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**Dominique Rodriguez** Dominique Rodriguez is a hot billionaire, a ruthless Mafia Lord, and a successful multi-billionaire. Cold, powerful, and the heir to one of the richest and most influential crime families, the Rodriguez clan. With a mere gesture, he could either elevate or destroy a man's reputation. He vowed never to fall in love again after a painful breakup, leaving him emotionally closed off to women, using them solely for his desires. He firmly believes that most women are gold diggers, interested only in his wealth, and he is more than willing to oblige as long as they satisfy his needs. - **He despises women.** - **He has no heart.** - **Rumors suggest he's cursed and incapable of love.** Legend has it that he's cursed and incapable of love towards the opposite sex, thus earning him his notorious reputation. Six beautiful women, all from noble families, were given to him, but each met a mysterious and tragic end. After the death of his last wife, he swore off taking another wife and allowed only one woman, Clara, to get close to him. Meet Marissa, a low-class citizen living with her wicked stepmother, step sisters, and her father. She's a stunning, intelligent, and serene young woman, an angelic beauty envied by her stepsisters, which only intensifies their resentment. Marissa despises the concept of love, believing it was love that led to her mother's heartbreak and eventual death, with her father doing nothing to help. She vowed never to fall in love herself, knowing the pain it can bring. Her family delights in tormenting her daily, and she's treated like an outcast and a slave in her own home. She cries herself to sleep every night, longing for an escape from her misery. She loathes her unfortunate situation and the hatred directed at her. She always knew her stepmother despised her, but she never imagined the extent to which she would go, selling Marissa to Dominique Rodriguez as a sex slave. How will Marissa survive in the lion's den?

Chapter 1 Marissa's World


(Darkest Temptation)


**Chapter 1**

*Marissa's place*

"Andrew, you've been cheating for a long time! You cheated on me with my best friend," Jessica whimpered through tears.

"I'm sorry, Jessica, but I love Sonia. I've always loved her, and there's nothing you can do. You must accept that Sonia is my legal wife," Andrew responded coldly.

"You heartless bastard! You promised to stand by me! You promised to always be..."

"I'm sorry, but I love..." He tried to explain, but Jessica clung to him, sobbing.

In frustration, Andrew pushed her away, and she fell to the floor, crying out in pain. Without a second glance, he walked away.

"Mom, please wake up!" Little Marissa cried in tears.

"Mom, don't leave me! Dad, please come back! Mom is in pain!" she sobbed loudly, gazing at her mother, who was bleeding from her head.

"Why did you leave me in this cruel world without thinking about me? I'll never forgive that monster, Dad!"

Marissa sat down in her small room, tears flowing as she remembered the painful past.

Sonia, her stepmother, shouted, "Where is that wretched girl?" Marissa hurriedly rushed out, her heart racing.

"Welcome, Mother. I was..."

Sonia slapped her. "Don't ever call me your mother."

"Okay, Mo..."

Sonia slapped her twice, and Marissa winced in pain.

"That witch of a mother is dead, and I'll send you to her soon!" Sonia yelled, squeezing Marissa's ears and tears stream down her face.

"You refused to tidy up the household because I went to the market and left you to sleep!" Sonia dragged her into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, Mo..."

Marissa tried to apologize but stopped herself and bowed.

"You're such an ungrateful soul, living in this house for free. The least you can do is be our house help!" Sonia scolded.

"Mom, we told her but she said she owns this house," Clara lied, glaring at Marissa and all she could see is hatred in Clara eyes.

"She's just as useless as her stupid mother," Aria added angrily.

"Seriously, my babies have to remind you of your chores, you bastard child!" Sonia yelled.

"I'm sorry, I felt weak this morning, and i..."

"I should've known you're a liar. Get out and clean every corner of the house before washing the dirty clothes," Sonia ordered, walking out of the kitchen.

"Watch your back, fool. I can't wait to ruin that beautiful face," Aria threatened.

"You're leaving this house soon i promise," Clara said, spitting on her face.

Marissa hugged herself, remembering the hurtful names her stepmother called her mother.

Who would have believed that this woman was her mother's best friend?

Her mother had trusted Sonia so much, unaware that Sonia was after her father.

Jessica, Marissa's mother, was a rich woman with a heart of gold. She loved Andrew so much that she married him, despite her family's disapproval.

Marissa's grandfather had disowned Jessica, thinking that Andrew was a gold digger, only after the family's wealth. But Jessica didn't care.

