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Law of Retribution

Law of Retribution

Manuel white F.A.


Do you know what it feels like loosing your parents at a young? Rosario Bills is one who knows the feeling very much And his only reason of living is to make those that made him an orphan pay for every pain he pass through

Chapter 1 His bad dream


{Betrays & Revenge}

Written by: MANUEL WHITE F.A.

A car was seen driving on the express road, in full speed, seems the car has a brake failure, because the driver kept stepping on the break but it didn't stop

It finally hit a tree by the roadside and it got damage causing it to stop,smokes erupted from the car engine

Inside the car, was a boy of eleven years old with his parents,

Mr Andy Bills was the driver of the car, with Alice Bills and his only son Rosario, sitting at the backseat of the car

A truck from nowhere drove and knowingly hit the car, causing the car's damage

A man in a black hoodie coat came down from the truck, his hoodie covered half of his face, while his nose mask covered the remaining part of his face

He was holding a gun,a silencer was attached to it

He moved forward to the car and shot Mr Andy Bills, before shooting at Alice Bills,

He made to shoot the little boy that was gasping for breath but withdraw his hand,he left without saying a word,

"Mom!....Dad!" the little boy whimpered, blood gushing from his forehead in a snake manner,


Rosario woked up from his dream, breathing heavily and sweating profusely as always,

After the incident 13 years ago, he has been having this dream, to crown it all he finds it difficult sleeping at night,

He took out a cigarette before lighting it, he shoved the edge of the cigarette into his mouth....puffing out smokes from his nostrils and as well as his slightly parted lips

A young girl in her 20's was seen shooting arrows and she never miss her target,

She continued shooting the arrows till a male figure showed up,

Clyde is a very handsome guy, but that's definitely useless when it comes Athena, his infected with V001, just like everyone in the clan

Everyone that got infected with V001, when the diseases spread out found theirselves in the clan,scar was behind it

"Hey" Clyde said but Athena didn't even look at him, she continue shooting the arrow,

Yes Athena is her name, she is an introvert that hate talking with people,

Cylde touch her shoulders and she flipped him over, his back landing roughly on the ground,


Don't come closer to me next time,or I will break your spinal cord, Athena said and walked out,

"Aren't you tired of this already", she always insult you,Tlyer said

Cylde turned to see Tyler standing behind him,

"I don't know why I keep talking to her despite her rude attitude",Cylde said getting up

"Oh... I forgot,am seeing someone today" Tlyer said

"That friend of yours?" Clyde scoffed and Tyler nodded,

"Are you sure that girl isn't your girlfriend?"Cylde scoff,

There's a girl Tyler never failed to visit every day, she lives in an orphanage,her name is Marissa

"She isn't my girlfriend, she is just a friend", Tyler defended,

Meanwhile,Ivy and iris was watching from a distance even when Clyde tried talking to Athena,

Seeing what Athena did to Clyde, iris approach Athena while she was leaving,ivy tried stopping her but couldn't,

"Just because he has a crush on you, you fancy treating him this way?Who do you think you are?!"Iris yelled at Athena when she appeared to be closer to her

"I am who I am,am nobody else..f**k off my sight before I strangel you, Athena said calmly,

Iris and Athena are enemies and that's because iris has a crush on Clyde,

Iris tried slapping her but she held her hand and pushed her away,

"Stay away from me if you fancy your life" Athena said,her claws getting longer as her eyes beamed red,

Iris felt cold shievers of fear, shimmy down her spine but showing it on her face was a no for her, she kept staring at Athena without shaking trying to overcome the fear she was feeling

"Forgive her on my behalf..am sorry" Ivy said and drag iris away,

Athena turned to normal and left, she's hot tempered,

Tyler stopped his car and came down and his eyes widened at what he saw,

smokes kept erupting from a particular place, and from what he could remember that exactly where the orphanage building was built

Tyler rush inside the compound and found some nun and other children crying,

"why are you crying? Is there anyone inside the building?" Tyler asked an elderly nun worriedly,

"She is inside.. Princess and Marissa", the nun cried

Tyler dashed into the building without minding the fire,

"Marissa!! Marissa!!", he shouted her name at intervals but got no response,

After few minutes of search he finally saw Marissa helping a little kid out,

She must be the little girl named Princess, Tyler rush to them to help them,

His eyes widened when he saw a heavy pillar landing, Tyler rushed and hold the pillar,

"Get out now!!", he shouted and Marissa blinked her eyes twice before running away with Princess,

