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Royal rebel

Royal rebel

adex katty


....... Abby... WAR is brewing , enemies are getting ready to make a move,to strike waiting for the perfect time and tension is high. During this period my father the king made an arranged marriage with his friend who is also a king. He want to marry me off to the prince of the kingdom A marriage between the two kingdon strengthen it and give them the power to conquer the mountain people but does my heart goes with it I am a warrior and i am fierce,i never thought marriage was the next thing in my life. I can't easily be tamed and i want to see the prince trying so hard,i will make sure things get hard for him till the marriage is called off. But what happens when we fall in love with each other.....

Chapter 1 Abby


Panting !!!!!

Abby was running through the wood faster and faster...she had to get to the black market before nightfall because it was the best time to be able to buy something good before it is all sold off

Due to the fact that she can't be seen anywhere near there,her hair was dyed blue and she was putting on an hoodie and a face mask buying the famed poison dart was so important to her she could not wait to get her hands on it.

Abby got to the market and saw it buzzing as usual with all sort of illegal things on sale.... the adrenaline coursing through her nearly had her skipping all through the market.

She literally just escaped another class on etiquette

Abby pov~

Huuuhh...I would choose this to etiquette class any day any time,I can't imagine they expected me to sit there and listen to their bullshit..father sure do know ways to bored someone to death...how can he enrol me to that stuff..he sure do know am not made of that stuff .

Let me set off finding what I came here for.


Abby search through the market and found the place and was disappointed to found out that a young man came first and got it before her...she settled for something else and went home dejected..


Abby trying to sneak in..


Abbbby come here and where are u coming from by this time..

Abby muttering to her self....I should have just pass through my window instead

What did you say Abby??!!

Nothing father...I just went out for fresh air

I figured out you missed your etiquette class....come morning I would like to see you I have an important matter to discuss with you

Ok father.

I race to my room dejected at not been able to get the poison dart

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