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Us & Ours (polyamory) BL

Us & Ours (polyamory) BL



Never thought he end up being in a relationship with five handsome men. 5+1 Sei - Psycho sadistic weirdo Arian - dumb sport addict Kazu - looks at you like he wants to kill/devour Min - grumpy old man (his personality) Kira - Sunshine and the main character all of them adore. Yoki - a secret that is yet to be undercover * It's my first time writing this type of story and English is not my first language so there will be a lot of grammar errors. Please go easy on me...

Chapter 1 First meeting

"I never agreed to this!" The male shouted angrily.

"Can you not make things difficult?!" The other responded with the same tone.

Currently, two people are about to pound on each other but are being held back by the others. I mentally sigh. How did he end up in this mess?

-Two weeks ago-

A university freshman, Yoki is standing in the middle of a big faculty building. Since he did not attend the freshman orientation, now he's lost.

There are people around but as an introvert, Yoki doesn't know how to start a conversation nor has the courage to. He can't just stand here all day so he just goes for it.

"E-excuse me..." Yoki curses himself for stuttering. The light blond-haired guy turns to look at Yoki and gives him the brightest smile Yoki has ever seen in his whole life. Their height is about the same.

"Yes?" The guy speaks with a soft tone that puts Yoki at ease. "Umm... Do you know where the teacher's office is?" Yoki asks, but this time, he does not stutter.

"I could show you the way." The male smiles again at Yoki. The vibe of this guy puts Yoki in a good mood. "Thank you," Yoki mutters.

"My name is Kira in the culinary department and you?" That guy named Kira starts a conversation while walking. Yoki follows him by his side. "Yoki. Theatre major."

"It seems like you didn't attend the orientation. You get your schedule and a guide throughout the faculty building during the orientation." Yoki scratches his head. Not attending the orientation is a bad decision but he rather avoids getting mixed with the crowd and socializing.

"We're here." That made Yoki snap out of his thoughts, causing him to startle. "O-oh thank you." Before Yoki goes inside, Kira stops him. "Do you mind if I ask for your phone number? I can give you a tour when you're free." Kira holds out his phone for Yoki.

Yoki is always aware of this kind of event. After all, he suffered from a severe trust issue, but the sunshine in front of him made Yoki give away his number easily. Yoki thought he could trust this guy.

"See you then Yoki~" Kira bid him goodbye. With that, they parted ways.

Yoki now has his schedule. "Now how the hell am I supposed to get there?.." Yoki mutters to himself seeing the empty hallway. Everyone should be in their lecture hall by now.

Yoki comes up with one conclusion. Walk around until he finds the right place.

Yoki walks around to who knows where. He hears a loud screaming, causing Yoki to close his ears by instinct. "wtf."

The gym hall next to him is the main cause of the loud noise. There's a basketball match going on. A lot of cheers could be heard. Yoki hates it. Yoki walks faster, still closing his ears. He must get away from this place quickly.


Yoki bumps into someone. Thank god he didn't fall on the floor or that would have been embarrassing. "Sorry..." Yoki mutter.

"I barely feel anything so no worries. You're a freshman, right? Are you lost?" The red-haired guy asks away. He looks sweaty like he had just finished a sports game.

He looks energetic and nice but Yoki's mood is ruined by the loud cheering he heard just now. Yoki thinks this guy is annoying.

Yoki takes a deep breath. This guy is just trying to help him. "Do you know the way to Lecture Hall 3?" Yoki asks.

"Yeah, you just need to go straight to that hallway. Go upstairs to the 2nd floor. You will see the sign on the door on which hall you have to go." The red-haired guy points to the hallway right ahead.

"Thanks." Yoki quickly gets away from that place. "Hey! Do you want-" The red-haired guy tries to ask him something but Yoki ignores him and walks ahead. "That's kind of rude?" The red-haired guy is confused.

Yoki finally arrives. The lecturer didn't question Yoki anything and told him to take a seat. Yoki directly goes to the last row of the seat. He manages to get through the day of class.


It's not hard for Yoki to find the cafeteria. He just follows a large group of people. The cafeteria is packed with people. It's so crowded that it's making Yoki feel nauseous.

'Maybe I'll make my lunch starting tomorrow.' Yoki walks away from the cafeteria as he doesn't have the mood to eat now.

'Is there a library around?' Yoki thought to himself. Yoki walks around again but now he ends up somewhere further. Yoki finds himself in a place with a lot of flowers. It's not that many but it is beautiful.

There's a unique bush that catches Yoki's eyes. A line-up of five different flowers in the same bush. One is as bright yellow as the sun, a crimson red rose, a bluish-white lily, a deep blue ocean flower, and a completely black rose.

Weird. "How can these different types of flowers bloom in the same bush?" Yoki asks himself. The watch on Yoki's wrist beeps once. Yoki goes back to the faculty building. He leaves without noticing there's a pair of eyes trailing him.


The lesson is finally over. Yoki packs his things. The plan is to go back to his shared house but the growling stomach stops him. Yoki's cheeks are tinted red. He looks around to see if anyone realizes but everyone is minding their own business.

