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The Missing CEO's Wife

The Missing CEO's Wife

Nuii Lee


Being a widower with one child for four years did not make Arion give up on finding his wife’s whereabouts. Tania's body disappearing in a plane crash didn't convince the guy she was dead. He never missed a day to look for Tania’s whereabouts. “If she’s really dead, at least her body should be in front of me.” That was the sentence Arion always said to strengthen his life. After four years, a miracle finally came. The figure he had been looking for all this time was now standing right in front of him. However, there was something strange. No, there wasn't. It was not Tania. That woman did not know Arion at all. She was even trying to stay away from Arion. So, was it her? Or was it just another person with a similar appearance? But is it true that there are people who look so much alike that the surrounding people can’t tell the difference? What kind of mystery does that woman have that Arion won’t let her go?

Chapter 1 The Answer Is Always The Same, No!


“Tania! Stop!”

“Shut up! Stop calling me Tania! I'm not Tania! I don't know who you're talking about!”

“Tania! Stop! Don't go there!”

A woman around 28 years old running at high speed to avoid being chased by people she didn't know. She ran without knowing where she was going until she had to stop because she was cornered and couldn't run anymore. Her heels slammed into a bridge divider. Right, behind her was the sea. So, she couldn't run anywhere, except...

“Stop or I'll jump from here!" threatened the woman with sweat pouring down her face.


The shouts of several people chasing the woman rang out simultaneously as the woman called Tania carelessly threatened the people in front of her. They were not evil; they were people who loved that woman very much. It was just that, because of a misunderstanding, everything became complicated and ended up like this.

"Tania, don’t be rash! Okay, we’re not calling you by that name anymore. You are you, she is she. We won’t torture you to replace him. But please, don’t be rash! You can come down from there and we can talk it over. Save your life, jumping from there is not the solution.”

A man who looked most worried about the woman in front of him, who was now on top of the bridge barrier, instantly stopped in place. The man restrained his movements so that the woman in front of him would not act carelessly. One misstep and it's over for her. He tried to calm her down and not threaten her.

“Do you promise not to call me by that name again?”

There was a hesitation on the face of the woman wearing a white blouse and long black pants. The woman looked closely at the few faces in front of her to make sure. Almost all the faces in front of her were unfamiliar to her.

“We promise! We won’t call you by that name again.”

The man who had calmed the woman down approached slowly. He was extremely cautious because the woman’s position was extremely dangerous now.

“Okay, now you stay there and go down slowly. I’ll help you. Don’t move recklessly!”

After reaching right in front of him, the man extended his hand. The woman complied by extending her hand as well. She prepared to get down from there using the help of the man in front of her. It was fine at first, until just as the woman was preparing to jumping from there, one of her feet slipped and threw her body off balance. Because she was moving too fast, she ended up falling. Instead of falling into the arms of the man in front of her, she fell backwards and the sea instantly devoured her body.




Two months ago...

A man in his full suit rubbing his forehead from earlier. The man continued to grimace incessantly. When asked if he wanted to go to the hospital, the man always refused. It was not the doctor’s medicine that he needed, but the medicine of the heart.

“Tania, where are you, Babe?"

The man’s mumbling sounded so weak. His hands were always trembling as he reached for a photograph that he kept on his desk. The man gazed sadly at the photo in his hand. A woman was smiling sweetly at him. The man smiled too when he saw her. Difference was that he was smiling bitterly. A man almost shed his tears, unable to hold back the longing for the woman he always stared at the photo of.

“Mr. Arion, please sign this document! Sir?”

“A-ah, yes? Why?”

The man called Arion was stunned when his name was called by one of his employees. The man immediately put down the photo he had been holding. He is now focused on the woman who interrupted his reverie.

Arion picked up the pen he had placed in the top pocket of his suit. He took the document that required his signature and put his signature on the white paper with his name clearly written underneath. Arion Xavier. The sole heir of the Xavier Family. One of the most prominent families in Indonesia.

“Thank you, Sir.”

“Hm. Please, call Romi when you come out of my room! Ask her to come here quickly!”

“Yes, Sir.”

The woman dressed in a lilac blouse with a knee-length span skirt immediately retreated from her superior's room. Just as Arion had requested, the woman immediately called out to Romi upon exiting.

“Yes, Sir. What's wrong?”

A man who was younger than Arion immediately faced his superior's desk. He stood up straight until his superior opened his mouth.

“Is there any news from Tania?”

Romi answered a question he had heard many times before. Since the answer was no, he couldn't help but shake his head.

“No, Sir. SAR team-”

“Never mind. I know the answer. You just go out!”

“Yes, Sir.”

Romi sighed harshly when he saw the disappointment on his superior's face that he had seen so many times after asking that question. The man felt a little sorry for Arion, who was always gloomy when he asked about Tania-his beloved wife.

“Vian, are you at the Corporation? I want to go there.”

After Romi left—his assistant—Arion took the cell phone and dialed the number he had previously called so many times. He asked for his best friend’s whereabouts and got a nod on the other end.

“Yes. I’m at the corporation, in my room. You just come here!”

Hearing that answer, Arion got up from his seat. The man took the car keys from his desk drawer and left for the basement. He had already told his assistant where he was going. So, if there was anything, Romi could contact him directly. Arion wanted to go to his best friend’s Corporation.


“Mr. Vian, there’s Mr. Arion in front.”

“Let him in!"

“Yes, Sir.”

Arion entered after arriving in front of the office of the person he contacted earlier. Arion entered with two tote bags in his hands. He couldn't have come there empty-handed, could he? Coincidentally it was lunch time

“Why? Do you want to talk about your problems again? Do you think I don't have problems too?”

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