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Lies, Valera, Action!

Lies, Valera, Action!



She’s the epitome of every husband’s dream wife. An icon, socialite, and a world-renowned actress. She’s Valera Huxley. She graces every headline with her perfect marriage to a sought after billionaire. But what lies behind the camera is Valera’s mischievous rendezvous. By day she’s a good wife, praised by the public. By night, you’ll find her at clubs, partying with all the men on their knees for her. She’s born to be an actress, tricking the public of her undying love for her billionaire tycoon husband, Lorenzo Huxley. But what they don’t know is her hatred towards her betrothed. It’s a secret that Valera and Lorenzo are trapped in a loveless marriage. She loathes her family for putting her in a cage with Lorenzo. She loathes her husband for being a leash from her freedom. But when her husband presents her divorce papers, the key to her freedom, suddenly, Valera doesn’t want it. She doesn’t love him. Their marriage is full of lies. But why is it so hard for her to sign the papers? What’s stopping the unstoppable Valera Huxley?

Chapter 1 Divorce

My deep slumber was disturbed when I felt a hard cold metal fell on my stomach. I groaned feeling the cold metal touch my skin. My eyes squinted as light flashed on the ceiling. My hand grabbed a pillow and covered it with my whole face.

“Aren’t you gonna wake up?” I heard Ella’s stern voice.

I lost grip on the pillow. Ella took it away and shoved the tablet on my face. My brows furrowed when my eyes caught a glimpse of an unknown man in bed with me. Goodness, what did I do last night?

“Get out!”

“What?” Ella sounded confused.

“Not you. Him,” I pointed at the man. I gestured Ella to take him out before I got out of bed. I sighed in relief seeing my panties intact with me.

I grabbed a robe and covered my body with it. As I tied the knots on, Ella already got the man out of my room. With my furrowed brows looking at Ella, her fingers pointed at the tablet on bed. My eyes narrowed at the website the tablet was on.

Slowly, my hand got a grip of it. My jaw dropped reading the headline. I couldn’t even read the full article. I exited the website immediately and picked up my phone. This isn’t happening.

“I already made some phone calls, Val. I just hope the articles will be down by now. But they’re spreading too fast–”

“What do you mean? How did this happen?!” I bursted out. I paced back and forth, massaging my temples.

“We…we were discreet–”

“Is this discreet?!” I showed her the tablet. I went back to the website emphasizing on the spreading photo. It was a side by side photo. On the left is me and my husband arriving at the gala together. The photo on the right is me leaving the gala with another man.

“We didn’t know about the paparazzis.”

My hand brushed through my hair. Despite the stress pinning me right now, my mind is spiraling around a way to fix this. Not even once in my career have I encountered a negative article about me.

“You need to take a shower first. We’ll be leaving the hotel today.”

I nodded slowly and headed straight to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and soaked myself with the cold water. Although the cold, it felt like it burned my skin. The image I have taken care of for over a decade is now messed around the internet.

The flashes of the camera blinded me. The hotel I was in didn’t have any paparazzi waiting. I expected to be swarmed but never here in my own home. I gritted my teeth. Now, they will absolutely tell the world how I didn’t went home last night.

I sighed quietly as the SUV entered the gate, out of the paparazzi cameras. My husband is the least of my concern right now. I just need to take care of the press. I need my image intact and name cleaned.

I glanced at Ella beside when the car stopped in front of the mansion.

“I thought we’re going to the agency. Why are we here?”

Silence stretched and Ella seemed like she'd been hesitating to say something. I rolled my eyes at her.

“Lorenzo called for you,” she said, like it was a secret not to be told.

I shrugged.

“We need to be in the agency right now. I need to clear things, Ella. My husband can wait.”

Her head lowered. I bit my lower lip. I’m getting impatient here.

“I’m not getting out of here if you won’t tell me why we’re here, Ella.”