'I'll stop by the café on the way back later.' he thought. Yoki walks back home. He finds a shared house that is close to the school. His housemate is not the type to stay home so Yoki has the house all for himself.

A bell rings as Yoki enters the café. The café is quiet, cozy, and not crowded. Yoki likes the vibe this café gives.

"Iced vanilla latte with a lot of whipped cream on top and plain crispy waffle with vanilla ice cream." Yoki smoothly ordered at the counter. His eyes are focused on the menu.

"Vanilla fans hmm?" A melodic voice coos in Yoki's ears. Yoki looks up. His hazel brown iris meets with the crimson red. The waiter keeps his eyes locked on Yoki while smiling mischievously. The white eyelashes fluttered.

"Don't you think it's a bit plain...moreover on the bed?" The white-haired guy mutters the last word but still can be heard by Yoki. Yoki's eyes go wide and stunned. The albino waiter still smiling at Yoki. Creepy is all Yoki can say.

After paying, Yoki chooses a seat beside the window. He plays with his phone waiting for his order. A piano melody that filled the café grabbed Yoki's attention. Yoki looks at the small stage on the corner of the café. A big piano takes up almost all the space and a silver-haired guy is seated.

The guy plays it diligently. His finger pressed the white jade elegantly. The piece that he plays has a strong feeling yet is soft to the ears. A small boy crying while smiling is the image that appeared in Yoki's head.

The boy is going through a lot but must smile so the people around him are not affected. Tears make their way to Yoki's cheeks. Yoki's eyes never leave the silver-haired guy that same goes for his tears that didn't stop flowing.

The guy finished playing and looked behind. He makes eye contact with Yoki's teary eyes. Yoki immediately looks away wiping his tears. He curses himself for how easily his tear falls. "Here's your order cutie~" The same waiter placed Yoki's orders on the table. "Thank you..." Yoki said with his voice a bit sore. The albino waiter took a seat in front of Yoki. Yoki glares at the male.

"You seem lonely so let me accompany you." Yoki wants to refuse but looking at this guy's determined eyes; it seems like he won't budge no matter what Yoki said."My name is Sei." Sei's eyes turn crescent as he smiles at Yoki sweetly. Yoki chooses to ignore him. Yoki's attention goes toward the silver-haired guy when he starts playing again.

Yoki quietly enjoyed his meal and the piano performance. "You seem interested in him." Sei opens his mouth and breaks the peaceful moment. Yoki was pissed that Sei disturb him. "What do you want?" Yoki said coldly. Sei is not affected by it. He grins and leans closer to Yoki. He grips Yoki's chin and looks directly into his eyes. "You," Sei said with a serious tone.

Yoki startled by the bold moves stumbles off his chair. Yoki fell on his butt and his cheeks were red. Yoki stands up, grabbing his drink with him before storming out of the café. Sei had a good laugh while the silver-haired guy sighed. "Don't go around scaring people, Sei." The guy grumpily said. Sei wipes his tears from laughing. "But he looks fun to play with~"

The silver-haired guy rolls his eyes at the crazy weirdo. "Besides we are courting a new member, don't we?" The silver-haired guy tensed upon hearing that. Sei goes up to the stage and wraps his arm around the silver-haired guy's waist, putting his chin on top of the silver's head. "Now now Min~ We already discuss this." Sei's tone is soft but there's a hint of warning.

Min bites his lips. "Whatever." Min removes Sei's hands and continues playing the piano. Sei let out a sigh before going back to the counter.

Yoki slammed the door. Now he is back at his house. Yoki still has not recovered from meeting the creepy weirdo. Yoki drops on his bed. "What a long day." He let out a long sigh. Yoki's eyes catch a white envelope on the floor.

A letter from that 'bastard'. "I-I'm sorry Yoki but the money you gave me is already..." Rei looks down at the floor. Guilt is showing on his face. Yoki looks at him in disbelief. "You gotta be fucking kidding me? I gave you the money yesterday. Lot of them."

Rei bites his lips, still looking down not daring to make eye contact with Yoki. "What did you do with all the money?" Yoki can't tolerate this anymore. Rei stays quiet not answering. "Fine, That's it." Yoki turns away. Rei quickly grabs Yoki's sleeves. "W-Where are you going?"

"I'm leaving." Yoki harshly slaps Rei's hand away. "W-Wait! You can't just leave your dear brother like this!" Rei reaches out to Yoki again but this time a punch is delivered right on his face. Rei's nose bleeds as he stumbles on the floors. Rei's expression was in pain and shock. "I have enough. I'm too tired to even care about your existence. Don't drag yourself with me."

Yoki frowned at the memories. "It's the past..." And it keeps haunting me. Yoki brings himself stands up and takes a shower. The clock shows around 7 at night. It's too early to sleep so what should he do?

Yoki spaced out for a moment. "Oh yeah right. I didn't post yet today." Yoki goes to his wardrobe which has locks. He opens in searching through the pile of clothes. "Let's do it simple today."

