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The pure Alpha

Chapter 4 A dawn of a new day

Word Count: 1042    |    Released on: 03/12/2023


e you okay?" Emeline smiled and replied "yes ....... I was just heavy burdened about who will lead us now that Andy is dead." "We need a st


nd everyone started mumbling loudly with argument, a very big sound from the back by the hitting of the table caught the attention of everyone arguing with themselves. It is Luke Mcfly, He is one of the best Hunter with special abilities who declined the leadership position, and trains the best hunters in the land. He began to speak as everyone began to stare at him "we cannot just start arguing with each other, you all know I can't take this position,


ir goodbye to her too. Two men pushed the boat afloat to the middle of the river and Connor drew an arrow and lighted it and shot it to the middle of the river to hit the coffin on the boat and it began to burn and everyone be

ront of him, then the old man placed a garland on his neck and pronounced him as the new leader. Suddenly Gunnolf clapp


You know I am a warrior and want me to stay put without fighting?" Fenris sighed and continued "The hunters will do that for you and they will look for a warrior to help them fight the hunters, there you're, but sire. What do you think about Gunnolf?" "I don't trust him, and I will t

a" he laughed and spoke "I am the happiest man on earth this day because my wife gave birth to a beautiful baby girl" Vukasin hugged him again and announced, "let us celebrate together, bring in the best wine and meat to celebrate a new birth of a new generation" they started to feast together and enjoying themselves, shouting, discussing and the Leade

hem all. I want you to all enjoy yourself and while my friend and I take a walk to talk". They both walked out and started talking, "Guadalupe my friend, what is your opinion about my quest in taking over the Deepmaw Manes?" As Guadalupe was about to reply, a m

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