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His rejection, her determination

His rejection, her determination

Flora writes


I will never accept a weakling as my mate,” Alexander said directly to Gabriel, standing firmly on his decision. Leona's eyes sparkled with frustration. “but my lord, Sophie is different, how do you think she will feel if she finds out you rejected her,“ Alexander shook his head. Then, she should find out, Leona," he said firmly. With a heavy heart and tear-stained cheeks, Sophie pushed the doors open and walked into the room, startling both Alexander and Leona. She wiped her tears and faced Alexander boldly. "You do not desire me, and I cannot force you to. But know this, I will not stay where I am not wanted.... *************** Sophie's life took an unexpected turn when she was saved by a powerful vampire lord, who turned out to be her destined mate. However, her heart sank when she faced rejection from Alexander. Heartbroken, Sophie retreated to a quiet place, pondering her feelings. But as she pondered, she realized that she had developed deep emotions for Alexander, despite his fierce and cold nature. Encouraged by her inner wolf, Sophie made a plan: she would make Alexander fall in love with her in just three days. Will her daring strategy succeed?

Chapter 1 Blood moon rises

Sophie sat quietly in her father's study, overlooking the lush gardens of their family estate.

She had just turned 18 and was feeling the weight of her family's expectations upon her shoulders.

Her father, a wealthy businessman, had always been very strict with her education and upbringing, expecting nothing but the best from his only daughter.

Sophie couldn't help but feel trapped in her privileged life, wanting more than the world of societal events and expectations that awaited her.

Sophie, “Mum called walking into the study.

I just got a call that your dad is coming today,” she smiled.

Really!!!, A bright smile shines brightly on her face.

Yes, your 18th birthday is going to be splendid, hmm- let me go check the cake,“ she swiftly walked to the kitchen.

I hurriedly ran to my room, I scattered my clothes taking out the beautiful gown Dad got for me on my 17th birthday.

Dad is always on business trips so, he is rarely on my birthday.

I heard the loud sound of a car horn from outside.

He's here,” I jumped happily running outside.

Dad!!!, I screamed running to him.

Sophie,“ he wrapped his hands around me.

My princess is all grown up,” he chuckled.

Hmmm-i smell something, mum is in the kitchen right??,“ he asked.

Yeah, she is,” I giggled, am sure he must've missed Mum's cooking.

We both walked in and I helped to carry his bags.

Sweetheart, am home,“

Baby,” Mum came out of the kitchen she hugged and kissed him.

I could smell your food from outside,“

You missed them don't you,” she chuckled and Dad kissed her again.

And I missed you, you and Sophie,“

Hope you aren't going back,”

No, am not going back anymore am finally staying with my family,“ he smiled.

This calls for a double celebration,” Mum chuckled.

I have a big surprise, we are going for a picnic, “Dad said.

Dad,” Sophie squealed.

Let me pack the food and the cake, Sophie get dressed quickly,“ Mum said going to the kitchen.

Love you, Dad,” I whispered running upstairs.

Careful Sophie, “Dad chuckled.

* * *

Are we there,“ Sophie asked in anticipation.

Dad turned off the highway and down a bushy path.

Almost there princess,” he smiled.

Sophie is tall and dark-haired, her eyes, the color of warm chocolate, are large and expressive, framed by thick, dark lashes.

When she gazes at you, it feels as if she can see into the very depths of your soul, her eyes revealing a wisdom beyond her tender age.

Her lips are full and naturally pink, forming a gentle and inviting smile that can brighten the darkest of days.

She once had a boyfriend in high school and they had slept together on the night they graduated.

Although the relationship didn't last for long.

Sophie smiled remembering her school days.

One Friday night, she had agreed to go to a House party with her roommate. There, she met Ryan and they started dating a week later.

He was a nice guy.

Their first night together still rings in her head,

Ryan grunted and thrust above her, she had closed her eyes, digging her hands into the sheets and bucking her hips against Ryan.

She moaned loudly as Ryan gave one final thrust, gasping her

name as he came violently.

She dumped Ryan after a few months when she found out he had cheated on her with her best friend.

Dad drove deeper into the woods,

We are here“, dad smiled.

Dad parked the car and shut off the engine.

The wind was cool, It was unusually

damp summer and although it was only late August, it already felt like autumn


Love it,“

Yes of course it's so beautiful,” I exclaimed running towards the small house, there was a swimming pool by the side, and the front light shone brightly making the house sparkle.

I love you, Dad,“ I screamed running into the house.

When did you get these all done,” Mum asked Dad surprised.

I planned it a month ago, “Dad chuckled.

Thanks for making Sophie so happy,” Mum smiled.

And thanks for always being with me, even if I didn't spend much time with you guys,“

I love you,” Mum kissed Dad.

Love you too, “Dad chuckled and they both walked inside.

Oh my God, the house is awesome,” Sophie screamed.

I have something for you Sophie, “Dad said bringing out a small box.

You got me a present, wow,” I covered my mouth with my hands.

Open it up, “Dad handed it over to Sophie.

Sophie brought out the necklace, it had a locker she opened it,

Dad.... she smiled and hugged him, these are the best gifts ever.

The locker had all three of them pictures in it, Dad wore the necklace on Sophie.

Suddenly, a blood-curdling howl came from outside.

What's that,” Sofia's heart raced.

I will go check it out, “Dad smiled going out.

Mum smiled warmly at me staring at my necklace.

We waited after thirty minutes Dad didn't return, and Mum began to panic.

Stay here, while I go search for your dad”,

No, I want to come along,“ I said.

I will be right back...

No Mum let's go together,” Sophie insisted holding her mum's hands and they both walked out.

They were both shocked at the sight before them, her dad was soaked up in his blood, and a monster was over him, tearing his body.

Mum screamed in tears and I held her, the monster looked in our direction and ran towards us, mum and I ran into the house but it was too late.

The monster pounced on Mum,

Run, Sophie, “Mum said with her last breath as the monster pounced on her.

I screamed in tears running into the house and locking it, the door burst open, and the monster viciously growled its mouth dripping the blood of my parents.

Sophie's face was pale and frightened, the monster used its claws to hold Sophie's legs and she took a fan stand and used it to hit its head, it quickly left Sophie's leg.

Sophie leaped to her feet but the monster pounced on her, knocking her to the ground and pinned her down with its large body.

The monster roared in Sophie's face she struggled and kicked but she was no match for its strength and her struggles turned into a helpless whimper she was growing weaker.

She saw a big rod close to her using it to its head, she was able to escape from its grip,

She crawled and huddled in a corner, expecting to be killed too, she held her necklace close to her chest crying gently,



Alexander felt a strange, unexplainable pull, Something deep within him told him to go to her, to save her from the jaws of the beast that was about to devour her.


the monster pounced on her but was suddenly repelled by a figure with pale skin and sharp fangs.

Suddenly she heard the monster growl

of rage turn into a gurgling scream. She squinted as someone leaned.

she forced her eyelids open, a pair of startling blue eyes were staring into

hers, using the last of her strength, she raised her hand and clawed weakly at the face above hers.

“Mom, dad” she whispered.

The man grunted and carried her in his arms.

Sophie could sense that there was something different about her savior. something softer and deeper that she could not quite put her finger on.

She whispered again mom, dad.........before the darkness consumed her.

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