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Auctioned By The Mafia Lord: My Father's Enemy

Auctioned By The Mafia Lord: My Father's Enemy

Author Kim


Maye Vikram the innocent daughter of the Vikram's empire who knew nothing of her father's secret, but she had to pay the price of her father's sin since they couldn't get to him. A serial killer, sex maniac, drug lord, cold hearted beast, master of the underground world. Lord Russiavo. Russiavo who wanted revenge on his arch enemy knew he couldn't get to him, so instead he took his only daughter. He wanted to make her completely his, so he did something drastic. He abducted her and he placed her at an auction where he bought her, completely claiming her as HIS. Maye had to face the torture of been severely punished and tortured by Russiavo all in the name of getting back at her father. She became his slut whenever he wanted, he claimed her body and she didn't have any say for it. Suddenly the weak and timid Maye he knew started to challenge him, she didn't care if she was going to be killed by him, but she made sure she did the opposite of everything he wanted. Russiavo found her interesting, it was a game he was willing to play with her, he wanted to show her he had the upper hand. That her hatred meant nothing to him. But unknown to him, he hard already fell in love with her, and he fell harder. But when his love for her consumed him, he sort out to correct his mistake and go after her father himself, but it was too late. Maye was taken away from him by her father. Would he have a second chance to make amends? How about Maye who couldn't afford to stay away from the man who ruined her life as she claimed. Was this all love she couldn't deny or accept? Find out!

Chapter 1 Auction Bid

I stood at the auction stand, my heart pounding in my chest as I gazed out at the crowd of wealthy, sinister-looking men who were bidding on me. It was a nightmare come true, a nightmare that I never for once dreamt of not until when I was abducted by the infamous Mafia lord, Lord Russiavo who brought me to the twisted auction house after kidnapping me while I was returning from a vacation.

My hands twisted into a wrecking ball, enough to hit someone hard on the face if ever I get the chance to as I stood on the dark and dimly lit stage, the glare of spotlights blinding me. But then, all I could do was stare at the large crowd of men gazing heavily at my naked body. Although I was putting on a transparent long dress, I could still see my core shining out under the chandelier.

For the very first time in my whole life, I had never been this humiliated. Standing naked on the auction stand for people to bid was the most infuriating thing that had ever happened to me, Maye, the daughter of Vikram Empire, the most influential man in the whole of England.

My father was known as a powerful candidate in the state and I was his precious princess, one and only child but then, within one night, I saw myself being treated like a rag not to talk of how I was beaten when I forcefully refused not to be naked in the spotlight.

Chatters and whispers filled my ears and I trembled to how I was feeling rejected for the very first time in my life. No matter how I tried to call someone to help me, I still couldn't get one. I was in a totally different state from where I had once been.

"Five thousand dollars," they all began to bid while I thought of how I'd never imagined I'd be at the center of such a sinister auction.

They continued, "Ten thousand dollars."

My heart raced, and fear coursed through my veins as I felt helpless. Who was going to owe me? Will I be able to escape the Lord Russiavo?

Lord Russiavo, the man who had orchestrated this wretched auction. The most brutal man I've ever seen in my whole life. He was my father's rival and the one person I've always hated my whole life without any knowledge that he was going to be my worst nightmare.

Lord Russiavo had told me the day he kidnapped me, how he hated my father and how he planned to get his revenge on my father who he had been trying to destroy for years. Thankfully my father had done a great job at hiding my existence and had kept me locked in for years yet no one knew Russiavo was so smart to discover my existence and that was how he was able to abduct me the day I was returning from my vacation.

Now, here I was, standing on this cold, unforgiving platform, nothing more than a pawn to Lord Russiavo. He had kidnapped me with the sole purpose of auctioning me off to the highest bidder, ensuring that I would owe him a debt that could never be repaid.

I suddenly raised my head to look at him from where he sat comfortably among the large crowd and his cold orifices bore into mine as we both gaze intensely at each other. In a flash, I suddenly saw that Lord Russiavo raised his card himself and entered the bidding.

"Fifty million dollars!"

"Fifty million dollars, sold to Lord Russiavo!"

My legs trembled when they mentioned those words. He bought me?! The person I thought I was running away from bought me again and for fifty million dollars?! I was extremely mute. I was sure I wasn't the only one shocked because I could hear gasping from all around the room.

Anger burned inside me like a fire. "You heartless monster!" I spat to myself, my core trembling with fury. "You think you can own me? I'll never be yours!"

I felt dirty, violated, and utterly powerless. Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized that there was no escape from this living nightmare. My heart sank. Lord Russiavo had won the bid. I was now his property, and I knew that my life was about to become even more hellish.

I watched Lord Russiavo approach the platform, his eyes never leaving mine. He was like a predator closing in on its prey, and I was trapped, unable to escape his clutches. He came for me to follow him, and I reluctantly stepped down from the auction stand while I tried to balance my stance. I wished I could jerk my hands off his and find my escape but I was wrong. He started to lead me through the crowd until we were out to the corridors. I couldn't help but wonder what fate awaited me. I knew that Lord Russiavo was notorious for his cruelty, and I had heard rumors of the unspeakable things he did to those who crossed him.

I stumbled and his gaze fell on me, harshly. "Behave slut!" He uttered as we began to walk again.

Finally, we arrived at a lavish bedroom that reeked of power and money. Lord Russiavo turned to me, his eyes smoldering with a dark desire. "Strip!" he ordered, his voice low and dangerous.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I had been through hell and back, and now he expected me to degrade myself further? I shook my head defiantly. "I won't do it. I can't_" I felt his smooth palm hard across the face as pain exploded through my cheek and I stumbled backward, clutching my throbbing face. Yet, I refused to give in to him.

"You will regret defying me, my dear," he hissed.

I knew I was playing a dangerous game, but I had nothing left to lose. I had to fight back. I was not ready to give myself to a stranger, most importantly, my worst enemy.

With every ounce of strength I could muster, I lunged at him, catching him off guard. We struggled fiercely, knocking over furniture and tearing at each other's clothes.

In the midst of our brutal fight, I felt something sharp in my hand. It was a small, concealed knife that I had managed to grab from the room. Desperation gave me the strength to tear it into Lord Russiavo's side and a slight cry of pain came from him with me seizing the opportunity to escape. I can never be with him!

"Get back here!" I heard him yell but I paid deaf ears to his command. All I needed at that point of time was to run away for my dear life and I did.

I raced through the corridors, my heart pounding in my chest, trying my very best not to stumble across anyone in order for my escape to be fulfilled. I had no idea where I was going, but I knew that I had to get as far away from Lord Russiavo unless it was the end for me.

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