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Hidden Pleasure

Hidden Pleasure



Learndo is a billionaire CEO, he promise himself not to have anything to do with a lady after he saw his finance fucking his stepbrother. Due to a lot of pressure from his mother to get married after setting up series of blind date for him, which of course won't always end well. He bumb into one of his worker in his company who he found suitable for his self as a fake girlfriend so his mother will stay off his neck. Will she accept his proposal to be his girlfriend? Who will fall in love first? Watch out as the love story between Learndo and Imani unfold with beautiful spark to inginte their love. (BLUB) " Sir ?" " What don't you understand miss lerato ? I want you to be my fake girlfriend just for few months " He said his Spanish accent dripping from each word . She stared at the tall handsome blue eyed Devil infront of her like he suddenly grew horns on his head. Was this a new tiktok trend or what ? Yeah this is definitely a tiktok trend, but his next words proved it was far from a tiktok trend . "I'm willing to pay any amount" he said and her jaws literally dropped. ★★★★★★★★★★★★ I kissed her I fvcking kissed Imani immediately my lips met those soft lips I couldn't stop myself . They where just like I Imagined them to be . She froze on the spot as I nibbled on her bottom lip and my hand went over to her waist she sent her hand over my neck trying to meet my pace as she responded to the kiss. Her mouth tasted sweet probably from the wine she drank at party or something. We were just outside the Delgado mansion and I didn't look like I cared about anyone walking in or out at that point. I've been wanting to do this since I met this woman and it felt like a dream come true. I broke the kiss when we were out of breath and she looked at me in shock . "Imani " I tried to go close but she moved backwards. Sh!t "Mi Reina" "I have to go" she said and turned her back towards me immediately. "Imani wait ..." I said and held her hand but she took it off my grip as her eyes stung with tears . " I'm sorry this was not supposed to happen " she muttered under her breath and I stared at her in shock . " Wait what ? I asked in shock". " It was not supposed to happen Mr Delgado , I'm sorry but I'm not that kind of girl" she said and I stared at her. "Imani we are not doing anything wrong " I said trying to go close to her . "You are my Boss" she whispered softly and for some weird reason my heart hurt. I mean is that all she sees me as ? Her Boss and nothing more .

Chapter 1 One


" There are five thousand six hundred reasons why a woman should be married by 26 ...with two to three kids already ..." Mom trailed and raised her fingers before I could argue .

I stared at her fingers then to her Beautiful black face .

There's one thing about Mrs Yemi Lerato , No one , I repeat no one argues with her especially not so early in the morning .

She's ready to bring down the house ,so we all just agree to whatever she has to say without a word.

" Five thousand six hundred reasons ? Really mom ? I asked as I sat for breakfast .

" Of course , but like always you wouldn't listen to what I have to say .

"You children of this generation think you know everything about love Which is totally stupid ! She said frowning and I bit my lower lip to stop myself from bursting into fits of laughter.

" Good morning Baby " Dad greeted as he kissed her gently on the lips.

" Tell your daughter to grow up mandla , she is so disobedient and would not listen to what I have to say " she said dramatically.

" Mom I'm listening ..." I said and she raised her eyebrows.

" What did I say then ? She asked pointing her wooden spoon at me and Dad took a slice of bread from the table .

" That there are five thousand six hundred reasons why a twenty six years old should be married with kids already ,that's it " I said and she scoffed .

" Did you take a bread ? Mandla we haven't prayed ,why do you go to church when you always forget to pray before eating" she asked and Dad paused .

" I'm sure I'm covered by all your numerous prayers ,from church to those prayer meetings you attend " Dad said and that did it ,I threw my head backwards as I laughed crazily.

" I should have married that rich man that came asking my hand in marriage those years ago ,at least you would have grown old a single man " she said pointing at Dad who stifled a laugh .

" You've said that for 30 years of marriage and yet you would've chosen me with your eyes closed , you love me " Dad said and her cheeks heated in a blush .

I rolled my eyes at their early morning romance as my eyes moved to my watch .

I'm supposed to report to work by 8:30 nothing more than that .

" Imani dear. .."my mummy trailed as she sat next to me .

" You know how much I love you right ? Both your siblings are happily married Zuri got married at twenty .. and your brother...is also married ...." She trailed .

"Mom marriage is not the measure for success ." I said immediately and Dad gave a nod in agreement.

