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The pure Alpha

The pure Alpha



**Blurb: The Pure Alpha** In the realm of ancient rivalries, the enmity between the hunters and the wolves reached its zenith when the leaders of both factions met a tragic end. Arie Helmech, the formidable daughter of the former hunter leader, emerged as a beacon of resilience. A skilled werewolf hunter with an enigmatic past, Arie became a fierce protector of her people and humanity. On the other side of the divide stood Robert Baldwin, a charismatic and fearless wolf, destined to be the true Alpha prophesied to unite his wolf brethren. Amidst the echoes of their predecessors' conflict, Arie and Robert found love—a forbidden love that defied the very essence of their existence. As the tension between their kindred intensified, Arie and Robert faced an agonizing choice: to uphold the legacy of hatred or to forge a new path fueled by love. With destinies intertwined, they grappled with the haunting question of whether love could conquer the deep-seated enmity between hunters and wolves. In "The Pure Alpha," a tale of forbidden passion, fierce loyalties, and the enduring struggle for unity unfolds against the backdrop of an age-old feud, challenging the boundaries of love and loyalty.

Chapter 1 The Brook

At the water brook, it was a big female wolf drinking with huge focus on the water, thirsty and well relaxed, pregnant with with a baby alone at the stream. She was drinking with her eyes closed.

A sound was made behind her, like a sound of broken small branch, she raised up her head to see what is happening, she saw nothing and continued her drinking from the brook. Suddenly, a loud gun shot from the forest, quickly she jumped still in her wolf form with a screaming voice, awoooooof, she has been hit by a bullet by one of the gun from the hunters. She ran with a great speed through the woods as she was being chased by three men and a young lady, they were wolf hunters. Scores of bullets coming from behind hitting trees as she ran past them in the frantic chase. She jumped deeper into the forest to shake them away, but the men splitted to have advantage over her, still shooting at her, but for a moment she disappeared into the Bush and we're not seen again, but the hunters stopped and hid by the trees trying to figure where she is. No sound yet, one of the hunter (Brian) flipped his hand to signal the rest (Nancy, Andy and Smith) to walk cautiously towards the drip of the blood from the shot sustained by the wolf.

Andy cautiously walk into the forest as he traced traced the drip of the blood and noticed something moving along the forest, it is very fast could not catch the glimpse of the object, but he was sure it was the Wolf as he keeps threading through the tiny parts into the forest. A little bit scared but held his gun tight in his hand and ready to shoot in the sight of danger. Suddenly, he saw a little animal hoping across his path ready to shoot but it was a small looking innocent rabbit, "sighed" Andy, about to take a strep, heard a groan from behind and got freezed on the spot, before he could turn around, the wolf have placed his mouth on Andy's shoulder and dragged him, threw him to a tree as he shouted in pain, Nancy and the others heard and quickly ran towards the Brian.

When they got there, he was lying down half dead with the wolf gone.

Nancy cried on her voice, "No Brian" Andy quickly called on Smith, "Get me the medic bag" as they started giving him a first aid treatment. Smith shouted "stay with me" as he tore Brian's clothes and Nancy lifted his head to stop the bleeding by the shoulder, Andy tried all he could do but wasn't able to stop the bleeding as Brian dropped his head and died, Nancy cried "No Brian, you can't leave me" she hits Brian's chest as he was lifeless on the floor with blood all over his body.

Melancholic music playing from the background as Smith trying to comfort Nancy while she was crying so deeply for the loss of Brian. Andy was very sad, bittered from the inside as he sat on the floor and leaned his back towards the tree where Brian died. Tears dripped down Andy's cheek shaking his head.

The Deepmaw Manes (clan of the wolf)

She is grasping for breathe as she walks into the field of her clan, walking as she staggered through the field, one of her own(Lovota) in human form saw and and shouted (awoooooof) three times and all other wolf pack rushed out to see what is happening. Lovota ran towards her and shouted "Ulrika is hurt". Other wolves stared howling as more came to her aid and she began to change back to her human form with a strong crackle of the bones and was in pain groaning as she changed totally to human form, still pregnant and she fell down before Lovota could get to her.

She was rushed into Susi's (healer) hut for treatment. Connor, Ulrika's husband rushed into the hut with a great speed and asked angrily, "what happened"? we don't know, replied Lovota in a shaky tone, her hands covered her mouth about to cry. No no no, who did this to you? No Ulrika, you can't leave me alone, crying with pain, and he turned to Susi, "you can heal her right? His eyes were red, susi replied, we have to take the baby out of her first. "Do whatever you can to save her please" Connor sobbing. Please step outside for a moment. Everyone left the room for Susi and two other ladies to start treating Ulrika, bring me the the potion and let her drink, we need to save the baby first before the mother.

She was about give Ulrika the potion to drink and Ulrika beckoned to Susi and muttered few words in her hear, "please, save him". Don't worry he will live, let's save him first, Susi said. In pain and agony she pushed for the baby to come out, Susi and the two ladies tried their best and the baby comes out out with a loud cry. It is a boy Susi whispered to Ulrika and with a faint smile she replied and said "let me touch him, then Susi gave the baby to Ulrika and said just as the prophecy said, Our Alpha is born, the one that is going to lead the pack and save us from our enemies, the one true Alpha that has come in century ago and going to have a pure power.

She took the baby to the wolf shrine to dedicate the child, "Our ancestors, as you have prophesied, our one true Alpha is here, give him the strength of a thousand wolves" interrupted by one of the two ladies with Susi, she is not stable, Susi rushed with the baby to her, then Ulrika muttered few words into Susi's ear.

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