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Artful Seduction

Artful Seduction



“I’m pregnant.” Aurora let the words out. His expression didn't even shift a bit. “You’re not the first one to pull that trick on me, Ms. Williams. For all I know you sleep around. Are you certain I am the father?” Aurora's cheeks grow hot. She clenched her fists into tight balls on her side. “I don't care if you believe me or not, but you have to know even if you're such an asshole.” “Call me an asshole or anything you want but do you really expect me to believe you?” “No, but I'm expecting you to at least give me a chance to prove myself.” “How much money do you need for you to leave me alone?” — Aurora William's world came crashing down when she discovered her boyfriend had been unfaithful. Distraught, she seeks solace in a stranger's arms. But, as fate would have it, that one-night-stand results in a pregnancy. Enter Alexander Phoenix, a successful CEO, the father of her child. Aurora reaches out to him but he denies he's the father, even accusing her of trying to scam him out of money. Aurora hated the man, but he was the only hope she got, and when Alexander surprisingly offers marriage, she blindly accepts despite knowing he could never truly commit to her. His heart still belongs to one woman, Aurora couldn't hold a candle to.

Chapter 1 001

Aurora Williams took a deep breath as she strode past the upscale entrance of a lavish banquet hall with quick, long steps. She knew she wasn't supposed to be there, but the anger and hurt inside her made her feel invincible. She pushed past the guests clad in finest attires and sparkling accessories and made her way inside.

The music was soft and slow. She scanned the room, looking for her fiancé and cousin. And then she saw them, wrapped in each other's embrace, right in the middle of the dance floor.

Her heart exploded into a million pieces at her feet.

She loved them both but perhaps she overdid that it took her a long while to figure out what was happening. As though they felt the glare, they both turned to look at her, their gazes lingering for seconds before looking away.

Aurora drew a deep breath to cover up the pain. But the pain of betrayal simply doesn't go away. She pushed back the masquerade mask to keep it into place and made her way across the bar nestled in the dimly-lit corner which beckoned to her with an enticing wave.

She hated drinking but tonight alcohol is her only friend. She occupied the empty stool at the corner and ordered a drink. With each subsequent sip from her tequila, she could feel the warmth traveling from her mouth down to her throat. And after consuming four glasses in a row, she felt not herself, almost like a different person.

A man garbed in an black tuxedo whose face was concealed by a mask strode to the door, attracting attention as he walked in.

Perhaps it was because of the drink that caused her throat to constrict as she watched him.

The man stood with an air of regal confidence, his towering stature reaching a remarkable six feet and four inches. Even in her heels, she would look like a dwarf next to him with her five feet and four inches height. He was breathtaking, smoking hot, and he exuded an allure that made girls unable to tear their gaze off him.

Aurora’s heart raced when she saw the man heading in her direction. She knew the man was a walking temptation but at that moment she felt brave. She wanted to prove herself that she could still attract a man and make him want her.

"Can I have this dance?" He asked. His voice is soft and velvety.


The man's large and warm hand enveloped her small fingers, several heads turned to watch as he led her to the center of the room where he wound up his arms around her narrow waist.

Her hands as though they have minds of their own clung to his neck.

He had the prettiest eyes she'd ever seen. Those gorgeous aquamarine orbs promised hell and bliss. Their depths pierced right through her very soul, unveiling her darkest, deepest secrets.

“Do I know you?” He asked with a flicker of recognition in his exquisite aquamarine gaze.

“No,” Aurora quietly replied, “Why?”

“Because you looked like the woman of my dreams.”

Her cheeks turned beet red under her mask. It was obvious he was flirting with her. “You’re in my dreams too.” Aurora replied with a sweet smile.”

“Really?” His thick eyebrows rose in fascination.

“Yes,” She lifted her sleepy eyes and met the man’s melting gaze. “In my nightmares.” She whispered.

A smile stretched into his plump lips. He pulled her close until their body touched. They were so close that not even air could pass between them. Aurora could feel her heart pounding against her chest. He was so warm it made the cold go away.

“I can make the nightmare disappear.” He murmured close to her left ear, their faces almost touching. “I’ll show you how a kiss can turn the fear into bliss.”

Aurora felt a shiver dance down her spine. She knows she’s playing with fire and it’s dangerous. But she craved the fire and wanted it to burn her, like a candle flickering with life before slowly fading into a pool of insignificant wax.

“How?” She teased, wetting her bottom lips with her tongue.

The man leaned closer and Aurora thought he would kiss her but he stopped before their lips could meet. Instead she felt him slip something in her palm.

“I don't expect you to come but I’ll be waiting.”

The music abruptly pulled into a stop. Aurora watched the man leave until he faded to a blur. She looked down and there, clasp firmly in her hand was the man’s room keycard.


Aurora felt like her chest would burst against the intense pounding in her ribcage. But there’s no backing out now, especially when she was only a few steps away from the door. Her cold palms trembled as she swiped the keycard on the monitor. With a satisfying click, the door opened, revealing a magnificent living room – almost twice bigger than her room.

Her four-inch stiletto sank against the plush carpet as she made her way inside, and the bedroom with its door slightly ajar beckoned her to come.

“Took you so long.” The man’s velvety voice came from the window of the dimly-lit room. His left hand clasped on a glass of golden champagne while the other draped over the arm of the settee.

Aurora’s throat went dry. His crisp sleeved shirt, unbuttoned halfway, revealing a perfectly chiseled chest. He had removed his necktie and left it draped over his broad shoulders.

He emptied the champagne glass in one audacious gulp, and the golden liquid trickled from his neck down to his chest.

Aurora wetted her bottom lips. She preferred tequila over champagne, but right now she thought of licking that champagne off his chest.

Like a magnificent demigod, the man towered over her as he rose. Aurora drew a deep breath at how big and tall he was.

Slowly, and almost in a seductive manner, he unbuttoned his shirt, letting it drop on the floor when he finished.

He had a magnificent Phoenix tattoo delicately imprinted on the skin of his upper arm.

“Please don't.” Aurora protested, stopping him from removing his mask.

“I’m not that bad-looking.” He smiled wryly.

“That’s not what I mean. You're no doubt handsome. I just prefer it that way.” She explained.

“Do you fear seeing the face you're making a mistake with?”

Aurora answered without fear, nor hesitation, “Yes.”

He crossed the gap between them with quick, long strides. HIs arms slithered around her waist, inching her close to his arms where she nestled her head to his chest where she heard his heart race like crazy. The warmth of his naked flesh soothed her cold palms.

Aurora’s fingers slithered from his chest, to his neck, and up to his chiseled jaw. She could feel the rough stubbles beneath her smooth palms as she framed his cheeks. “But you're the mistake I'm willing to make no matter what the cost.” She whispered, meeting his penetrating gaze halfway.

A pair of deep-seated aquamarine eyes lit up. “You take my breath away.” He murmured huskily, pulling the edge of the silk tie from around his shoulders with his thumb and forefinger.

Aurora felt the smooth garment caressed her cheekbones as he tied them around her eyes. She could hear the sound of his mask falling to the floor, and his clothes soon followed.

He peeled her clothes so delicately like he was unwrapping a present, and it made her breathing labored and shallow. The feeling was sweet yet painful, agonizing and yet pleasurable at the same time.

At last, his lips covered her lips, she whimpered in pleasure, her arms clinging to his neck for dear life as he held her in his arms and drop her to the bed.

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