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The Billionaire's Property

The Billionaire's Property



"Hmm... my sister Resha is calling you," I managed to say despite in his very hard and rough thrust. I immediately covered my mouth to contain my moan as he continue moving above me. "No, she's asleep already. I delivered her in her room earlier." he said while straight looking at me. I bit my lower lip when he suddenly reached out to kiss my neck. That's when I heard my sister on the other line. "Ice, maybe you know a single person out there, can refer to my sister and date her," I heard my sister said. "I don't know anyone. And she's still working. No relationships." "Don't be so hard on my sister. She also needs a sex life." my sister even laughed. He's already fucking the hell out of me. I could feel Kaius suddenly gasping before the call was cut off. He's motion accelerated even more. "You can't involve into any relationships, Alexis. Fuck. If it's just a matter of sex life, I'll fuck you hard every day. Do you hear me? I'm gonna fuck you hard everyday, baby. You're just mine."I could only answered him a moan because of too much pleasure.

Chapter 1 Invitation

"Come on, sis. I can't go back to the Philippines. I'm busy with Kai. And besides I don't have a money right now," I said while peeling the apple that my son requested.

"Oh, come on too, Sam. I'll just request you once!" I heard her answer on the other line. "And one more thing, you? No money? Who are you fooling at, Sam Alexis Kainashi? As far as I know, you are one of the famous writers and at the same time a famous architect? Oh my gosh, Sam. Almost all billboards here in the Philippines are all about your face." she said. I smiled.

"I'm really sorry, big sister." I said sadly.

"Please... Sam, I will only get married once in my whole life. Then you cannot come and forgive my wish? You are so bad. Why don't you just support me in this thing?" she said on the other line. I blew an air.

"Resha Kainashi, you really don't want to stop until I will say yes, don't you?" I asked and raise my eyebrows. I heard her chuckled.

"Of course not! I want to see your son, my nephew. And also, I want to introduce you formally to my husband. On our engagement night, you were in a hurry to leave for Japan." she said. I bit my lower lip to stop myself for telling unnecessary thing. I can still feel the pain in my heart every time I think about him.

I mentally slap my face. There's no way I'm going to win over my sister.

"Okay, fine. But, we'll just be there for a while. My son is still studying, you know." I surrendered. I know, I can't runaway forever. I need to face them,too.

"Thank you so much, little sis. By the way, how old is he now? Gosh, I want to meet him!" There was a hint of joy in her voice.

There's no way you'll meet my son, big sister. I'm sorry If I will not allow you to see him.

"He's four years old." I answered and a sweet smile form from my lips just thinking about my son. I walked to the bedroom and found my son solving the math problems.

"Here's your apple, baby." I said and smile at him. He really looks like his Dad. He looked up at me and eagerly approached.

"Sister, I'll hang up now. Just call me later. Bye." I said and end the call. I didn't wait for her response and turned off the call. I approached my son and he quickly sat on my lap.

"You look so sad, Mommy. Why?" He ask using a Japanese language as he caress my cheeks using his small palm.

I smiled to myself. Kai Ashley Kainashi, my four years old son. By the time he was four, he seemed to know it all. Back when he was still three, he learned to read and count immediately. When he turned four, he mastered the art of music. And now, he already knows how to play the violin.

"Nothing, baby. And Mommy is not sad." I answered him. He nodded and hugged me. About his Father? He's not leaving with us. After what happened five years ago, I immediately flew to Japan. My gay best friend, James, helped me. He's half Japanese so it's not impossible for him to help me, and he has a place to live here.

I finished my studies in college here. I finished my bachelor's degree and work hard for me and my son. Just right after I graduated, my stomach gradually swelled so I looked for the possibility of just carrying a job at home. And that's when I found the writing thing.

And at first, I was having a hard time, but soon I got used to it. I write stories that are impossible to happen in real life. It is also my way of escaping my miserable reality.

So after I gave birth to Kai, I immediately applied as an architect for Nikken Sekkei. The second most famous architecture firms in the world. I hired a babysitter for my son. Delivering to school and taking care of my son, especially when I have projects outside the country. Like when I was in Berlin, I almost stayed there for more than two months. Just constructing a private hospital. I am just thankful because my son understands it, otherwise I just don't know what to do.

I sneezed before speaking. "Baby, do you wanna go out with Mommy?" I asked him with a smile. His eyebrows met upon heard what I say.

"Where?" he asked. I smiled sweetly at him.

"Mommy will going outside the country, you wanna come with me?" I asked, smiling. He's face seemed to light up.

"Really, Mom? Can I?" he asked happily.

I nodded cheerfully. "Of course, you can. Now, pack your things because mommy is going to ask her boss for a leave. Is it okay with you?" He nodded at what I told him.

" Yes, Mommy." he answered. I nodded and said goodbye to him. He stood up vigorously from hugging me and kissed my forehead before heading out of my room, his Nanny stood smiling while waiting for Kai. She's also a Filipina. No wonder why she's so beautiful. I put on a dress and tied my hair.

I immediately got off and went to my car that parked in the parking lot of the condo. I went inside my car and rested my back on my seat. I opened my cellphone and immediately smiled at the photo that opened up to me. Kai is kissing me on my cheeks with a lots of sauce on his lips. Her nanny took this picture. Kai is the carbon-copy of his Dad. So I was afraid to go back to the Philippines.

I will only take Kai to the Philippines, but I will not bring him closer to my family. I have a condominium in Grand Residences Cebu. I do not want to bring him closer to them. All I just want is for Kai to see where I grew up. But I don't want him to see my family. Never.

I opened a message in my email. It's from my boss. Am I still in a hurry so I just shook my head and turned off the cellphone without reading good what is the email about. I maneuvered the car on the way to Nikken Sekkei. The building or firm I work for.

"What now?" I ask as soon as I entered his office.

"You have a new project." He said. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Me, alone?" He shook his head.

"I will also send three architects. My engineers are so busy. And I trust you on this, Sam. Don't worry, I will put you first. They also hand me the blue prints just a while ago. All you need to do is to scan the whole --- "I cut him off.

"What do you think of me, Clint. Stupid?" I staggered. He laughed but immediately became serious.

"Your skills are more than the skills of my former architects that's why I will send it you." He said. I sat on the sofa before talk.

"Did you know that I should file for leave because I'm going home to the Philippines?" He shook his head and typed on his laptop.

"That's good to hear. Your project will also be taken in Philippines." I was about to demolish my seat when I heard his answer.

"What?" I asked--more like shouting.

"Your project will be located in the Philippines." He looked up at me.

"Why?" he asked frowning when he see my reaction. I swallowed and shook my head.

"N-nothing. What is my project?" I ask. "You're building a wide Airport and a wide private and public schools." He explained.

"Where in the Philippines?" I asked.

"Cebu." he simply said. I was almost stunned by what he said. "A-are you serious? I mean, me? You will send me there? In that kind of projects? That so big projects?" He just smiled at what I said.

"That's why I will send you. I trust you. You are very good, I really wonder why you took architecture because your skills are born to stand out." I rolled my eyes at him. Well, he's a friend of mine. Clint Tres Nikken, a half Filipino and half Japanes. So, sometimes we can speak Tagalog because he grown up in Manila.

"I am leaving. I think, you have nothing to talk about."I said and stood on the sofa.

" By the way, how many months I can finish the project?" I asked, talking about the deadline.

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