She wished her mother was here to see what she was going through in her mother's house.

Someone cleared his throat, and she looked up to see her father, glaring at her hatefully.

"Good morning, Father," she greeted, bowing.

"How many times must I tell you that I'm not your father, you bastard!" he yelled angrily.

"I'm sorry, sir," she said through tears.

Marissa had always wondered why her father had hated her since childhood. She had never felt fatherly love when her mother was alive, and now it seemed like he hated her even more.

"Come to the living room now. My wife told me you've become insolent, so I need to discuss some things with you," Andrew said, and she wiped her tears before following him.

"You've been living in this house for free, but now it's over," Andrew announced.

How was she going to cope? Were these people really her family or monsters? She knelt in tears, wondering how they expected her to survive if they threw her out of the house.

"From now on, you will start paying house rent and utility bills. If you dare delay my money, you're out of this house!" her father declared, and she nodded through her tears.

She was too weak to beg or speak. "Don't touch anything in this house, including water. You should provide for yourself. Now, get out!" her father said, dismissing her.

She walked out with one thing on her mind to find a new job and prove to everyone that she wasn't weak and could cope, no matter what.

* * *

**Rodriguez Estate**

*Mr. Rodriguez's Suite*

"Are you sure their spy will be at the club tonight?" Mr. Rodriguez asked his eldest son.

"Of course. He knows I'm coming, and he's probably planning to set me up with his beautiful daughter," Dominique said with a sinister smile.

"Why do you seem to have another plan for tonight?" Frederick asked, eyeing his older brother.

"What do you mean? Don't you have a plan?" Dominique responded innocently.

"Don't give us that look; spill it!" Luciano chimed in.

"I planned to seduce her before enacting our revenge," Dominique casually admitted, leaving his brothers shocked.

"Seriously, big bro, a seduction plan?" Luciano and Frederick exclaimed simultaneously.

"Perhaps it's time for you to find a bride and settle down," Mr. Rodriguez suggested, clearly frustrated with his sons' antics.

Dominique walked out on his father before he could continue scolding him.

"He's still young at twenty-eight!" Luciano defended his brother.

"But it's time for both of you to get married and have families of your own. You're not getting any younger!" Mr. Rodriguez yelled, addressing his two sons.


Marissa stared at the "Help Wanted" sign outside the restaurant and said a silent prayer before entering.

"Hi, I'm looking for a job. Can you help me find one?" Marissa asked one of the waitresses she saw.

"Of course, just hope that Madam PJ decides to hire you. She can be quite strict, but show her you're capable, and you might have a chance," the waitress said, offering a hopeful smile.

"Thank you so much for your help."

"You're welcome. Her office is right over there."

Marissa approached Madam PJ and politely asked, "Good morning, ma. I noticed a job vacancy outside and I'm in search of employment."

Madam PJ looked at her and asked, "How can I be sure you're capable of working here?"

"Ma, I truly need this job, and I promise not to disappoint you. You are my last hope," Marissa said, kneeling down to show her sincerity.

Madam PJ considered her response and added, "This place is both a bar and a restaurant, you know?"

"Yes, ma," Marissa replied politely.

"We serve different people here, both those who come to eat and drink, and some may try to seek more than just a meal. If you're comfortable with that, you can accept and earn extra, but if not, you can politely decline without hurting our customers."

Marissa nodded in understanding, and Madam PJ hired her, saying, "You start work tomorrow, and remember, no matter what, never let anyone see your tears. Always stay strong."

Marissa was touched by the words and said, "Thank you so much, ma. I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome. You're too valuable to be shedding tears," Madam PJ reassured her.


Dominique sipped his drink while watching the dancers by the pool.

"Hey there, handsome. Can I join you?" An elegant woman with hazel eyes approached him.

"Of course, it would be my pleasure," Dominique replied with a charming smile.

"Thanks. By the way, I'm Clarice. And you?"

"Dominique. Allow me to say that I'm quite taken with you and wouldn't mind making you my queen. Hope you don't mind?" Dominique said with a hint of desire in his eyes.

"The feeling is mutual. Let's get a room and leave this place," Clarice suggested, her lips seductively licking.

Dominique carried her, eager to explore further.

Inside the room, their passions ignited as they shared a deep and electrifying kiss. Their bodies pressed together as their hands roamed. In the midst of their intense encounter, Dominique's commanding tone led the way.

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