the sleeve of her sweater to w

e lau

ja. What will I poss

art on Monday. And while we're on this, could you please expla

phone yesterday. She wasn't ready to tell Teja the truth about her plans. She tried to act

you heard me. St

s and rolled her eyes befor

a pose that portrayed a brat's at

le drawled

d it more. "Make it snappy. I have to get to the bo

ve at least one accomplice and

ght have lied to Maxton claiming to be the or

u didn't expect me to tell him I was pretending on someone's behalf and will be paid for my services! B

still hung o

ace," Belle said

ted the silence. She dreaded what Teja was thinking and what sh

me point, you'll need to come clean. Also, how long are you planning to keep u

to tell Teja the tru

as long as I have to. I'll tell him the tr

eja asked. "Have you consid

o take care of Landon and what good is an education if Landon dies? I'm not losing any more family.

ou. I just don't want to see you hurt. Impersonation is a big deal, e

irst time in a long time, she didn't feel alone. She really wished

she hugged Teja. "And I'l

way out of the room to go back to her

, "You didn't tell me the name of

ects before saying "M

you know who that man is?" T

h a smile on her face. "Ye

xton Joseph is no small man," Teja

ne and texted Maxton the boutique address. This way, she would

mediately. "The driver wi

sizzling at the reply. She should be scared but she w

?" She

in a minute!

The sofa was a ragged patchwork couch made from bold coloured material. It

d to call Martha while she waited.

just about to call

problem. How's Landon doing today

terrible mood ever since you left. He keeps on blaming himself cause y

ould be the one feeling guilty for leavin

lled up i

dn't want to bother you with it but two days back, I saw a knife under his pillow " Martha said with fear in her voice. She sounded so terrified that Belle felt m

lmost inaudible. Belle's heart was beating fast as she though

ird since we just got started on that bottle two days back and that was when it cros

to stifle a scream. Was that how much h

ried for a while over the phone till Belle was able to pull

im to see if there's any complication but h

m into my room. I'll also find a way to

uch. You definitely are

up. Please talk to him. Help him se

ill M

still sniffling. She really had b

er be able to repay you for your help," Belle said

ut. I wish I could be able to do mo

l Marth

just as Teja stepp

I need a

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