"She is talking back at me Mandla dear, your daughter just beat me up " she said dramatically and I stared at her in amusement.

" Mom I didn't..." I trailed and she cut me off dramatically.

"Raising your voice at me equals to slapping me in the face " she said and I took a deep breath in and out .

" I'm sorry " I breathed out before I could stop myself.

" I'm doing this because I love you . My good friend ...has her son coming over this weekend and we thought..." She trailed .

" No...not another blind date mummmm, you are my mother you're not supposed to matchmake for me it's so Weired " I complained.

" Listen Baby girl, this is the time you are supposed to be married you know time waits for no one, by the time you're 30 a man becomes your prayer point but God forbid u won't let it get to that level before you get married" she said dramatically .

" Amen ...but I'm not going on the blind date " I said and she rubbed her forehead.

" I think I need to fast and pray about this my love" she turned to Dad who Chuckled in return.

We were already used to her drama anyways.

" I am absolutely fine ma , there's nothing wrong with me you fell inlove with my dad and married him, why can't I do the same ? I asked frowning.

"Because your eyes have refused to open to the love walking around everywhere " she said and my jaws literally dropped .

"A woman is like a perishable fruit dear ,the longer it stays the more perishable it becomes " She quoted the lines from her favorite book .

" You know what fine ...I'd meet this man you're talking about ,but if it doesn't work out you'd stop ' I said and she smirked .

" Fine " she said and I sighed softly I don't need a suitsayer to tell me I knew she won't keep to her words .

"Stay for breakfast baby" she said immediately she noticed i wanted to leave the table.

" I have thirty mins before I get to work mum ..." I said and kissed both sides of her cheeks.

" You are way too stubborn young woman " she sighed

I chuckled as I made my way out of our house while checking my bag for my car keys.

Driving towards my office my mind went back to what just happened in the house ,I sighed immediately.

Marriage ...since when did marriage become the measure for success ? I thought.

It's not like I should just jump on any guy that's available because I want to get married .

Relationship so far hasn't worked for me my highschool boyfriend wanted to move to Standford and we broke things off because well I couldn't do long distance .

It's not just my thing I can't be in South Africa and the man I'm dating is in another country even another city I can't imagine" I thought then sighed again.

A few hours away is fine I guess, but well I'm scared of relationships it has never worked for me I know I'm the one at fault because I always cut things off before they get pretty Serious and now my mom has taken the job upon herself to find me a husband.

Who the hell does that ? I wondered with a frown .

"I should avoid going to the family house for a while " I muttered under my breath.

I'm from a normal family, we are not poor and we are not exactly super rich .

We are just normal dad works for a law firm and mom owns a Restaurant .

I have two siblings my older sister Zuri who is happily married and my older brother Omari whom we fondly call Om he got married not long before I finished college and that's what makes mom think I'm possessed since I'm not even dating anyone yet .

It's not like I'm an old lonely lady, I thought with a light chuckle.

I'm a 25 years old dark skinned successful lady .

We're from Capetown ,the second largest city in South Africa .

I'm a graduate and for a year and 6 months I've been working with Delgado Constructions one of the largest Real Estate companies in the world .

It's own by the Rich Spanish family ,the Delgado's .

They had their head quarters in Costa Rica and their branches spread in different parts of the world.

I happen to work for the branch here in South Africa .

The work Environment is conducive and my Boss .

I breath out immediately at the thought of Mr Delgado .

I've never met anyone as serious as that man in my life .

He doesn't talk much ,he's always quiet and the most frustrating part is his Workaholic Nature .

Mr Leonardo Delgado the CEO of the successful Delgado Constructions.

The man travels around the world, one moment he is here and the next he is somewhere else .

I can't say he's a bad Boss, he's not someone I should tag arrogant anyways .

He's just there he hates unserious people and fires anyone who doesn't take their jobs seriously.

I've been working on the top floor for almost two years now and I don't think the man knows I exist well technically, he knows I exist but pretends I don't .

Packing my car at the car pack, I rushed out and straighten my pencil skirt then straight out my blazers too .

My hair was tied in a neat ponytail I picked my handbag and rushed inside the tall Sky scrapper building which had the initials D&L Constructions.

I hang my name tag quickly as I greeted the receptionist .

"My sweet potato, girl I thought you'd be coming late today " Mrs Kwame my senior colleague teased as I rushed towards my office .