Yoki picked the cloth he was satisfied with and started to wear the outfit. He wears high silky stockings, a short black skirt, loose white shirt with a black harness that traps his chest and waist. Yoki hums checking his outfit in a full-body mirror.

He then set up a camera and started taking a picture, posing on the bed. Yoki takes a lot of pictures and goes through them one by one to pick the best one. Yoki posted the picture online with the caption 'Bored. Recommend something to do.' "And post~"

It doesn't take a long time for his phone to ring with a lot of notifications. He has a ton of followers after all. Yoki put his phone on silent. "I'm craving some pastry," Yoki orders some on his phone. It takes a while until it arrives. Yoki decides to do a short stream while waiting.

"Hello~," Yoki said sweetly. He is totally out of his character. Like a completely different person. A lot of chat going on and Yoki took his time to read it.

Sunny: Kyaa! I want a body like yours.

WhiteSnow: You look beautiful today as well, Aster.

'Aster' is a secret account that Yoki has as well as his other persona.

"I always do," Yoki responded. "I chose a simple outfit today since I don't have the mood to do much." Yoki continues talking.

SportDaddy: What happens?

"None of your business," Yoki said sarcastically.

IcePrince donate 1000$

"Thank you for the donation, Ice Prince~ Hmm...What do you want me to do in return?" Yoki smirks.

SleepyCat: That guy showing off his money

WhiteSnow: I'm enjoying this in your stead~

DaddyGirls: I'm straight but if you want my d*ck, it's free.

Sunny: Get the fuck out hetero. I bet you don't know how to fuck a guy properly. Aster deserves better than your good-for-nothing-d*ck

F*ckU: Hurry up and undress already

IcePrince: ...do a lap dance. Seduce me.

"Lap dance huh." Yoki thinks for a moment before rolling his hips on his seated chair. He bites his lips as he does a body roll. He turns his back waving his small plump ass. Slowly doing a slow trust, teasing the viewers.

He turns again opening his legs widely before slowly leaning toward the camera. "Fuck me," Yoki whispers before ending the stream. Just like that.

There's a knock on the door right on, telling him his food has arrived. "Just leave it there." Yoki shout. Yoki dresses back into normal clothes and eats his food.

Yoki reading the comment section on his new post, eating creampuff while at it. He skips the thirsty comment since he is already bored of it. Not gonna lie, Yoki likes it though. The way people thirst over his body.

Yoki smiles in amusement when he sees the comment from his loyal fan.

WhiteSnow: Asterrr~ You can't just leave just like that after making my d*ck hard (crying emoji)

IcePrince: I'm not satisfied.

Sunny: Asterr! You are putting me in a hard situation!

SportDaddy: *Sigh* I want to f*ck him

SleepyCat: wow.

Yoki smile. He succeeds in teasing them. These five never miss joining every stream and liking every photo. They are also Yoki's favorites because they respect him and treat him nicely. Yoki is now in a good mood since he has released all his stress.

"What a nice day~" Yoki hums.


"Nooo! My hole is still sore!" Kira whined pushing the red-haired guy away. "But I'm painfully hard. Please~" The red-haired guy pushes himself onto Kira. Suddenly, his collar got pulled from behind restraining the air supply.

Sei pulls the red-haired's collar from behind making him choke and whisper to his ears. "Stop Ari. Or do you want to get f*cked by me?" Sei said coldly, scaring the shit out of Arian. "N-No, sir." Sei releases Arian's collar. Arian fell to the floor gasping for air. Sei takes a deep breath. His clothed member is up and that goes the same for the other guy except for Kira.

"Aster...He must be having fun now." Sei chuckled darkly. His dark imagination running wild. He wants to tie that sinister boy on the bed, whipped him until he begs and crying mess, and f*ck him senseless until that boy passes out.

The dark blue-haired boy is seated on the sofa. He looks calm yet his below says otherwise. "Sei..." He said with a husky voice. "I know I know," Sei responded. "Kira is not in good condition so..." Sei eyed Min and Arian. "Nope!" Arian shakes his head. "You're not in a position to refuse." Sei grabs Arian's jaws. "But-Argh!" Sei turned Arian over and dragged him by his hair to Sei's bedroom.

The dark blue-haired guy stares at Min. "I'm sexually frustrated so get over here already, Kazu." Min gestures to Kazu to come to him. Kazu stands up and goes over to Min. He then picks Min up and they both start kissing sloppily. Both disappear from the living room leaving Kira alone. Kira sighs out loud. "We must find another bottom soon."


A week later, Yoki gets a message from an unknown number. This causes his anxiety to build inside him.

Unknown: Hello! This is Kira.

Yoki feels relieved. He rarely chats with someone. There are only a few people in his contact.

Yoki: Hi.

Kira: Do you have time tomorrow?

Yoki checks his timetable.

Yoki: my class ends at 5

Kira: Okie! Let's meet up at the cafeteria tomorrow.

Yoki: sure

Kira: See you tomorrow Yoki~ Gudnight!

It's oddly pleasant to Yoki. Then, His eyelids feel heavy. Yoki switches off the light and goes to bed.

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