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Bride For the Strange

Bride For the Strange

Mystical Writes


"You are getting married" that word strick her like a burning inferno, her heart shattered into many pieces She new better than to complain about it. She was just a simpleton restricted Aeryn with little to no freedom to make decisions. Her dad's decision is always ultimate and Superior. Seems she will have to walk down the aisle with someone she barely knows. Aeryn Upton, sheltered and restricted by her strict parents gets fixed to marry an eccentric lord. Her father, Kelvin Upton a rich merchant who deals in textiles and has many connections is obsessed about being affluent and respected he wouldn't mind trading his daughter to a shady Lord whose aura exudes danger under a calm demeanor. Kaius velant . The mysterious Lord of gravesend, a town of secrets thorns. His name is enough to bring bumps on your skin His calm and welcoming are all facade He has many hidden secrets that should never ever be released to the world or it will cause an uproar Every steps he takes is enough for scare his enemies Being married is not something on his To-do list but the cunning over bearing council are on his neck to take a wife. He agrees to the demand of marrying the Upton's daughter, ... Aeryn (Extract from the story) His eyes flicks between red and black as he stared at the limp human in his hands. His intense thirst to kill someone increased. Drenched in the rain with his spouse lying almost dead in his arms(^^)

Chapter 1 Walking down the aisle


Year 1978, Belfast.

Walking down the aisle, a thing I hadn't expected to happen anytime soon and definitely not with a man I barely know. Barely knew I was even on the high side, because his name and status was the only thing I was told about him and that too didn't stick in my head as I was too deep in the excruciating pain engulfing my heart.

"You look beautiful as always my daughter" Her Father whispered against her hand, I forced a little smile on my face, this was the first time my father dimmed it fit to ever compliment me. Touche, right. I stood alongside my father in front of the massive double door

Behind those doors were guests and the wedding hall. At the thought of how I would need to walk down the aisle with so many pairs of eyes looking at her, her heart gave a small shiver.

"Are you ready??" My Father questioned sending a passive glance at me and i nodded to his question with my stomach still in knots

Clutching on the bouquet tightly in my left hand, I hooked my free hands on my father's outstretched hands as he led me to the altar.

We walked our way down the maroon carpet. On both sides of the carpet were gerbera daisies standing with a mirrored base wedding column with an arrangement of peonies and gardenias.

The sweet music in the background started to change the moment I stepped into the hall on the arm of my father and there was an almost audible 'whoa' of awe from the guests. My reddish -brown hair was pulled back away from my face and was set in a bun where her long veil sat on.

I looked dazzling in white. My dress was magnificent, the best I had ever seen. My strapless, heart shaped bodice was embroidered with many small diamonds which caught the sunlight, producing sparkles as I walked down the aisle. My bodice enhanced my slim waist and the rest of the dress ballooned from there in the shape of A, slim in the waist and widening towards the ground.

I stared down trying not to stumble at the amount of stares I was receiving from the guest. As I got closer to the altar, I knew my life was never going to be the same and a streak of tears fell from my eyes.

Hand in hand with my father, I reached the base of the altar. My father let go of my hand to go meet the other guests. This is the point where I would meet my estranged groom on the altar. Weirdest way to meet someone you are supposed to spend your life with if you ask me.

I mentally told myself to inhale and exhale numerous times, it wasn't easy berating oneself. I raised my slightly lowered head to stare at the man I was hopefully going to spend the rest of my life with. My eyes caught a pair of fascinatingly grayish upturned eyes staring at her.

A little inaudible gasp escaped my mouth.

Was this her groom? I was thinking my father had hooked me up with some scrawny old Lord since he was all for the money. But this man standing in front of her was the definition of a nation's sweetheart.

At a second thought he looked oddly familiar, like i had met him before. Noo! That's not possible. I hardly or maybe never leave the four corners of their home in Belfast, as I was stuck at home all the time with my handmaid's or instructor.

