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The Cold Vampire

The Cold Vampire

Anna Fermis


PROLOGUE "Mom, is that you?" I asked when I could get out of the bathroom. I took a bath because it's late and I don't want to sleep sweaty, because I'm sticky. "Ma?" .I repeat because of the faint sound I hear from the window, it's raining hard now and it still hasn't stopped since yesterday. I heard a crack in the window again but I just ignored it. .Maybe it's just leaves flying because of the strength of the wind, I also don't want to look because I'm scared. Maybe what creature I see there. I just lay down on the bed and leaned my head on its headboard and because I had a towel on my head my hair was a bit pulled. "Ah!" .I was stunned by the loud thunder and I accidentally knocked over my cellphone which was just on the side table, at the same time an envelope was dropped and its contents were scattered. One by one I picked it up and marveled at its contents. Where did it come from? What is it for? This is my photo! .my eyes widened when I saw that, it was my picture where I was taking a bath before. I have no cover here in the photo while facing the shower. I felt very nervous because I didn't know who took the picture of me? He's voyeurizing me! .I crumpled the picture I was holding and looked at the other photos again, I cried because it was disgusting to know that he was watching me while taking a bath and what's worse is that he was taking a picture of me! It might suddenly appear on social media and go viral, I'm scared. .there was a small piece of paper tucked inside the envelope so I immediately opened it which I wish I hadn't done because there was a message there. You're so sexy as f'ck .

Chapter 1 1

Chapter 1

Summer’s POV

"Class dismissed!" our teacher said before leaving the room signaling that it was our break time. I put away my notebook that was on my table before Samantha and I left the room.

"I'm starving. It's as long as Ma'am's time!" .Samantha's complaint. Michaela immediately kicked him because someone might hear what he was saying.

"Did you review?" I asked them. We have a quiz later after break time, it's also a major subject so I need to get a high score. .I don't want to be needed in the subject village because I'm the one who's always paying attention to our subject teacher, it's annoying because I'm just a little bit wrong, he's already criticizing me.

"Yup! I don't want to be embarrassed in front of our classmate because of the low score I'll get. Are you samantha?" .he replied before turning to the snout with us.

"No, how can I review if those guys repeatedly f-flashed in my brain yesterday?" he asked as if sulking. What kind of nonsense is he doing, every time he meets him, he is laughed at.

."G-go! Why did you put on bangs? Look, it didn't even reach your eyebrows. HAHAHA you look like a fool" Michaela teased. That's true, he didn't reach an eyebrow. Until then and he was still like a blast because his hair was messy, so we laughed at him.

."But are you serious? You didn't review? You died later!" I threatened him before opening the glass door of the cafeteria and entering. Our math teacher is embarrassed, you will be really scared of him. But of course he's handsome so most of our female classmates are crazy crazy there. .todo review them so that when their score is high, they will be noticed. It's just that they still get low because only boy hunting knows

Malalandi kasi!

"I'm going to buy food, find a table" Michaela ordered as we nodded. .it's hard to find a table because there are a lot of students in the cafeteria, fortunately we even saw an empty table near the aircon and next to the glass wall, good place.

When we sat down, Michaela arrived just in time with the food she had bought. .while adjusting the placement of the juice, a woman suddenly approached us and frowned as she handed me the paper bag and then ran away.

"Omg! What's that?!"

"Omg! What's that?" Samantha had a big smile on her face as she looked at the paper bag, I greeted her and then slowly took the contents. A purple lunch box.

"Shit! Who gave that? Maybe it's poison" Michaela pointed at the contents of the lunch box.

.salivating foods unfamiliar to me, obviously delicious!

Maybe it's not poison.

"She probably didn't intend to kill Summer! Let her eat that, you're jealous" samantha scolded Michaela. I laughed.

"No! .but it looks delicious, ask me? "I nodded and let her take it inside the lunch box while samantha snorted secretly.

So I really let Michaela take it, because it might be poisonous and if I ate it I would die. .of course i don't want to be the only one lost in the world above so i will bring my friend.

It's so emotional!

I started eating the food the woman gave me, and it was really delicious! The type that even if you are full, you will still eat because it is delicious and then you will know that it is poisonous.

.there is no such thing.

"Oh? You died?" when samantha teased me, I immediately shook my head and put away the lunch box.

"I'm full, Michaela just bought it for you" I said to samantha who immediately accepted and ate.

.I was busy putting the lunch box in the paper bag with the paper that had fallen from its sticking to the lunch box, I picked it up and then opened it and read it.

Delicious? Take care of your self, I'm always behind you.

to be continued...

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