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Love Me, Alpha

Love Me, Alpha



Scarlet, cursed with the hatred of her pack and her own family, she is sold to the cruel Alpha King… Alpha Roman. After facing a near-rape experience with her father. However, her plan fails when she is captured by Alpha Roman. Being sold off, Scarlet awaits another cruel fate but unexpectedly slowly falls for the Alpha King only to be heartbroken when she discovers that she's nothing but a toy. In despair and betrayed once more, Scarlet runs away from Alpha Roman with her unborn babies, never to be seen again. Alpha Roman is the known cold-hearted alpha king, but no one truly knows his story. A story that has turned him into the monster he is today. Scarlet already left with his unborn child. Would he be able to get hold of her, and would she forgive him??


Scarlet's P.O.V

It was still very early in the morning, I would guess that it was around four or maybe five. I am among those assigned to wake up early and clean the pack house.

Every morning around 3am, I was expected to be awake and by 4am, I would begin my omega duties. How pathetic, omega duties.

Who'd ever assume that I am the daughter of the Alpha and Luna? No one. But it is a known fact that I was the alpha's child, but no one really acknowledged it. I am considered as a trash, scum of the earth and my only crime was being born a female.

"You there, wipe harder. You still have more places to clean.... And you also have to prepare breakfast, so beat it. Move your body don't just stand still." Our head maid, Olga, yelled at me.

She picks on me the most among all the omegas. Scrubbing floors might seem like an easy job but it wasn’t it. The dawn was yet to come and, I was exhausted.

"Yes ma'am" I answer in a low tone, while doing what I was told to. I had no right to question anyone or talk back at anyone. And If I did, there would be severe consequences.

"Lazy thing" she scoffed, then rolled her eyes as she walks away.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I was left alone, I couldn't pinpoint when the suffering had started because I had been living like a slave for as long as I could remember.

My father had hated having a girl child, he believed me to be weak and unable to carry on with his legacy. He wanted an heir, a son, to continue his lineage and when my mother gave birth to me, he was not even the least bit ecstatic about it. But the turning point was when the doctors declared my mother being unable to bear any child as it would endanger her life and could give birth to a stillborn since her womb wasn't strong. And for that, my mother grew hatred for me, believing me to be bad luck. I had no one to turn to, and no one to call a friend.

I was placing breakfast at the dining table when Zara came strolling in. She was my dad's mistress and everyone in the pack knew that too.

"Well, would you look at that, it's the blacksheep of the pack.... Ha ha, are you having fun?" She snickers.

Ignoring her, I focused on what I was doing but that didn't seem to go well with her as she walked up to me, pulling harshly on my hair.

"I asked you a question whore, are you having fun?" I believe the term 'whore' should be directed to her instead.

"Yes, I am Lady Zara" I answered calmly even though it pained me.

"Good, you should enjoy your time working here as a slave because that is what you are and will always be." I nodded in agreement, hearing the others come down for breakfast.

You see, my father always made it obvious that he kept mistresses around. There were rumors that he had stated his intentions to marry Zara while still being married to my mother, how disgusting. I pitied my mother most times, seeing your mate seek comfort in another must be heartbreaking, but being made to watch as they paraded around their relationship must be a different kind of pain, if only I were a male child, maybe things would've been different.

"Hurry up and get out of my sight, you disgust me" My father snarled at me while I was serving them breakfast.

"Baby, can you believe what this thing did?" Zara whined and I internally sighed, she was at it again.

"What did she do, my love?" My father, Collins, asked softly while rubbing her hand.

"I was talking to her and she had the audacity to roll her eyes at me and call me a whore". She sobbed and Collins looked at me with so must anger and stood up.

"What gave you the right to open that filthy mouth of yours and call her such?" He asked as he stalked towards me, making me take steps back in fear.

All the while my mother, Raquel, just watched the whole scene unfold, unbothered, still eating quietly. While my father was downright harsh to me, my mother couldn't care less if I lived or died.

"Answer me." He demanded.

"I..I... Never called her a wh.. ore." I stutter in fear.

"She is lying. She did call me that." Zara shrieked.

"You didn't call her a whore?" He asked calmly and I nod my head positively.

"Okay" He said.

Okay? That was it? Did he believe me?

"Babyyyy..." Zara whined from where she sat like a baby who's about to cry.

But as quick as lightning, my head snapped to the side as he strucked me with force.

"You lying bitch.... I should cut out your tongue for you having the guts to lie to me" He growled as he grabbed my head with both his hands, shaking it violently as his extended claws pierced through my skin.

"Please, please...I'm sorry." I cried out holding onto his hands.


"Enough Collins, please" Raquel's voice interrupted him, making his attention snap to her.

"What did you say?" He asked menacingly as he released me and walked towards her.

"I said it's enough Collins, you're ruining my appetite." She said in annoyance, rolling her eyes.

"How dare you?" He smacked her right in the face, her head turning to the side from the hit and I gasped but quickly covered my mouth as Zara glared at me.

"How dare you tell me what to do, huh?" He goes on to smack her again but she held his hand.

"Don't you dare hit me." She warnsed lowly as she raised from her seat.

"Ahh, I see, you need to be reminded of your place here. Fucking cunt, come here."

Dragging her by the hair, he pulled her away, not caring about her screaming but not before ordering me to clean the mess, leaving me with a threat.

"I'm not done with you"

It goes quiet and I almost forgot Zaras' presence until she let out a mischievous laugh.

"Oh dearie, it's fun seeing you treated like the lowlife that you are" Standing up, she walked towards me, standing directly in front of me as she lowered her head to whisper.

"I'll crush you and that stupid mother of yours. I'll be the one true Luna. Watch me have a son that'll take over when Collins dies. And I have so many plans for you Scarlet." She promises and I shiver at her words. I could only hope to have a free life one day, and I would have that life, no matter what.

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