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Rejected By My Alpha Mate

Rejected By My Alpha Mate



At 16, Mila wants nothing to do with hard work and she wants nothing more to do with Ryel, the soon to be alpha of the Silvercoast Pack. But why does she seem happy and fulfilled when she discovers they are mates on his 18th birthday. Raped, rejected and betrayed, an outcast in her own pack she no longer views life as roses and rainbows. Now a human in the human world with no recollection of her past, she chances upon her beloved mate. He remembers everything but she has no idea who he is or what they were to each other. Will he let go of the past and move forward? Will her heart give him another chance? Is he willing to let her go again?

Chapter 1 Shattered Bonds

The air hung heavy with anticipation as the Silvercoast Pack gathered in the moonlit clearing to celebrate Ryel Silvercoast's 18th birthday. The moon cast an ethereal glow, highlighting the faces of werewolves eagerly awaiting the moment their future alpha would assume his leadership. Among them stood Mila Gates, a spirited she-wolf with fiery determination in her eyes and a heart hardened by the bitter taste of rejection.

Ryel, tall and imposing, moved through the crowd with grace and authority. His gaze briefly met Mila's, a flicker of recognition passing between them, though she quickly averted her eyes. Two years ago, she had decided to distance herself from the relentless world of werewolf politics and pack dynamics, hoping to escape the inevitability of her connection to Ryel.

The celebration unfolded, the revelry reaching its peak as Ryel prepared to accept his destiny. Mila, on the outskirts of the crowd, tried to drown her sorrows in solitude. She'd always believed in forging her own path, yet the invisible bond that connected her to Ryel left her feeling trapped.

As Ryel stepped forward to embrace his alpha responsibilities, a sudden wave of realization washed over Mila. The connection between them was more than mere obligation – they were mates. The revelation hit her like a tidal wave, crashing through the walls she had built around her heart. A mix of emotions swept over her – confusion, anger, and an unexpected twinge of warmth she couldn't ignore.

She watched Ryel, her mate, accept the mantle of leadership with a mix of admiration and resentment. Fate had bound them together, but it seemed the threads were destined to fray. The burden of rejection weighed heavy on Mila's shoulders as the night wore on, the festivities a painful reminder of what could have been.

Days turned into weeks, and Mila tried to distance herself from the Silvercoast Pack, seeking solace in the human world. The pain of rejection echoed in her every step as she navigated life as an outcast. The once vibrant and confident werewolf now walked the human streets, a mere shadow of her former self.

One fateful day, while strolling through a bustling market, Mila's world collided with the past she had desperately tried to forget. Ryel Silvercoast, now the alpha of the Silvercoast Pack, crossed her path. His eyes held a mixture of sorrow and recognition, but to Mila, he was a stranger in a familiar form.

Ryel approached cautiously, his voice carrying the weight of unspoken apologies. "Mila," he spoke her name with a reverence that sent shivers down her spine. "Do you remember?"

But Mila's mind was a fractured mirror, reflecting only fragments of her past. She shook her head, unable to grasp the threads of memory slipping through her fingers. The connection they once shared had been severed, leaving her lost in the labyrinth of forgotten moments.

Ryel, torn between the past and the present, struggled with the knowledge that she was now a mere human, devoid of the werewolf essence that bound them. Yet, he couldn't ignore the undeniable pull, the remnants of a bond that refused to fade.

As the two stood at the crossroads of fate, questions hung in the air. Would Ryel let go of the past and embrace the possibility of a new beginning? Would Mila's heart find the strength to forgive and give their connection a second chance? Or, in a cruel twist of destiny, would Ryel be forced to let her go once again, watching as the fragments of their shattered bond drifted into the abyss?

The market bustled around them, oblivious to the emotional turmoil unfolding between the estranged mates. Ryel's eyes held a mix of regret and determination as he took a step closer, his gaze never leaving Mila's. "I remember everything, Mila. Every moment we shared, every promise made under the moonlight."

Mila's eyes flickered with a mixture of confusion and curiosity. The words seemed to echo in the recesses of her mind, but the memories remained elusive, like a dream slipping away upon waking. "I don't," she admitted, a hint of frustration lacing her words. "I don't remember any of it."

Ryel sighed, the weight of their complicated history pressing on his shoulders. "You were my mate, Mila. We were meant to be together, to lead the Silvercoast Pack side by side. But something went wrong, and I lost you. When I became the alpha, I hoped you'd come back, but you never did."

Mila's eyes held a mixture of pain and defiance. "I was raped, Ryel. Rejected and betrayed by my own pack. I couldn't stay, not after everything I went through. I chose to live as a human, to forget the pain and start anew."

Ryel's expression tightened, a deep regret etched across his features. "I didn't know, Mila. If I had, I would've—"

Mila cut him off, her voice laced with bitterness. "It doesn't matter now. That part of my life is over. I've built something new for myself, away from the werewolf world."

Silence settled between them, the past casting a long shadow over the present. Mila's gaze wandered over the market stalls, the vibrant colors and fragrant smells a stark contrast to the darkness that lingered within her.

Ryel took a tentative step forward, his eyes pleading for understanding. "I never stopped

searching for you, Mila. I never stopped loving you."

Mila's heart wavered, torn between the scars of the past and the possibility of a rekindled connection. The human life she had built seemed fragile in that moment, a facade that threatened to crumble under the weight of her unresolved emotions.

As Ryel reached out, a gentle touch on her arm, Mila felt a spark – a glimmer of the connection they once shared. Her eyes met his, and for a fleeting moment, the barriers around her heart softened. "I need time," she whispered, her voice a fragile thread holding back a torrent of emotions.

Ryel nodded, understanding etched in his eyes. "I'll wait for you, Mila. However long it takes."

The market continued its bustling rhythm around them, but in that small corner of the world, the estranged mates stood at the precipice of their intertwined destinies. The past hung heavy, but the future remained uncertain – a canvas waiting to be painted with the hues of forgiveness, redemption, and the possibility of love

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