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Brenna told she married someone who loves her but then, it was all a game. A planned agenda to use her for a cover. Brian Martin was born into a very poor home in the United States. His life changed after he came in contact with Lady Lizzie Mines who he saw like a mother initially untill they started an intimate relationship. Brian felt like it was the best time to get rid of Lady Lizzie but he had no idea of what was coming. He felt he had packed a whole lotta money for himself but he was shocked on the day he was about to flee. What is the full story?

Chapter 1 I DO

"Do you take Mr. Brian Martin to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Brenna searched through the eyes of the man she had finally decided to call her own. After several months of hanging out, she needed no soothsayer to tell her where her heart belonged; it was almost as though it had been written in the stars.

"Yes I do." Breanna had pronounced on that faithful day. It still felt like yesterday, the memories rushing through her head, still fresh like she ever wanted it to be.

Few months after her wedding, things hadn't been quite the same as they used to be. Brian, her beloved husband, whom she had shown affection had been acting strange since they got married.

What was far more intriguing was the blistering connection she was seeing between Brian and her mother.

Brenna reminisced over a particular moment in her honey moon, where she had found her mom ringing Brian, while he was in the bathroom.

At first it looked awkward, but she simply waved it as a mother in-law, checking up on them.

However, it never ended there.

These past weeks, Brian rarely stayed at home. While he had been hiding under the guise of working, Brenna couldn't help but think there is something going on somewhere, even if she couldn't place a finger to it. Her intrusive thoughts would be halted, by the sound of the doorbell.

Getting up to her feet, she moved towards the door, checking through the peephole that had been placed on the front door. It was a familiar face and more than ever, Brenna needed that comfort and upliftment of mood.

"Girl! Where in the world did you keep your phone?" It was Amelia, her beloved friend and the only one, who seemed humane enough to check up on her.

"Probably left it in silent mode here." Brenna stated, fully exasperated, as she slumped to the couch. For a few second there was silence and when Brenna would bring head to look at Amelia, she half-yelled.

"Amelia! I told you, stop staring at me like that." Brenna explained, holding her chest and trying to maintain her breathing pattern.

"I was observing you. Everything don't seem quite well with you dear friend. What's the matter?" Amelia questioned, as she dropped her phone to the other side of the couch and crossed her legs together, placing her focus on Brenna.

"What does your time say?" Brenna questioned, as she watched Amelia check her wrist watch for a second.

"Uhm, a quarter to seven?" Amelia replied, still yet to comprehend where Amelia was heading with the whole statement.

"Brian hasn't been home since the dawn of the day." Brenna explained, trying to get a grip of herself before letting her emotions overwhelm her existence. "He has consistently been following up this act for a whole month now." She added further.

"Listen Brenna, when it comes to men, they always tend to show that they are the head of the family and their decision shouldn't be questioned. How many times have you bothered asking him about his weird movements?" Brenna thought through Amelia's question for a moment. She seldomly questioned his movement as she knew what the reply would always look like.

"Business. That is always the answer they give to these sort of questions. Women like you and I who are fully emotional enough to support their husbands because we love them tends to be heart broken when they do things like this..." Amelia moved closer to her friend, grabbing her hands.

"Do you think Brian is cheating on you?" Brenna let loose of her hands, shaking her head aggressively. She refused to believe the words Amelia had told her. She had been with Brian for years before their marriage. She could have easily seen or heard information about his sex escapades, but he never had one.

"Brian is not that type of guy. I wouldn't have married him if I had the silghtest doubt about him being an epitome of infidelity." Suddenly, she felt a beep on her phone. It was from Brian and it happened to be a text message.

"Is this what he is going to say after keeping me waiting for him all day?" Brenna questioned, after going through the message from her device.

"What is it?" Amelia asked as she noticed a sudden change of mood on her friend's face.

"Brian just texted, he said he wouldn't be coming home for the night. Apparently he is leaving for Paris this moment." Amelia was livid and speechless. While she was aware she needed to console her friend, she couldn't help but be amazed by Brian's stupidity.

"Tell you something girl. You don't have to be weakened by this text message. Today is Friday and E-lounge's party is every Friday. Let's try and catch up like good old days." Brenna thought about it for a moment. E-lounge was where she had met with Brian in the first place and she wondered if that place would bring back memories.

"You know what? I really might need some drink to calm my nerves." She reconsidered, while Amelia clapped her hands in excitement. Brenna got up from the couch and head over to the room. She checked through her wardrobe, thinking of what to wear.

She needed to remind herself that she was married at the moment and there was no way she would be giving any room for a man to approach her. Thus she decided to make do of something really simple.

While testing her clothes on, Brenna felt her phone buzzing again and this time, it was a call from an anonymous caller.

"Hello Brenna." The voice sounded firm and this sparked Brenna's suspicion a little bit high.

"Who is this?" Brenna requested, trying to get one half of her foot unto her tight fitted jean, while her shoulders supported the phone to her ears.

"You don't want to know. However, I have a piece of advice for you sweetheart. It would be highly risk if you place all your eggs in one basket." Brenna couldn't grasp the meaning of the parable as the phone call ended. She believed fully well the caller was drunk.

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