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Married To The Titanic Billionaire

Married To The Titanic Billionaire

Joshua Ekpere


Isabella, the daughter of Mr Richardson, CEO of Skyview company, was the only hope to save their family's business from bankruptcy. She has to agree to a forceful arranged marriage with Mr Tigerwest who threatened to sell off the majority of the company's shares to their rival company Binto if she refused his hand in marriage. The future of the company hangs on a thread line. Did she choose love over protecting the family business? Did she abandon the love of her life Dave and submit to marry Mr. Peterson or was hell let loose on her refusal to the arranged marriage?

Chapter 1 The Heart Break

The blasting of car horns outside the company's premises was all that Dave, who seemed to be lost in dysphoria of thoughts about his present predicament, needed to be reminded of his unfinished early morning duties as a janitor in the Skyview company.

He is yet to unravel the misery behind the continuous predicaments that had persisted from childhood after he was born.

He could not hold his emotions as hot streams of tears rolled down his eyes on the news that Isabella, the only gift that nature has given to him is about to get married off to another man just because of his poor financial status.

The last time he could remember shading tears was when the memories of her parent's death hit him so hard after seeing their beautiful family pictures with his father and mother when he was just a little boy.

That was the only treasure he had in his collection as it kept on reminding him of who his parents were.

His parents from the picture appeared to belong to the rich elite of the society but death decided to rub him off his "would have been" happy lifestyle when his parents died just a few years after giving birth to him.

What his brain could not unravel was the sudden decision of Isabella to get married to another man neglecting the good times that they had shared.

He thought to himself "The poor will always suffer as far as the earth is concerned".

These thoughts were racing around his mind early hours of the morning while he was performing his duty as a janitor at SkyView Company.

He could barely summarize the thoughts racing through his mind when he felt a stronghold from behind him.

Unable to envisage who would have acted in such a manner, he took a glance at the texture and appearance of the hands around his waist.

He could predict who it was, "Isabella", he said with a low tone.

Where have you been, I've been searching for you all over the company since morning, said Isabella.

He quickly cleared the tears from his eyes as it was an uncommon scene to see men in tears within his society.

He has been waiting for the opportunity to set his eyes on Isabella because he has a lot of questions that need to be clarified to which only Isabella has the answers.

He looked worn out which can be seen clearly from his facial expressions with a mix of anxiety and frustration.

He turned around and his gaze was upon Isabella.

"Oh my God!" he shouted.

What happened to you? Why are you having bruises all over your body he asked.

I was rubbed on my way to your place yesterday night around 11 pm. I was saved by the Cops who disarmed and arrested the culprits, Isabella said.

You shouldn't have visited me at such hours of the day. The street to my apartment is usually lonely and as you know, such ghetto environments are made for low-class citizens like us with little or no security within the area.

It has become the breeding place for Criminals, said Dave.

His gaze was marched with that of Isabella as they both remained speechless for a while with a romantic gaze at each other.

I have news for you, Isabella said.

She lowered her face as she did not want to see the disappointment that would cloud Dave's face when the news got to him.

I was meant to tell you this yesterday but was attacked by robbers on my way to your place after which l was escorted by the Cops back home.

Her voice could be heard cracking and unstable as her heart was heavily laden with heavy droplets of sweat racing down from her head.

She remained speechless for some minutes as tears started rolling down her eyes.

She rushed and had a firm grip on Dave as she burst into tears.

Her hands could be seen tightly wrapped around him as she cried passionately.

Dave responded with a firm grip and patted her back in consolation, although he is yet to get informed on what caused such an emotional outburst.

He was yet to confirm the news from the overhead discussion between Mr Richardson and Tigerwest.

Mr Richardson, CEO of SkyView Company on a phone call has assured Mr Tigerwest that her beautiful daughter Isabella will be all hers if he can only keep to their agreement.

Dave had just resumed his daily activities when he overheard the discussion of Tigerwest with Mr. Richardson in which he promised to marry off her daughter to him.

Isabella is already aware. We had a family meeting yesterday and l spoke with her, said Mr Richardson.

Dave's mode was altered instantly. Could this be a dream or nightmare? he questioned himself.

Well, only one person has the answer to this question "Isabella".

