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Alpha Prince Possession

Alpha Prince Possession



"I wronged you and do apologize for that," I gulped. " But do you see me as just your night lady?" "You're just trying to come back," he hands pulled my waist closer. "Only fools can accept you back Emma." "Ry...an..." I pushed back the tears that hung at the corner of her eyes like pearls. My voice shook with pain as i turned back, walking away with tears falling like tsunamis down my face. Suddenly his hands wrapped around my wrist. "I'm one of those fools'' he said. Thud! Thud! In the split of a second heartbeat sounded twice. Blood rushed down to the point our hands made contact. The Alpha was the beginning of my woes and now I belong to him. But she decided to transfer the hate and resent to his offspring who happens to be her mate. why did she treat him with resentment? what did she really do? why did he reject her? Did she find the peace she had always hoped for?

Chapter 1 Prologue

"You don't have to nibble it, you can eat more," He smiled as he placed another piece of the cake on a plate in front of me.

As for the occasion? We could be called poor and could not afford to eat this neatly made cake on normal days, but today was my birthday!

"Happy birthday, Emma!" Mom and dad chroused then giggled.

Bang! That sound, little did i know it will be the beginning of this nightmare. The giggling and the clattering of silver spoons in porcelain tea cups were interrupted by a loud sound.

Bang! The door burst open. Outside the silver moonlight revealed a hugely built muscular man with wild orange eyes and bare chest. His fiery gaze swept the room before locking onto my mother.

"Why? why did you break in!" My father quickly stood up alarmed at the sight of the orange eyed man who remained mute.

"Speak!" My father quickly was already between us and the invader.

I blinked multiple times, my mother and I stared at my father already holding a rake. His face was pale white as he stood shakily, he was unevenly matched with a beast-like human.

"Get lost!" My father howled with a swift motion, he hurled himself toward the intruder, the rake raised high and then brought down in a fierce arc, aiming for the man's head.

"Argh," A loud grunt vibrated in my ears, my eyes didn't see how he caught the rake with one hand, stopping my father's assault dead in its tracks.

The huge man's second hand shot out, his movements so quick as the punch connected with my father's head.

"Ahhhh!' My muffled scream due to my mother's fingers on my mouth rang.

"The... The... Alpha," my father muttered, his voice trembling as he fell to the ground.

My mom was pale white and looking at her only increased my fear as her hands were wet and shaking. They tightened around my trembling hands, she was scared too.

I pressed my body tightly against my mother hiding behind my heart as it raced against her back. The man's orange shade eyes sent chills constantly running down my spine.

The heavy breaths of the man overlapped with the feeble ones that escaped my father's lips as he laid there helpless on the ground. His breath grew shallower and shallower with each exhale.

"What do you want?" My mother screamed then bit her lips. I held my breath hoping someone would save us. Someone would come I knew that, it can't end here.

His lips curved into a smile making his smile twisted into a malicious smirk.

His eyes settled on my mother, as he approached us with heavy steps and I felt mom's pulse seemed to resonate with his steps.

"Stop! Ahhhhh!" Mom screamed, his hands were wrapped around her neck and I let out a shrill in shock as she was suddenly pulled towards the man exposing me to the man's gaze. My eyes widened with terror as I locked eyes with his eyes.

My mother's voice echoed through the room, "Don't hurt my daughter! Don't touch her!"

The Alpha's disinterested gaze briefly flickered over me, and I saw my mother release a small breath of relief.

In an instant, he ruthlessly tore off the upper part of my mother's dress, exposing her vulnerability and sending a scream of terror ripping through the air. But any feel of that little relief was swiftly shattered as his intentions became clear to my young mind

My mother's cries filled the room. You know the burning heat inside of you and the cold on your skin when you feel terrified? This was double of that!

"Stay still, honey," my mother's voice trembled as she turned to my dad. The Alpha had other plans, his lips curled into a twisted smile and his foot came crashing down on my father's back.

"Ahhh!" He coughed out blood.

"stop!...blo…blood… daddy!" I screamed. "Let him be!" Mother's cries mixed with mine, the anguish in the air nearly suffocating.

"Don't hurt dad," my voice came out weak. I couldn't protect them, my head twirled as tears ran down my eyes.

"D...dad," I said my voice was breaking as I gazed at my father with teary eyes.

His voice, soft but heavy with pain, reached me through the chaos. "Emma," he said, his words strained as blood colored his lips.

"Ahhhh" mom's screams overlapped his voice as tears ran through my eyes. I covered my eyes. I couldn't take in the sight. So I could only hear my father's voice.

"Don't let resentment consume you. You were born out of love." He said, his teeth were filled with blood as he struggled with his life. Hot tears streamed down my cheeks, I stretched my trembling hands towards him

I watched my father's life slip away with each passing moment. The Alpha's grinned he found pleasure in us suffering! The only sound from the Alpha was his heavy breath.

Thoughts ran through my young mind, what did we do to deserve this? Why should I not resent?' I choked on my words, my sobs making it hard to breathe as I clutched my lips, trying to stifle my cries.

I closed my eyes tightly, shutting out the nightmare before me, but the screams, sounds, and moans seeped through the cracks in my defenses. I couldn't run from it.

I clasped my hands on my head, resentment coursed through my heart. The voices echoed in my head.

Mom… screaming…

Dad… groaning…

The Alpha's heavy breath…

Mom screams admist moans continued do hours until they got weaker and then faint.he darkness seemed to cage me and seep into me as I closed my eyes.

Run! Run Emma! My mother screamed my body moved.

I ran out the door and into the woods until my legs hurt. I must be far away now. So I thought but as I looked up I saw a pair of crimson eyes....


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