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Saved by The Ruthless Mafia Lord

Saved by The Ruthless Mafia Lord

Author Miriam.



Chapter 1 One

Sitting in a corner at the end of the pub, Ethan Sawyer looked behind him. A bar girl was being harassed by a middle-aged man and his friend.

“How about a night with me? I’m going to take good care of you baby girl” the first man said and ran his fingers over her exposed lap. She was putting on a mini-skirt, which was exposing her lap. The girl slapped his hand away from her lap.

“How dare you?” The man’s friend shouted, but the girl remained silent. “How dare you slap my friend’s hands, you ugly girl?” he asked.

“What is happening here?” Her boss asked as he approached them.

“Mark” the first man called in an angry tone. “Your staff are being disrespectful these days. How can a little girl like her slap my hands away from her lap, all because I was trying to ask her for a night! ‘ He said with a frown on his face. Mark, the owner of the pub and also the girl’s boss, glared at her, eyeing her scornfully

Oh god, can’t I have just one peaceful night?

Leah thought, taking a deep breath

She barely suppressed a shiver as she looked down at the ground

“Is that true, Leah?” Mark asked as he stared at the girl, who looked up at him through her lashes with tears forming in her eyes.

“Yes sir” she replied shivering, feeling scared of what her boss might do to her.

“Go down on your knees” Mark ordered, but she remained standing and wouldn’t do as she was told, this made Mark burn with anger making him slap her hard on her cheek.

“She’s possessed,” Edmond replied with an annoying look.

“Get on your knees, you disrespectful girl!’ Mark shouted again, but she wouldn’t kneel, and then he slapped her once more.

“I won’t kneel!’’ she cried out. “I won’t!”

”You dare go against me?!” Mark asked with wide eyes and was about to give her the beating of her life when he heard a cold voice. A voice that made people tremble in fear when they heard it, a voice that nobody dared to go against. This voice was what stopped Mark from venting out his anger on the girl.

“How about we end things on a light note today, huh?’’ Ethan warned, causing an uproar in the pub. Most people who knew Ethan for a long time were sure he hardly said anything to anyone not to talk of defending a girl.

“I respect you, Mr. Sawyer,” Mark said and bowed a little. “But this bitch had it coming for a while now” He added and was about to slap Leah again when Ethan’s voice stopped him once more.

“You would dare?” Ethan asked, with a look of amusement and just the slightest hint of excitement. The people at the pub were once again surprised because of his warning. Just what was the great Ethan Sawyer trying to do? Why was he defending a mere barmaid? Different questions ran through different minds. Ethan stood up from his seat and approached Leah and Mark, with his men behind him.

“Mr. Sawyer?’ Mark looked perplexed because this was the first time Ethan had ever defended anyone. Even if he wanted to defend somebody, must it be a barmaid? A mere barmaid.

“You want to go against me?” Ethan asked, his voice sending chills down Mark’s spine.

“Me? Go against you? I would never, Mr. Sawyer! I would never go against your word” Mark asked and laughed a dry laugh. He caught sight of Ethan looking at Leah, and an idea came into his mind. “Do you want her, Mr. Saw…”

“How much will you sell her to me?” Ethan asked and scanned Leah from her head to her toe. His question once again brought an uproar in the pub.

He watched as some people turned their heads away, while others openly stared with open mouths or even had a look of disbelief on their faces. They didn’t know whether they should believe him. After all, who doesn’t know Ethan the cold Mafia Lord? But they also knew that if Ethan wanted a piece of the girl, he would do whatever it takes to get it. And so everyone else simply kept quiet and listened in on the conversation.

Leah was standing right there, she was too beautiful, too pure, too innocent. Ethan’s eyes lingered over her long, slender body. She had no makeup on but still looked stunning, which only made her more enticing. The girl tied her hair back into two loose braids that rested on her shoulders. She wasn’t wearing make up either, just simple mascara and lip gloss.

Her skin was flawless, smooth, and soft. It didn’t matter how many times you saw her, you couldn’t find even the faintest hint of imperfection. No acne scars or bruises, not even freckles. There were no blemishes at all. Even though the bar was packed with other customers, not one of them seemed to mind when he ogled her. In fact, they were quite pleased that his attention was on someone else.

“What makes you think I’ll sell her to you?” her boss asked, making Ethan’s smile widen. He leaned over to Mark and whispered.

“Come on, man, now you’re just pushing it. See Jerome over there?” he asked and gestured over to one of the guys behind him. Mark looked over and gulped. The man named Jerome looked like he’d been born with a dumbbell in hand and Mark didn’t feel Leah was worth the trouble.

“Just name your price,” he added. Mark smiled dryly when he heard Ethan asking him to name his price.

“Nonsense, Mr. Sawyer,” Mark replied with a laugh. “You were gracious enough to um… Grace us with your presence, so there’s no need to, um… Pay anything” Mark swallowed hard at that last sentence. Just the thought of giving anything away for free irked him to the bones, but he’d actually seen what Ethan was capable of and if he was pissed off, the monster named Jerome would be the least of his problems.

“No, I insist, unless you think I won’t be able to afford it”

“We- well… I- if you insist, she was given to me for 5000 dollars, so…”

“Of course” Ethan said with a smile and whispered over to one of his boys.

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