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Dark Villian


Ten years of hard work and full concentration was all it took Zeke Rockwell to get all his riches. But his heart, dark as night, has much hatred, he would crush anyone on his way to take his revenge on the Camelot family. Ingrid Camelot wants freedom from the shackles of her father. Being a Camelot comes with a lot of attention and fake relationships. But no one dares to threaten her family, not even the godlike looking Zeke Rockwell. When two mortal enemies meet, one must surrender and the other must become victorious. Story of two people who never lose anything they set their minds on.

Chapter 1 The Origin of Rivalry

Zeke Rockwell, a man whose name resonated through the corridors of the Swedish oil and gas industry, sat behind his imposing desk in his elegantly appointed office. The expansive windows offered a sweeping view of the city skyline, a testament to his power and influence.

His eyes, a piercing shade of grey, were fixated on the computer screen. With an air of authority, he leaned forward and addressed his most trusted secretary, Wade Hampton. "Are you absolutely sure, Wade? Did we block the deal Charles Camelot was working on?"

Wade, a man of unwavering loyalty and competence, stood by Zeke's side. "Yes, Mr. Rockwell," he replied with a nod, a sense of determination in his voice. "I made certain that there would be no way for them to proceed with that deal. We've secured our position."

Zeke's jaw was set, his determination etched across his rugged features. He had been working tirelessly, calculating each move with the precision of a chess grandmaster. For Zeke, this was more than a business deal; it was a declaration of war against the Camelot family.

The rivalry that had festered for years was not just a corporate battle; it was deeply personal. It had its roots in a dark past that Zeke was unwilling to forget. His mother, Jane Rockwell, had once been part of the Camelot household, a place of forbidden desires and hidden betrayals.

As Zeke navigated the treacherous waters of the oil and gas industry, the memory of the past fueled his ambition and determination. He had one goal in mind—to rise to the top and bring the Camelot family to their knees. Zeke had sworn ten years ago to bring down the Camelot family and all his actions for the past ten years has been towards that goal.

To reach his current position, Zeke had relied on more than just his own determination. He had forged alliances with individuals who believed in his vision and saw the potential in his unyielding spirit.

One such ally was Markus Lindgren, a seasoned executive in the industry known for his sharp business acumen and unwavering support of Zeke's endeavors. Markus had guided Zeke through the intricacies of corporate warfare, and their partnership had proven to be a formidable force.

Another name whispered in the circles of business elites was Isabella Björk, a financial wizard with a knack for turning investments into gold. She had taken an early interest in Zeke's potential and had provided the financial backing that allowed his rise to prominence.

These individuals, among others, had played crucial roles in Zeke's ascent. He had learned from them, grown with them, and together, they had become a force to be reckoned with.

The rivalry that had festered for years was not just a corporate battle; it was deeply personal. It had its roots in a dark past that Zeke was unwilling to forget. His mother, Jane Rockwell, had once been part of the Camelot household, a place of forbidden desires and hidden betrayals.

But Zeke was not only known for his ambition and desire for revenge; he was also known for his reputation as a formidable leader. The employees under his command feared him, respected him, and admired him. Zeke's work ethic was relentless, and he expected nothing less from those who worked for him.

Despite his striking handsomeness, Zeke had a strict rule that he adhered to religiously—he did not mix business with pleasure. This unyielding stance had only heightened his allure, particularly among some of his female employees who looked upon him with desire.

As he made his way to his office, Zeke noticed glances and furtive looks from a few of his female employees. He paid them no mind, as he had grown accustomed to the attention that his magnetic presence garnered. Zeke's focus was on business, on achieving his goals, and on finally settling the score with the Camelot family.

Zeke entered his office, a domain where his authority and control were unwavering. The grandeur of the room matched his stature in the industry, and the luxurious decor bore testimony to his success. It was in this realm that his girlfriend, Freya Jones, awaited him.

Freya was more than a partner to Zeke; she was the embodiment of his desires, his escape from the cutthroat world of business. Together, they were an exquisite match, a fiery combination that defied convention. Their passion was a force of nature that raged in harmony.

With her flowing blonde hair and striking blue eyes, Freya was a vision of allure. Zeke had always been drawn to blonde women, a preference that had persisted from his youth. Freya embodied this preference in every way, but it wasn't just her appearance that enthralled him.

Freya possessed a fierce intellect that matched Zeke's own. Her wit and ambition were the perfect complement to his relentless drive in the corporate world. When they came together, their chemistry was explosive, an undeniable connection that transcended the physical.

As Zeke embraced Freya, the intensity of their attraction was palpable. Their love was a consuming flame, one that had ignited time and time again. Despite the battles he waged in the boardrooms, in Freya's arms, Zeke found solace and ecstasy. Amidst the opulence of Zeke's office, a world of plush leather and mahogany, he locked eyes with Freya. Their connection was a testament to their mutual understanding, an unspoken agreement that transcended the confines of love.

As Zeke leaned in to kiss Freya, he couldn't help but appreciate the clarity of their arrangement. Their kiss was passionate, but it was devoid of the weight of expectations. Zeke had been surrounded by women who sought to marry him, to claim him as a prize. Freya, however, was different.

Their clothes fell away with an ease that came from familiarity. Freya's body was a canvas upon which Zeke could express his desires, and her responses were intuitive, born of shared experiences.

