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Twisted Feelings

Twisted Feelings



SYNOPSIS Gwenevere and Kathryn are both Childhood friends who grew up together with different horrible experiences from men. Gwen's mum is going through an abusive marriage and Kathryn was forced by her boyfriend to abort her pregnancy which almost cost her life. With these painful memories, they became lesbians, their love was so strong to the extent that they took an oath. Will Gwenevere be able to keep that oath after meeting with Ricardo Lorenze, the hot and sexy CEO of the modeling company to which she applied? " Kathryn, please let's find a way to break this oath ". Gwen pleaded with her lover after she found out that she was already in love with Ricardo. " Gwen, I will never let you go, Till death do us path. I love you ". Kathryn cried out and hugged Gwen. Gwen decided to take a drastic decision that might kill them but the decision unveiled a lot of truth and betrayal What was the oath all about? Will Gwen be able to know what it feels like to get intimate with a man? What would happen when Kathryn's true discretions were uncovered by Gwen? Let's find out how love turned into a dangerous nightmare. This book two will give you answers to all your questions. Don't forget to stream through the book one @Till Death Do Us Path. Let's read along and find out how trust is being broken.

Chapter 1 Will you wait for me !

" All of these wouldn't have happened if you were with me. I wouldn't have gone out to drink if you stayed with me and now my company wouldn't be at stake. It's not a must that you would love me back, just let me love you, please " Ricardo pleaded while hiding Gwen tight.

Gwenevere was aware that she was the cause of everything but seeing him looking this pathetic made her cry. She didn't want him to leave her embrace, so he stroked his hair gently until he became calm.

" Run along it's time to announce the result, " Gwen said to him as she pulled him out of her embrace. She used her palm to wipe his tears and she gave him an encouraging smile.

" Will you wait for me? I will take you home " Ricardo said as he planted a kiss on her forehead.

" Yes, I will wait for you " Gwen replied with a smile and Ricardo felt happy as he let go of her.

He opened the door and left, Gwen stood for a while and put on her disguise as she walked down the staircase she collided with someone.

" I'm sorry," She said and looked up, the face seemed familiar but Gwen couldn't remember where she had seen him.

But she remembered him sitting close to Ricardo, and that was when she realized that he was the first son of Lorenzo. Apart from today, she could swear that she has seen that face before.

" Watch carefully next time," Leo said and walked away.

Everyone returned to the conference hall and everywhere was quiet. Liam walked up to the stage with a grin, he smiled at everyone as he began his speech.

" Without wasting much of your time, I will call the result " He looked down at the tablet he was holding and looked up again.

" Leo Leronzo got a total vote of 12 and 8% of the company's shares while Ricardo got a total vote of 808 and 28% of the company's shares. Ricardo already has 70% of the company's share as his birthright, in summary, Ricardo remains the company's CEO " Liam declared.

Everyone was happy at his announcement except Leo and the few who voted for him.

" The most shocking news is that we never wanted to dismiss Ricardo. The board members held a meeting after the leaked pictures, we weren't happy but we wanted Ricardo to see people who would stand by him at all costs " Liam said.

" Leo made it clear to us that he wants the company so we decided to do this for him to know his actual place. I can't believe that Leo went around bribing almost all the company's shareholders, so disappointing " Everyone was shocked at this Revelation.

The press was taking pictures and videos of everything, and they were uploading it on social media. Social media became hot. Ricardo couldn't believe that his brother could plot against him.

" There were never any dismissal charges against Ricardo. He is the best leader that any company could ask of, even with the pressure mounted on him, he didn't go through the backdoor " Liam gave his last speech as he walked to his seat.

" Ricardo, please it's time for your speech, " One of the shareholders said beaming. Ricardo walked up to the stage with mixed emotions as he looked around.

" It's indeed a great test but there was no need for me to panic. I want to thank everyone for trusting me even with rumors going on social media. I don't have much to say " Ricardo cleared his throat and ruffled his hair.

" The only thing I have to say is that those who voted for Leo have been relieved of their duties, including the shareholders who gave him their shares. I can't keep you people around me because I'm scared that you might kill me " Ricardo said.

