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The Vampire Slayer

The Vampire Slayer

Anna Fermis


"Choose, my life or the life of your bride ?!" In an instant, I am standing at the edge of the cliff, ready to jump any time. I saw her run away, still visible to my eyes. We were far away but I could still see him. "Of course! My wedding life! Xavierre Van Vladymir's life!" Huh? Am I alive? Then that means ... "Yes, you are." In just a snap she is in front of me again, she's indeed a vampire now. "So go ahead and jump in." Then she kissed me.

Chapter 1 1

TVS 1: Slayer's Job


News Flash:

Three women were found dead in the grassy part of the countryside of Sitio Tumindang.

Both had no blood and had two adjacent marks of suspected fangs on the necks of the victims. We are still asking for a statement from the sitio leadership regarding the said vampire attack.

It's 8:30 in the evening, I angrily turned off the television and quickly slung the arrows and arrows over my shoulder and immediately headed for the said countryside.

While on my way heading to the forest, I heard a few faint crackles.

I listened carefully to where they were coming from.

On the left side of where I stand.

I immediately arranged the arrows and inserted one into the hole of my bow.

I held the bow with my left hand and pulled the string of my weapon as a spurt.

I saw two shadows and I’m sure they were vampires.

All I could think was that I knew immediately that the vampire was in front of me.

I faced my targets, but this time..there are already two arrows in my bow.

3..2..1 ..



And there, bullseye.

A sudden flash of red and orange flames filled the air.

But it vanished fast from my sight.

That was easy.

Now that I’m done, I thought to rest first, my leg was a bit shocked from running. At least I got revenge on the three women.

Vampires are creatures that suck blood just to please their hunger. And I really really really hate them. Hundred times more than I hated stinky smell.


That's because of what happened 15 years ago that I will never forget in my entire life.


I feel something else ..

That feeling sent me goosebumps behind my neck.


Someone's probably hiding somewhere. I looked around to see if anyone was looking at me.

I guess someone's watching me from a far. Never mind.

A slayer's job is to hunt them all whatever it takes. Once I find their burrow, I will not hesitate to kill them all even in exchange for my own life.

Everytime I think about hunting all vampires, I always feel the raging anger inside mine.

I studied archery, undergone combat trainings, martial arts and everything about weapons, how to use them and how to kill.

I also studied about vampires. I've read a lot of books about those goddamn blood suckers. I needed to know more about them so that I'll be able to plant my revenge on them.

I wish I could encounter their king sooner.

Yes.Vampires do have a king. A king that will rule them all. Well, in case I see him, I'm planning to kill him as soon as possible.

There was no turning around, dead instantly.

I was so amused by my thoughts that I suddenly felt again what I had felt before.

My gaze wandered to the garden. I slowly approached there, maybe some creature was there in the clump of leaves, ready to attack me at any moment. Maybe a werewolf is in there, a mermaid? Nah. Or maybe even a snake.

Maybe I’m just paranoid.

I was only a few steps away from that garden, and my chest began to throb. I slowly opened the leaves.

And guess what I just saw?


I came down from the summit of this mountain and ended up being in the middle of the forest. I sniffed as I smelt something.


They attacked again. I went to the source of the pungent smell of blood and there I saw three lifeless bodies lying on the ground, bloodless and marked with fangs in their necks.

Those aggressive blood suckers are active again, what the fvck.

I am here to unwind and free myself from work loads just for a fucking night and now the mood's ruined.

Thanks to those bastards.

I stiffened when I heard footsteps coming near me. I hid myself in a bush. View from here the bodies of the beauties. Lots of people are gathered, encircling the victims' bodies.

"Unfortunately, the vampires are attacking again."

"I'm scared for my kids."

"Their victims are almost exclusively women."

I hear all kinds of rumors from here in hiding. Later, reporters and police arrived.

Suddenly, a familiar scent crossed my nose. Stinky smell, gross.

Those bastard vampires.

Based on what I can smell, they are just two and I'm definitely happy that their hunger is gone again.

I will kill them when the people leave here.

Later, they removed the corpses, and gradually cleaned up the area as the people left.

Good, what a perfect timing.

I was about to leave my hiding place when I heard sudden footsteps coming into my direction.

I immediately hide back and listen to the footsteps as it come closer.

I can see from here the source of the footsteps.

It's a lady.

A lady in all black with bow and arrow at her back. I watch her as she pull the string of her bow with two arrows and release it gently pointing to the location of the bastards.

He intends to shoot and kill them?

I wasn't mistaken when I saw the place where the two vampires were lit up. I can't help but be amazed at his ability to aim. I think he studied that.

Her hair is straight and as black as her eyes reaching her waist.I can see it from here.

My eyes can't get away from staring at her.Her skin is as white as snow, lips are naturally reddish hmm kissable eh?

I can't deny that she's gorgeous. She has a body to die for and a unique scent that only her and not anyone else possesses.

And her blood. I can smell its sweetness from this distance. Hmmm, can I sip atleast a drop of it?

'Why am I saying such things? What the hell?'

I noticed that he looked around. Probably bothered if someone's staring at her.

I flinched a little when I saw him approaching where I was hiding. What the hell ?! I thought hard about what I would do.

Think Xavierre!

Ugh. Okay, I guess I have no other choice. I don't care if she's going to freak out, or maybe not?

I changed myself into a bat before the woman could see me approaching. Not the bat used in baseball. As in bat, a flying creature. And exactly I flew away hearing her cursing a few times when she could see for a long time what creature was behind that garden.

Whew! Thank goodness I was able to change faster.

Something bothered me.

What's her name?

And why am I even asking for her name? Damn!

To be continued...

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