Their lovemaking was a celebration of their connection, a reminder that some relationships could exist without the need for titles or commitments. Zeke found solace in the fact that Freya understood the boundaries of their connection. It was not love, but it was a connection that fulfilled a need.

In the hours that followed, they explored the depths of their desires, leaving no fantasy unfulfilled. It was a union that transcended societal expectations, a connection that thrived in the shadow of power and rivalry.

Ingrid Camelot, a striking presence in her own right, had chosen a path of independence far from the shadows of the Camelot family empire. Born into privilege and responsibility, Ingrid had always been aware of her family's towering legacy, a legacy she had been reluctant to embrace.

Ingrid had sought solace in the United States, where her passion for modeling had taken flight. The bustling streets of New York City had become her refuge, a place where she could forge her own identity, free from the expectations tied to her last name.

As she leaned against the window in her New York City apartment, Ingrid felt a sense of sadness and reluctance. Her arrival in the U.S. had marked a brief escape from the weight of her responsibilities, an escape that had been cut short.

The call from Emily, her best friend and assistant back in Sweden, had delivered the news that Ingrid had both anticipated and dreaded. "Hey, Ingrid," Emily's voice came through the phone. "I've got some news for you."

Ingrid's heart sank as she responded, "I just got here."

Emily's understanding was palpable as she said, "Your father wants you back in Sweden. It seems something big is happening with the family business."

Ingrid couldn't help but feel the pull of duty and family obligations, despite her longing for independence and the pursuit of her modeling career in the U.S she was the only heir and she had to do the needful, watch out for her legacies.

Ingrid Camelot and Emily had forged a friendship that was as unlikely as it was enduring. While Ingrid was born into the opulent world of the Camelot family, Emily's roots were quite different. Her family, in stark contrast, had not been well-to-do.

Their paths had crossed during their school years, and an immediate connection had formed. Ingrid, with her privileged upbringing, was drawn to Emily's authenticity and unpretentious nature. Emily, on the other hand, saw in Ingrid a kindred spirit who didn't let her family's wealth define her.

Their friendship had flourished over time, transcending social and economic boundaries. Ingrid had always appreciated the fact that Emily never treated her differently because of her last name. There was an unspoken understanding between them, a connection that went beyond their differences.

As they faced life's challenges and milestones together, Ingrid and Emily had grown inseparable. Emily's unwavering support and companionship had been a source of strength for Ingrid, especially during moments of familial pressure and expectation.

Ingrid knew that her family's reputation and her responsibilities could be overwhelming at times. Yet, having Emily as a steadfast friend provided her with a sense of grounding and authenticity that she cherished.

Ingrid Camelot and Emily, lifelong friends with a bond that defied social boundaries, shared a conversation in Ingrid's New York City apartment. The weight of Ingrid's impending return to Sweden hung in the air, and Emily couldn't help but express her thoughts.

"Ingrid, you know it's not just about family and business," Emily began. "It's also about Zeke Rockwell. He's becoming a real threat to your freedom."

Ingrid nodded, her thoughts mirroring Emily's concern. "Zeke's influence in the industry is growing," she admitted. "He's been a constant presence, and it's hard to ignore."

Emily couldn't help but interject, a sly smile on her face. "And, I have to say, he's incredibly attractive. I've seen him in person a couple of times when I went out to clubs."

Ingrid chuckled, acknowledging the truth of Emily's statement. Zeke's striking presence was hard to ignore. "He does have a certain magnetism," Ingrid conceded.

Emily leaned closer, her voice hushed. "You know, I couldn't find his picture on the internet. It's like he's a well-guarded secret."

Ingrid's curiosity was piqued. "Really? That's intriguing."

Emily nodded. "And about a month ago, I saw him with his girlfriend at one of the trendiest clubs in the city. They seemed...close."

Ingrid was taken aback. "Zeke with a girlfriend? I didn't know he was involved with anyone."

Ingrid and Emily's conversation eventually shifted to the practicalities of Ingrid's return to Sweden. The weight of her responsibilities loomed large, and Ingrid knew she couldn't postpone the inevitable any longer.

As they discussed the logistics and timing of her departure, Ingrid's thoughts remained divided. She couldn't deny the complexities of her family's legacy and the challenges that awaited her, particularly in the face of Zeke Rockwell's growing influence.

Ingrid had been on a journey of independence, seeking a life of her own beyond the shadow of her family's empire. However, the call to return was a reminder that her path was inextricably tied to her family's legacy. After ending her call with Emily, Ingrid felt a sense of determination and resolve. She knew that her return to Sweden was imminent, and she had a clear plan in mind.

Ingrid decided to take the next available flight back home, with the intention of meeting Zeke Rockwell. She wanted to have a candid conversation with him, to make him understand that her family's legacy was off-limits, and he should stay away from them.

As she made her travel arrangements, Ingrid's thoughts wandered to her past and her connection with Zeke. She couldn't help but wonder if he remembered her, and if he had ever harbored any feelings for her. The enigmatic Zeke was a complex figure in her life, and her determination to confront him was tinged with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. The enigmatic figure of Zeke Rockwell, with his growing influence and the rivalry with her family, was a complex presence in her life. As Ingrid embarked on her return, the path ahead was fraught with uncertainties, but she was ready to face them.

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