Tlyer threw away the pillar, releasing a groan in the process,

Meanwhile, outside the orphanage, Marissa was seen almost crying,

Tlyer is not out yet... that's making her so worried,

Now, she regretted running away when Tyler asked her to,

Tlyer showed up, she ran and hugged him tightly, not giving him space to breath,

I thought you will die... I was so afraid, thank goodness you are alive, she sniffed, her head on his chest..since she was shorter

"Am fine now.....as you can see,am not dead,... I think that's okay you are suffocating me"Tyler said

Marissa broke the hug and faced Tlyer... Tlyer held her hands and took her to his car,

"Where are we going to?" Marissa finally ask when they got to the car, then entered the car before he answered her

"you know am a Mafia, right?",Tlyer asked her,

"Yes!"she nodded beaming with smiles as she suspected what he is thinking,

"You are becoming a maid there, Tlyer said,her eyes widened

"I don't to be a mere maid.. I want to be a Mafia", she said

"it's step by step... you don't expect the boss to accept you as a mafia just like that,are you skilled?, Tlyer asked

"Yes I am!" She faked a sad expression as Tlyer drove off

"Why aren't you saying anything?"Marissa asked

"I don't have anything to say to you Marissa, you are becoming a maid and that's final"He said and she frowned more

"I want to go back to the orphanage", She pouted sadly but Tlyer wasn't listening to her,

"I want to go back", she said again

Tlyer turned on the music and increased the volume

"You are too loud"He said calmly

Tlyer walked into Rosario suite after knocking on the door,

Marissa kept hiding herself behind Tlyer as she was meeting with a ghost or even something more horrifying

"Boss, the orphanage my sister lives in got burnt, please employ her as a maid" Tlyer said with his head down

"Why is she hiding at your back?", came Rosario voice, he was sitting on chair while operating on his phone,

"Am sorry boss"... Tlyer said and dragged her to his front... she bit her lips as she buried her face to the ground

Rosario looked up and saw the beautiful, innocent girl in front him...

Something appeared on his phone, causing him to return his gaze to his phone,

It's the video of the orphanage getting burnt... according to the source,they don't know how the fire started,

"She lives in Hope orphanage?" Rosario asked

"Yes boss",Tlyer replied

Marissa just stood there,her face remained buried to the floor,her mind was contemplating whether she should looked up or not

After few minutes she mustered up the courage to look up

Her eyes caught the most handsome creature she has ever seen in her life,he was a tall man with sexy abs, his biceps looks so enchanting that a girl migh faint after touching

In just few minutes of staring she felt her heart thumping hard on her chest

"My soul mate, she said both Tlyer and Rosario eyes widened

She palmed her mouth realizing what she said..... "sorry, I don't mean to say that" she said immediately

"She's employed, take her to madam Zoey" Rosario said

"Thanks boss" Tyler said with a short bow before leaving, dragging Marissa away,

Marissa kept looking back as Tlyer dragged her out

Knife moaned as bolt showed no mercy while f**king her,

Bolt and knife are sex mate,they f**ked each other every minute of the day,

right now is no difference,bolt is f**king her hard like usual and she's enjoying every bit of it

She kept pleading for more as if bolt wasn't doing a good job already,

Knife moans only makes blot go more wilder, banging on her exactly as she wants it

Let's stop here... bolt said after some minutes, pulling out of her,

"No... I want more,am not satisfied yet" knife said and grab his d**k,

"it's time for lunch, I f**king wanna eat!, bolt yelled

"Please... let's just do it for more ten minutes" she pleaded

He sighed and shoved back his d**k inside her......she smiled

The hall was filled with members of the clan,both trainee and Senior members,

The maids was serving them, and as usual the seniors first before the trainee's,

Athena was seen eating alone, it's her usual routine anyways,every knows about her character and avoided her

Tlyer was sitting with Clyde when Wyatt joined,

They are friends but Clyde and Tlyer were more close to each other,

Meanwhile, Iris was busy staring at Clyde from she was sitting with ivy,

Bolt and knife entered at the same time,knife was dressed like a b*tch,a tight short black skirt which stopped after her butt together with a black armless crop top, bolt was putting on a joggers and a blue top, his hands tucked in his pocket,

" The f**kers!"

"Done f**king already?"

"Knife, is his d**k that sweet?"