I turned around and Chuckled.

"I still have 5 minutes before I'm late is the Boss in ? I asked and she shook her head.

"The stars are in your favor ,I'm sure he's not in yet break a leg " she said and I raised my eyebrows.

" Oh silly girl, it means good luck now run along " she gestured with her hand and I turned towards the Elevator getting in, I typed in my floor number then checked my watch again, Immediately I got into my office I breath out in relief .

"It's gonna be a long day " I muttered under my breath .

I stared at my computer screen then at the files on my table .

Suprisingly Mr Delgado did not walk passed my office as usual .

Maybe he's out of the country, I thought as my mind drifted to his Beautiful Spanish accent those blue eyes, his calm quiet nature and the way the man could pretend we weren't standing in front of him .

I wonder what goes on in his mind.

He had striking features, jet black hair and a face that could hold a person's gaze and the way he carries himself " I rubbed my forehead.

"He should be arrested for looking so good " I muttered under my breath and my office line rang immediately.

" Hello Imani lerato from Delgado Constructions speaking " I said in one go .



{San Jose}


"Family Dinner by 8pm tonight Leon ,Mom Doesn't want any Excuses this time around "Scarlett my older sister said on the phone and I sighed softly.

" I'm not in Costa Rica " I said and she fell quiet on the other end as I loosened my tie ,while sitted at the back seat of my car .

"Leon don't be Ridiculous mama was mad the other time don't annoy her again " she said and I rubbed my forehead.

" You dont believe me " I said softly.

"I asked your personal assistant you know he never lies to me ? Grow up "She said the last part in frustration.

" I'm not a kid sis " I said bitting my lower lip.

" Agreed so grow up " she said and I made a mental note to warn my personal assistant .

"And don't you dare think of scaring that poor guy dinner by 8pm don't make me storm your mansion" she said and I cursed under my breath.

Storming my Mansion is the easiest thing for me sister .

This crazy Spanish woman can do anything in her moment of anger .

She's happily married with two kids and not even her husband can stop her when she decides to go about her craziness.

My Family Although being one of the Wealthiest in the World and country is not something I'm proud of .

Dad cheated on my mom with his secretary and that was it .

She left the relationship and refused to offer him divorce .

That's one thing about my mother ,she's as fierce as a fighter .

Dad took the best lawyers and still ended up stuck in the marriage .

He continued his unofficial relationship with his secretary and now he has a son with her .

A son that's around my Age my bl**d went cold with the thought of Eduardo .

I rubbed my temple to remain calm as memories of the horrible thing he did to me clouded my mind.

My eyes stung even as I thought of it , Layla ..my Ex.

The first woman I fell inlove with , a fashion Designer .

I supported her in everything , emotionally even in her business yet everything I did for her didn't seem enough .

After that toxicity I wrote off relationships ,no matter what I did she wanted more and that's when I realized that no matter what I did for her it'll never be enough .

But above all sleeping with my step brother was the limit .

She cheated images of walking in on them in that compromising state flashed through my memory and I shut my eyes tight .

It was supposed to be our 2years anniversary as a couple.

The funniest part was the fact that I was about to propose to her ,I had it all planned out " I thought as I chuckled bitterly.

Dinner in her favorite restaurant and then I'd pop the question.

But there she was mo*ning like her life depended on it as he plunged into her .

That was it , After that I stopped doing relationships .

Getting over Layla wasn't exactly easy ,I don't know how I would have passed through that situation without my best buddies by my side .

I've always been the quiet type .

I didn't find the idea of sleeping with numerous women fascinating .

I've always been a one woman man, if I'm in I'm in .

I've been celibate since Layla ...I just quit .

And now my mom has taken it upon herself to play matchmaker in my love life .

It's so Embarrassing . The craziest thing is the way the media keeps spreading fake news about my relationship status .

All because mom thinks it's her duty to find the right daughter in law and the perfect date .

I can't count how many blind dates I've attended these past months because they won't stop .

Mom and Scarlett are after my life . I'm sure this Dinner is another ploy of theirs to hook me up .

I'm not thinking of Marriage anytime, Maybe I'd get a woman to bare me a child and that's it .

Surrogacy would do ,I don't want any obsessed woman after my life but how do I get out of mom and Scarlett's crazy ideas, I muttered under my breath and my head sparked with headache.

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