They began to applaud him because that was the right decision to take. Leo clenched his fist and walked away immediately.

" Thank you all," Ricardo said and walked out of the conference hall. Barry and Scott followed him alongside his workers or those who worked in his modeling company.

Immediately the meeting was over they sneaked out because they recalled a bit of what happened last night. They couldn't stand their boss, so they took off.

Ricardo got so many congratulatory messages from people. Arya raced towards him and jumped on him, Ricardo almost lost his balance but he held her firm.

When will this sister of mine learn how to respect herself? Ricardo thought to himself as he let go of her and she stood holding his hands.

" I'm proud of you. I will head home first " Mrs. Yolanda said as she used her left hand to caress his hair. Ricardo drifted immediately because he felt awkward.

He began to turn around as if he was searching for someone. He raced forward and backward, but he couldn't find her.

" She promised to wait for me " Ricardo muttered but his mum heard him.

" Who promised to wait for you? "

" No one, it's nothing important. Just go home " Ricardo said and left with his assistants.

Mrs Yolanda and Arya entered the car and zoomed off.


Leo entered his house, he was boiling in anger. He started breaking things, he picked up his frame and hit it hard on the floor and it broke into pieces.

Alma came out trying to stop him but he pushed her away, she stood up quickly. Ricardo began to punch the wall with his fist and in no time he sustained injuries which led to bleeding.

" Why are you hurting yourself instead of those who hurt you? Stop it!!! " Alma screamed on top of her voice.

" Stay out of this, you don't know anything just be quiet " Ricardo warned his wife but she can't let him continue hurting himself.

" I watched everything on the news. They have betrayed you and you should be stronger instead of this. You should prepare yourself ahead " His wife lashed out at him.

" How? They are not on my side " Leo said as he calmed down a bit.

" That shouldn't be a problem to you now. Someone is sitting in your position, get rid of him first and they would have no other option than to be by your side " Alma said.

Leo has always known that his wife is a brave woman but not to this extent. He kinda likes her for always being supportive.

" You are right but how? " Leo asked her because he has tried severally and failed.

" Don't worry, we will get to the bottom. I'm always here to help you but you can't do without cheating. Cheating ass " Alma said and walked inside.

She has succeeded in calming him down

and that is all. Not like she cared about him but she has her plans.


Gwen didn't go home when she left the conference hall, she decided to enter a shopping mall and look around or maybe pick someone.

She wasn't on funds but she doesn't feel like going home either. She strolled inside the mall and picked up a shoe, she was admiring it, when she turned around and saw a guy stealing.

The woman was standing with her handbag, unknown to her that someone had taken her purse. Gwen kept the shoe that she was holding and ran after him.

The woman turned and noticed what just happened, she ran after them but couldn't catch up with them. She watched as Gwen overtook the guy and punched him in the face.

He fell but got up immediately to hit Gwen, she held his hand and twisted it backward, and the guy screamed out in pain.

" Handover that purse " Gwen commanded and he did as she said. Gwen collected the purse and he ran away.

Gwen walked to the woman and handed the purse over to her.

" Thank you, my dear," She said smiling and Gwen smiled as well. She was about to leave when the woman stopped her.

" I know it's so sudden but I will let you think about it and I will give you my line whatever you decide I will go with it, " The woman said.

Gwen examined the young woman, she looked so rich and expensive. What could she possibly need from her?

" What is it, ma'am? " Gwen asked, looking confused.

" Mum!!! What just happened? " Gwen heard a familiar voice and turned around. It's Arya.

" Gwenevere!! " Arya said as she hugged Gwen " Thanks for recovering my mum's purse, " She said and Gwen smiled.

" Do you know each other? "

" Yes mum, she is my friend. Gwen, meet my mum, Mrs Yolanda. Mum, meet my friend Gwenevere " Arya beamed like a child.

" Nice meeting you ma'am,m," Gwen said smiling.

" Same here, my daughter. You are Arya's friend which means, things might be easier for me now " Mrs Yolanda said, confusing both girls.

" How? "

" How? " Gwen and Arya chorused together with a hint of surprise on their faces.

" I want you to work as a live-in housekeeper for my son. I will pay you hugely " Mrs Yolanda said sternly.

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