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My Lecture Is My Hot Husband

My Lecture Is My Hot Husband

Nathan Alucard


"Sir, how is my shirt? Is it good? Does this outfit make me look more beautiful?" -Raya "Raya, stop bothering me. What you want to wear is up to you. If you like it, wear it." -Bagas "But I want your opinion. What do you think? Am I pretty in this outfit?" -Raya "Your shirt is too revealing." -Bagas *** Raya Dwitantri is a popular student who is adored by many students in her campus. Unfortunately, none of them caught her attention. The presence of Bagas Adiwangsa as a new lecturer in her campus managed to attract the girl's attention. Bagas' near-perfect visuals make Raya hypnotized, and do various ways to grab the man's attention. Meanwhile, Bagas desperately tries to avoid Raya. He doesn't like women who are too aggressive, but fate brings them together in an arranged marriage.


The morning atmosphere at Binadarma University looked normal as usual. It contains the hustle and bustle of students who have morning classes. The scenery seen in the campus area is of course about some of the usual activities that students do. Some are chatting with their friends, some are reading books alone, some are busy being alone with their lovers.

Not long after, a beautiful female student entered the campus area using her matic motorbike which was dominated by pink. Here and there, there were stickers of adorable cat characters. In accordance with the owner's character.

"Raya! You finally came too. I swear. I've been waiting for you all this time, you know?" a girl shouted as she ran up to the pink motorcycle girl who had just arrived. Meanwhile, the owner of the name was busy unhooking his helmet.

"What's wrong, Sya? You're so excited, it's unusual. I usually come at this hour." Raya got off her motorcycle.

"There's a new lecturer, and he's really handsome, Ray. I'm sure, once you see him, you'll have an instant crush," Tasya said enthusiastically.

"So handsome? How handsome is he? Have you seen him yet?" asked Raya curiously. She stepped into the hallway of the campus, followed by Tasya. They walked hand in hand.

"Already. I saw him earlier. That's the car, the white one. It's a cool car, right? The owner is much cooler. I heard that he's the son of the owner of this campus." Tasya pointed to a brand-new sedan parked in the lecturers' parking lot.

"Seriously, is this one really cool? You said it was cool for a transfer student last week, but when I saw it, it was normal. It only won white."

"Nope. Seriously, I'm not lying this time, Ray. Our new lecturer is really handsome. His eyes are beautiful, his nose is sharp, he has a thin beard, so cute. Not to mention his body, just covered with clothes looks sexy, especially if you don't wear clothes, hmm ... definitely ..."

Raya pinches the top of her best friend's head quite hard.

"Start walking around your brain! I don't believe in it if I haven't seen what a lecturer looks like." Raya insisted.

"Okay, you can prove it yourself later. I heard he's going to teach our class instead of Mr. Broto."

"Good. Let me see for myself how cool the new lecturer is. If he's really okay, I'll follow him."

Raya gaped when she saw her new lecturer walk into the classroom. The man was even more attractive than the description mentioned by her best friend Tasya. The figure of her new lecturer was very handsome, and close to perfect. His height, which Raya estimated at more than one hundred and eighty centimeters, was supported by his well-built body. Raya was completely hypnotized by his charm.

When the man introduced himself, Raya focused intensely on him. His name was Bagas Adiwangsa, and he was six years older than her.

"It turns out he really suits my taste. It's time for me to take action. Anyway, I have to get him. I'm willing to bet that he's still single. Raya, it's time for you to show your true charm," Raya said to herself.

During almost four semesters of college, Raya had never been in a relationship. Not because she wasn't marketable, there were actually a lot of students who expressed their feelings for this beauty, but she always refused for various reasons. Raya was picky, and she didn't like being chased. According to the girl, it was more fun when she could get someone she really wanted. Like her new lecturer, for example.

"You haven't been listening to me?" snapped Bagas, who was suddenly in front of Raya. Instantly, the girl froze. Obviously she was shocked, because she had only been focused on looking at the lecturer's handsome face.

"You're so handsome, so I misfocused." Raya tried to answer calmly. Though she was actually shaking a little. Moreover, Bagas' heavy voice greeted her ears so clearly. It sounded sexy.

In contrast to Bagas' cold reaction, the other students who heard Raya's answer suddenly laughed at the girl.

"Oh my, Ray. Just because the lecturer is handsome, you've got the wrong focus!"

"Ehm, ehm, Raya."

"Be careful, sir. Raya is secretly a female crocodile on the prowl."

The chatter of several students automatically made the classroom lively.

"Stop, no more talking. Now let's continue the lesson. I will continue the last material delivered by Mr. Broto. For you, if you want your grades to be safe in my subject, try to focus. I don't like my students messing around in class," Bagas threatened while looking sharply at Raya.

Did that scare Raya? Of course not. He would continue his actions. Seize Bagas' attention, and try to win his heart.

"Yes, sir." Raya pretended to obey while showing her sweetest smile.

Meanwhile, Bagas immediately returned to his seat without caring about the attention Raya was giving him. To him, Raya's attitude was just a form of petty mischief for a young girl her age. No need to take it seriously.

At break time...

"Now you agree with what I said, right? I know you were mesmerized by Mr. Bagas earlier. So, are you going to stop?" asked Tasya, who immediately approached Raya when the lesson was over.

"Okay, I agree this time with what you said. Mr. Bagas is cool, handsome, perfect, and my dream. When it comes to approaching him, it's obvious. Your job is to make me get closer to him."

"Me? Why me, anyway? How do I do that?"

"You forgot you have an uncle who is a lecturer? Ask him for Mr. Bagas's contact information. I don't care how, you should get it."

"If I'm asked what I want to do, what do I say, Ray? I'm not that close to uncle Rahman," Tasya said hesitantly.

He was not close to Rahman, his father's younger brother who was also a lecturer at the university. That's what made Tasya hesitant to contact her uncle.

"Mr. Bagas teaches in our class, Tasya. So it's natural for you to ask for his number. For whatever reason. I'll treat you to a whole week's worth of food as long as you can get Mr. Bagas's contact information," Raya said.

Tasya thought for a moment. She certainly wasn't going to miss out on the free food offered by Raya. That way, for one week she wouldn't have to spend money on anything.

"Okay, deh. I'll try to contact Mr. Bagas. If you're not my best friend, I'm really lazy to do it. Uncle Rahman is a bit fierce if you know."

"At your own risk. Anyway, I want to contact Mr. Bagas. Don't take too long. I need it as soon as possible. I don't want to get ahead of the lecturer, or other students."

"Yes, yes. I'll try. Now let's go to the cafeteria. I'm really hungry, Ray."

"Come on!"

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