He was breathtakingly handsome in an odd way. And had this blazing aura he was exuding, I had felt that before, it definitely wasn't just her mind warping out scenarios to keep her curious.

Realizing I was staring too much, I lowered my head to the floor, Like it was some kind of interesting play.

It was time to take the vows to be one "Forever". We both answered to our 'I do's'. And it was time to kiss the bride, me.

A moment I had always thought would be magical- my first kiss and now I was going to kiss a total stranger. Not a stranger but my husband, it was so strange in every way. This was supposed to be a joyous occasion for anyone, but i couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. I had no idea what the future held for us. Would we be happy together? Would we be able to make a life for ourselves? Or would this marriage be doomed from the start?

I saw the Lord lower to my height, my heart raced at the thought of what he was about doing.

"I wouldn't want our first kiss to be so ordinary, Ms Upton or more like Mrs Velant," The Lord whispered against my ears and pecked my lightly, oh so lightly that it made her dizzy. Pull yourself together, you had only just met this man.

His voice was so fluent and it was so foreign. Her skin jolted at the close contact of his mouth on her ears.

I stared at him, a smirk was plastered on his face. The crowd clapped loudly and gushed in happiness. What surprised me was his consideration. I had heard rumors from my hand maiden of how the Lord of Gravesend was shallow and mysterious and this doesn't just suit the description I had gotten, or was this just a facade he was putting on in front of the guests, and he would later end up using me. Was I safe, or was I just overthinking things again??

After the wedding ceremony, the guests all adjourned to the beautiful reception area.

Everything was spick, gleaming from the polishing and cleaning that had been done over and over.

When we both arrived at the reception venue, the guests all stood and gave us a thunderous round of applause. We both stood for a few seconds before gracefully walking to the carefully adorned seats made for us.

"Today I gather with us to celebrate my daughter's wedding to the Lord of gravesend." My father spoke once everyone was seated. He raised his wine cup, "Merry and enjoy yourselves."

People applauded his speech, while musicians and dancers walked in to entertain the guests. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves but me of course. No one cared to know if I wanted this marriage, I was just supposed to nod my head at every word said to me.

I was gloomy and couldn't even wrap my head around the thought of now being married to someone, like I was internally freaking out.

"Don't you like the music? The gravesend Lord finally asked, breaking the awkward silence. I peeked through my long lashes, and gazed at his grayish eyes, which held hers.

"I do, my Lord", I replied, sending him a staged smile.

Soon it was time for us newlyweds to have our first dance as husband and wife. Some guests were gathered on the terrace, looking on, as they sipped on their wines. The dance floor was cleared for me and the Lord to start the first official dance of the night. I was still a bit nervous and jittery since I was told I was getting married, I felt aberrant as we swayed together as the Lord led me in the dance.

I knew perfectly well how to dance as I had attended many elegant balls in the past but that didn't stop me from feeling distraught. I caught the Lord's gaze on me and I stared back at those fascinating gray eyes as they danced along to the tempo of the song. His large hand that was holding my hand and waist sent electrifying shivers to my body. The dance came to a halt at the end of the song and people applauded. Lord Velant was very skilled in dancing, I had to admit.

After another merriment, now it was time for me to go to my new home. My stomach tightened with an intensity that I felt like throwing up.

My mother came up to me while my father spoke to my husband.

Husband? the word sounded absurd in my head. My mother took my hand in hers. "Everything is going to be fine," she said, "just remember what I told you".

Yes, I remembered very clearly our mother and daughter talking. To be a good queen and wife, to listen and obey my husband and to not make him angry- cliche prospect for all ladies after all

"Yes, I will," I mumbled, enveloping her in a tight hug. My mother was the only one against my father's decision of me getting married, but her say in the matter was little to none.

The carriage was waiting outside. The Lord, or should I say, my husband led the way. I looked behind one more time engraving the scenery of where i grew up in my head


"I will miss you home," I whispered a streak of tears falling from my eyes.

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