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Complicated Relationship With The Billionaire

Complicated Relationship With The Billionaire



Are you ready to cry ?? If so, prepare a swab before you read this. It all started because of Deve's lust for Thiann that they didn't expect to be a bridge when they both fell in love. but it's really inevitable that things will ruin their relationship, when Thiann once got away from him because of the embarrassment they both did and when a woman named Althia flirt with Deve. but it's not the last because Thiann will find out about Deve who can ruin her world. What is this??

Chapter 1 1

It's already dark in the hallway and there aren't too many people when I get out because it's going to get dark too non because I finished my deadline project in Filipino first tskk it's boring because ehh

I immediately went straight to the Library to look for my ehh re-reports tomorrow.

in the middle of my search I heard a crash behind me so I immediately turned around

"are there people there??" But instead of someone answering, it was followed by a louder crash. Suddenly, the conversation about ghosts came to my mind. Ghosts here in the school library, especially since no one is watching here because we're in college, so we're responsible enough. to managewe need it hereI immediately pulled out my bag and went up to the door

But my eyes literally widened when I saw Deve who seemed to catch my eye as he stood next to the book shelf.

"Bat andito ka pa deve?"

"I'm really waiting for you"

he also smiled strangely as if he had a bad plan so I was immediately terrified"Hmm let's go home" I forced a smile and took a step but he immediately held my hand and leaned on the book shelf and covered my two eyes with his right palm and pressed me with a kiss, I could feel the longing nya






he released my lips and took his hand that covered my eyes

"Just a minute to Thiann" he said smiling and forcibly pulled Cr in and quickly locked the door which made me even more nervous

"What does that mean Deve?" I asked tremblingly but he just smiled and stepped forward so I backed away until he cornered me

"The duration if waiting for the opportunity to Thiann"

"Deve please let's go home"

He just shook his head and quickly grabbed my lips

I could smell his fragrant breath

I don't know if there was a ritual for his kiss because for some unknown reason I reciprocated

"These lips are only mine Thiann" he whispered softly in my ear and I nodded

Besides, he kissed my lips again and I moaned when he bit me. I felt even hotter when he kissed my neck, so I was tired of giving in to him. I felt his hot kisses but my nervousness revived when I stopped. he did that and he looked atmy eyes and nothing else he opened the uniform I was wearing causing the other button to fall off and he quickly removed my bra and smiled foolishly

"I like it"

He also massaged it and was surprised when he licked my nipple which made my hair grow "ughhh deve"

"Shhh baby maybe the guard can hear us"

I was still amazed when he bit my nipple and then he lifted my skirt and took off my panties and then he put me on your chair and quickly took off his pants

I don't know but I can do nothing but allow him

when he knocked on the end of his manhood, my heartbeat suddenly quickened again

He slowly entered until it was halfway there, which I think you can estimate when it is 6-7 inches

"Ughhh ughh ughh"

after all, she gradually entered and I really felt the torn when I was a woman

Besides, he noticed so I could almost see him in my seat at that moment

He came in and out over and over again until I didn't feel any pain anymore but there was a mixture of tickles.

when it was over, he threw my quantities at me and smiled foolishly

"To repeat Miss Dannara"

He smiled and said that the door came out and you slammed it shut

I almost lost my hair in the tweak because of what he did to me

thiann Zyleen Danarra POV'S

After the weekend I was hesitant to enter because I was ashamed of myself as if I didn't want to see that school because of that man. but I can't do anything I have to pass the project because the professor is strict when it comes to college

when I got in I immediately clenched my fist when I saw Deve sitting next to my chair so I went back outside and I saw Maxell looking at me so I adjusted myself

"Goodmorning my baby girl how was your weekend?" he asked smiling so I smiled too

"Ahh it's okay" I said

"Do you look pale ?? Are you in pain?" .he asked worriedly. Maxell has been flirting with me for 3 months but I plan to answer him this month but I'm hesitant because that night maybe what will he say and do to Deve when he finds out what that many people did to me

"Ahh yes I'm fine, how are you?" Smiling I ask here

"Hayst come inside so you can sit down" he took me by the hand and pulled me inside and I immediately saw the angry look on Deve and me which was replaced by a forced smile when he faced Maxell

"There are lovebirds ahh early in the morning" Deve teased and looked at me so I immediately avoided looking

There is some kind of electricity that he thinks that tsk

"Tsk I don't know here with thiann when he plans to answer me" shaking his head as Maxell said Deve just smiled

"It's hard to wait for nothing pre" Deve said arrogantly so I looked at him which I avoided because I couldn't stare into his eyes like he was in pain

Maxell was silent at what he heard so many more smiled and stood up and patted Maxell and went outside so I could breathe easily

"Did he say that ?? Did you tell him anything?" Maxell asked sadly

"I didn't tell him anything, I also don't know if he said that" I shrugged when I said in a gentle voice

"Are you really okay huh ?? You don't seem to be comfortable ehh?" He asked worriedly again

"I'm fine don't worry" I told him with a smile, he can't know what happened because he might get hurt

Maxell and I stopped talking because our professor had already entered


later later he rang the bell so Maxell came out first to buy me something to eat. I was nervous again when Deve came in looking straight at me and my heart seemed to explode with excitement when he stood beside me

"Did you miss me Thiann?" he whispered softly in my ear so I was even more nervous and slightly moved away from him "don't expect my bestfriend" he smiled "just relax thiy, up to this point I can hear your heartbeat" don't let me look to him bad bad looks

"Bat you're doing to Deve? Do you know what you did !?" I told her angrily so the smile disappeared from her lips

"I did it because I want to and you can't do anything because it's already done" he said seriously

"How about what" I said hesitantly "how can I come up with something?" I told him softly and he frowned

"That won't happen because I took it out and don't worry I'm responsible-"

"What is responsibility?" Maxell replied so I looked at him in shock and nervous because his forehead was furrowed ..

To be continued

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