I heard her exhale an amount of air before looking at me straight in the eyes. Her sudden movement caught me off guard that I had to straighten my back. Her apologetic eyes are making me sweat buckets here.

“Lorenzo ordered the paparazzis to stalk you last night. He was also responsible for the… article.”

After hearing her words, without a thought, I got out of the car and went straight inside this awfully big mansion. The mansion was silent as always, just like the owner. Just like Lorenzo. But I didn’t know he wouldn’t be so silent today.

My heels echoed throughout the walls and corners as I walked my way to his study. Before I could barge in the room, the door opened and revealed his secretary. My brows shot up seeing her shock in my presence.

My head tilted signaling her to get out of my way. She was smart enough to get the signal and went out. She sprinted out. I watched her attentively as she walked through the hallway before I went inside and slammed the door closed.

“I didn’t know your secretary would pay visits now,” I said as I took a seat on his sofa.

Naturally, he stood up from his swivel chair. My eyes darted on him. He’s now wearing a new suit. Half of the sleeves were tucked to his elbow, the first three buttons of his dress shirt were open, his neck tie is lose, and a small lipstick mark on his cheek. I smirked at him.

Looks like I’m not the only one who’s being naughty here. It’s early in the morning and he’s that… disheveled. I wonder what he did.

With long steps, he sat in front of me. He poured a hard liquor on a glass and handed one to me.

“Don’t prey on Alyssa. She’s helping me with some papers,” I watched his Adam's apple move as he swallowed. I’ve always been so proud of having a god looking husband but today, he’s oddly more attractive. I directed my gaze from the glass to his deep set of green eyes.

“Now the secretary has a name.”

He placed the glass back to the center table between us. I’m not a bit interested on the glass. My eyes are all for the man in front of me, my husband.

“I never said anything about your men, Valera,” he said it so sensually, mocking me.

The corners of my lips curved even more.

“So, it was you?” I went straight to the point.

He gulped on the glass, his eyes still on me. He placed the empty glass back on the table. My eyes lowered at his wet lips as he licked it dry. A slow sly smile appeared on his lips making me grit my teeth.

“What do you think a husband will do after finding out his wife is out there in another man’s arms?”

I laughed at his question.

“As if you care. We’ve been married for three years. You knew me. From the beginning I was never a saint. So, why now?”

“Why not?”

My hand gripped tighter on my bag. Anger is now boiling inside of me. At any time right now, I can throw this bag on his face. But I still remained composed.

“Talk to the press. Clear my name. Tell them it was all a misunderstanding. The man I was with was escorting me because I wasn’t feeling well. While you, talked business like you always do. Isn’t it a good story?”

“And what makes you think I will do that?” his expression transitioned to a cold one. Blank and emotionless.

“Because I’m your wife,” I smiled half-heartedly.

“You weren’t acting one.”

“And you were never a husband to me,” I pointed this out.

He crossed his arms. My lips rose to a smile. This marriage always feel forced. It’s loveless from the beginning. We were united only for business reasons and of course, money and power for our families.

“But we’re married,” I saw his jaw clenched harshly.

I scoffed. My eyes lowered to his long fingers.

“Says the man who’s not wearing his wedding ring.”

A long sigh came out of his lips. He gave me a brown envelope. My brows furrowed looking at it.

“I won’t be needing it anymore.”

“What?” With my confused look, I opened the envelope. My eyes went back to him, staring at me coldly. I returned my sight to the papers I’m now holding. I hitched my breath when I read the papers.

I froze on my seat. My eyes couldn’t leave the papers. This is not true. I looked back at him. With my straight face, my hand gripped tightly on the papers and tore it from the middle. He didn’t react to what I did. He reflected my now blank expression.

“No,” that was my answer.

“Isn’t this what you want? To be away from me?”

I stared at his green eyes, intriguing but blank. Like a high wall is guarding his soul. I can’t read him. But it looks like he wants the divorce. And I should want this too. But why am I not liking this?

“There will be no divorce, Lorenzo,” I uttered.

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