He had always believed that Isabella loved him so much despite his low status and poor background but, with the words that came out from Mr Richardson's mouth his father, his heart was racing on what the future could hold for him and his lover Isabella.

Stop crying my darling Isabella, Dave can be seen consoling her.

After much consolation, Isabella was able to get a little bit of strength as she could be seen shivering all while she was being consoled.

What caused you to be in this terrible mood this morning? Dave inquired.

Isabella, who did not want to break the ugly news to him in public, asked for a move to a more Serene environment. Dave followed her instantly and she made her way towards her office.

Dave could barely close the door when Isabella burst out into another tear crying her heart out.

You know l will never betray you, Dave, She said.

Dave was motionless as he stood close to the door entrance of her office.

I have loved you from the very first day you were employed to work in our company.

I was the person who facilitated your employment profile after I interviewed you on the day you visited our company looking for a job.

I had always believed that irrespective of your little beginning, the future holds a lot for you and l.

Her voice could be barely heard and tears flowed down her eyes effortlessly.

Dave moved forward to console her as she looked frustrated and worn out in appearance.

My father is planning to marry me off, she said, breaking the silence that had lingered for a few seconds.

Since my mother died, my father has been all l have. He has been my backbone and has shown me so much support.

He trained and brought me up as a single dad and refused to marry another wife just to make sure he took good care of me to the best of his ability.

He has fought for me, defended me, cared for me, sacrificed for me as l happened to be the only child he had with my mother.

The atmosphere was greeted with a splash of ventilation coming in through the window. She took a glass of water on the table and continued.

We had a serious disagreement yesterday night during our family meeting and that was because of you, Dave.

Dave's face changed and his eyes furrowed. Being the reason for Isabella and Mr Richardson's family Crisis came as a shock to him.

He knew Mr Richardson did support their relationship but didn't envisage it could lead to a crisis.

She continued " My father has always been against my relationship with you right from time and would have had you sacked on countless occasions if not for my timely interventions.

He had made arrangements to marry me off to Mr Tigerwest, the Economist who was employed to salvage the Company's deteriorating situation.

I resisted the arrangements but was afraid of going into a cold-blooded war with my Dad.

I can barely say no to him because of what he has been through to give me a better life.

The problem now is that l don't want to be married off as a sort of slave to a man I didn't love but at the same time, am finding it difficult to draw battle lines with my Dad.

I have always loved you and will continue to love you but l don't want to battle my Dad.

We will have to come up with a plan as soon as possible, she suggested.

I have a plan already but will detail you later. My father cannot marry me off like a slave just like that, she protested.

Dave remained motionless as he listened to Isabella's words.

He thought to himself "If my parents were still alive,l would have been among the elites in the society". Marrying Isabella won't have faced so much resistance from Mr Richardson.

Dave opened up to Isabella about the phone conversation he overheard his Dad with Mr Tigerwest in the early hours of the morning.

Isabella wasn't pleased to hear that his Dad made such delicate phone calls within the office and threatened to confront his Dad but her plans were opposed by Dave who did want to raise dust but rather to let sleeping dogs lie.

Isabella couldn't accept the fact that she was to be married off to that old Tigerwest who was almost the same age as his father.

She dried her eyes with a white handkerchief offered to her by Coleman and took closer steps to Dave as she gazed at him.

"You are my husband", she said, holding his hand.

My love for you cannot be compromised no matter what comes our way. We will fight together until we overcome all the obstacles on our way and settle down as husband and wife.

Her steps drew her closer to Dave who was speechless with what he had just heard. However, his heart was gladdened as he knew that Isabella still loved him.

He had gotten the answer to his questions "She was being forced into marriage due to the financial circumstances surrounding him and not that his love for her was betrayed".

She came very close to Dave and made body contact with him. Her eyeballs were gazed upon him as she caressed his face, positioning his face to meet with hers.

She leaned forward and bent his head, brought her lips close to him, and started to kiss him. While she was still kissing him, the door to her office was banged open.

At the entrance of the door stood an elderly man, 6 feet tall with a black Italian suit that matched his well-polished shoes.

Who else could it have been if not "Mr Richardson" CEO of Skyview company, Isabella's father?

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