"f**k me too"

"Will you all just shut the hell up!", bolt yelled angrily,

"Come on babe... it's nothing"Knife smiled

Aron walked in, Aron is Rosario's personal guard,

He walked to Circle,.... "the boss is waiting for you" Aron said and started leaving,

Aron hates circle but circle doesn't hate him for a reason nobody knows,

Circle stood up and smiled, adjusting her mini skirt, she started leaving

"Go f**k the boss!"

Circle got to Rosario suite and Aron opened the door for her without sparing her a glance,

"Hey" Circle waved at him

"Are you coming in or not?", Apron said coldly,

"Circle brought her hands down and entered the suite,

Circle saw Rosario bare back immediately she entered the suite

He was smoking, puffing out smokes only from his mouth,

"Boss am....."

"Strip!,he interrupted her, and she started doing as he said

Rosario drop the cigarette on the ashtray and faced her,

She was pulling of her panties when he turned,

"On your knees" he said when she was done stripping herself,

She unzipped his trouser and shoved his d**k into her mouth without being told,

"Ughh!!" Rosario groaned as she took his full length inside her mouth

She started sucking him like the professional she was,

this why he preferred f**king her more than any other girl,

"On all fours", he ordered after releasing his c*ms on her face,

She licked every drop of it and placed her Palms on the wall,

He shoved his d**k inside of her, letting out a soft moan from her,

Rosario started banging on her without mercy, she wasn't even complaining, she dare not moan his name either

Circle silent moans filled up the whole suite as Rosario do a good job on her,

Draco was seen coming out from his suite, his hands tucked in his pocket

"Draco!" He heard his name and turned and saw Dior

"LShe waved at him and he waved at her too, they were both smiling,Dior is Draco closest friend

Doir started running to Draco,

"You didn't go to school,why?"Dior asked, she was now closer

"Today is Saturday,are you that dumb?", Draco chuckled

"Stop insulting me,kid boss..am not dumb" Dior said

"Me?,kid boss? Am sure older than you,am still schooling doesn't mean you are older",Draco said

"really?, how old are you?" she asked

"Am 18," he said

"Am 19," she replied

"See?,am older" she said

"You are lying, you seriously can't be 19 years old" he said

"Am not lying" she said, Draco started walking away, she followed

A man was seen sitting on a chair as he puffed out smokes from his nostrils and mouth,

He waa very huge, different tattoo was drew on his body, giving him the devil looks,

Two girls were seen massaging him, their names are Felony and Ruby,they were both his favorite,

His name is Lucifer,

What's Lucifer love most is money and what he hates most is loosing his money,

Two guards appeared with one other guy, from his look he is obviously afraid,

"Boss,he misplaced the drugs giving to him to trade", one of the guards informed,

"Is it true?",Lucifer thunderous voice was heard, the guy trembled,he fell on his knees,

"Please forgive me boss,it will never happen......"

"Before the man could finish talking, Lucifer was already bitten his neck with the two long upper teeth, his fangs!

Lucifer sucked out his blood and his lifeless body fell on the floor,

"Feed Angel", Lucifer said coldly as usual,

The guard dragged the dead body and threw him into a cage,

Inside the cage was a scary looking dog,they did it quick to prevent the dog from escaping

To be continued....

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Law of Retribution

Chapter 1 His bad dream



Chapter 2 New maid



Chapter 3 Going crazy



Chapter 4 The mission



Chapter 5 Aron: A mafia



Chapter 6 Finally a vampire



Chapter 7 His cleaner



Chapter 8 Complicated



Chapter 9 Kiss with Tlyer



Chapter 10 Lucifer's horny bitches



Chapter 11 Jealous kiss



Chapter 12 Until she bleeds



Chapter 13 It's hurts



Chapter 14 Dior at school



Chapter 15 Drunk



Chapter 16 Jealous Rosario



Chapter 17 Break my legs!



Chapter 18 Scar's return



Chapter 19 James death



Chapter 20 Demon's son



Chapter 21 Burn down the school



Chapter 22 Risa & Rosa



Chapter 23 Shocked



Chapter 24 Plan to kill



Chapter 25 The truth



Chapter 26 Rosario's twin



Chapter 27 War with Lucifer I: Queenie's death.



Chapter 28 War with Lucifer II: Victory!



Chapter 29 Twin wedding



Chapter 30 New beginning



Chapter 31 New beginning ll



Chapter 32 Fuck you!



Chapter 33 Tempted



Chapter 34 The intruder



Chapter 35 Stuck in Trepidation



Chapter 36 Goodnight



Chapter 37 Bring it down!



Chapter 38 Desmonda's obsession



Chapter 39 Gunshot



Chapter 40 Abducted
