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The revenge of Ivan Ivanovich

The revenge of Ivan Ivanovich



Secretary by day and erotic dancer by night, Kara's two lives soon become intertwined when the famous client who asked her to dance naked the night before turns out to be her new boss... Ivan Ivanovitch. To protect her secret and settle the heavy debts left to her by his father, Ivan made the young woman an odious proposal. Be his wife for the next 6 months in exchange for a million every month. She soon accepted, but soon regretted it when she realised that the man she had married was none other than the overweight boy she had tormented 10 years ago... ... - You can't imagine how many times I've fantasised about you, Kara... The popular girl in high school with the dreamy tits that made every guy's head spin. - I...Ivan. the young woman stammered. - And I was that shy, fat-as-a-pig boy who was willing to be manhandled by the girl he was secretly in love with. - I'm... sorry, Ivan. I didn't realise... - It's a little disappointing to realize that you'd already forgotten about me. But it's... it's reassuring. - Ivan... begged the young woman. - I promise to break you, Kara. I'll fuck you to my heart's content and From now on, you're my thing, my toy, and I can do whatever I want with you. Once I'm sated with you, I'll throw you away. I'll make you suffer the martyrdom I suffered. You'll beg me to spare you but I'll be heartless... I promise you, I promise you my dear and tender wife...

Chapter 1 Presentation

" Kara! Wake the hell up! It is not even noon yet!"

A loud knock sounded on her desk and in no time the young woman was sitting up straight trying to work out what was happening to her. When she finally noticed her boss's angry face, the young woman swore inwardly...

" This is becoming more and more common, Kara. It just can't be. "

" Sorry, boss. I... I... very little sleep last night."

" Why didn't you?"

" Well, I... I... I... well... I... " The young woman stammered, obviously wanting to avoid answering his question.

" I am not paying you to sleep, Miss Kaya Reyes. Tomorrow I am retiring and with every day that passes you make me want to leave with you!"

" I am sorry, sir. It will not happen again."

" Oh no, my dear. I am sure it will not. My successor is not as forgiving as I am so if...you want to keep your job, Stay awake! Is that clear?"

" Yes, sir..."

" Copy that, Mrs. Kara."

Kara lowered her gaze and endured another angry look from her old boss before he left the room... When she raised her head, she saw the curious eyes of a few other employees on her... She could not help feeling ashamed. It was the third time in a week that he had caught her sleeping...

She sighed and fixed a rebellious lock of hair before going back to her work with a yawn. That is what happened to a woman who decided to have two jobs, one during the day and the other at night.

It was not always like this. It used to be the good life. Her parents were rich thanks to table games. However, her father, a great gambler, ended up betting his entire fortune on a card game that he lost on the first move... Following this incident, Kara's mother filed for divorce and left, never to return, and her father, even more eager to make his fortune back, racked up a ton of debts before dying of an overdose, leaving Kara an inheritance of a sick old cat and multiple casino debts...

She managed to find a job as a secretary in a small company, but... It was not enough to pay the rent and repay her father's debts. So she had to take a job in a strip club that paid well enough to make ends meet and make her life easier.

She did not like the job, and what she hated most was that most of the club's customers were rich businessmen who indulged in the most horrific things they could do to women. Fortunately, she was spared. She was nicknamed the 'Barbie Stripper'. Not just because she was always in pink, but also because her striptease was a combination of ballet, ballet and gymnastics. All in a sexual mix. She was so popular with men that her sessions cost three times as much as those of other strippers, and what is more, she did not need to undress... The only problem was the men's perverse stares at her...

She glanced up at the clock at the very top of the room and realised that she only had half an hour left before the end of the day... Just as well, she was terribly hungry.

When the clock struck 4pm, the young woman was the first to leave the office. She was exhausted and could not wait to get her hands on the famous burger at the fast food restaurant across the street...


"Same menu?"

"Yes, Angie Same menu."

Kara grinned at the waitress before she disappeared behind the counter. A few minutes later, she was served her meal... As she finished her soda, her phone vibrated in her pocket...

A new message...

She pulled out her phone and saw that the message was from her boss. Her boss at the club. She opened it and read it:

**I know today is not your working day but we have got a very important new client and only you can fulfil his wishes... Tell me if you are in?

PS: He paid twice the price.

Kara couldn't help but sigh. The trouble with these men who pay much more than the money is that they think they are masters and will try to break the limits and the executioner who is there to look after you will not say anything as he's also been paid to play the blind man... Another message rang out as the young woman was lost in thought...

** You have to agree to this private dance and don't worry, it will not be like last time...**

Last time? The last time a customer literally jumped out at her in disappointment, she screamed and called for help but no one came, so she had to...take care of him, herself... From that day on, she always took a sharp object with her to defend herself if anything went wrong...

At least the rich kid's karate lessons that her father forced her to take were of some use to her.

Another message rang out...

** You have to accept... I could quadrupled the price if you like... You never get a second chance to make a first impression. And I need you to turn him into a VIP customer. **

She sighed. Was she going to accept? She do not know. She do not know. If she do this dance tonight, she probably would not be on her feet when the new boss arrived tomorrow... And if she do not , she will miss out on a chance to win almost $1000 for a 30-minute session at most... She sighed and finished her soda before leaving the fast food restaurant and heading home...

In her letterbox, the bill for the week was already there. It was absurd, but she had the impression that she was paying much more than she should... She has not had electricity for a fortnight and yet she is being asked to pay... $100...

" 100$? No, that is impossible. "she said to herself.

She dropped off her things before leaving her flat and going downstairs to the owner's floor...

She knocked suddenly on the door in indignation and waited about ten seconds before the door opened on the old woman who managed the building...

" 100$? For the lighting? Mrs. Harrison, this is a mistake."

"It's not a mistake. My son is an accountant and he manages these things."

"Well... Your son is ripping us off. I have not had electricity for a fortnight."

"Ah... well? It is probably your appliances that are spoiled."

"Mrs. Harrison, last week I paid you $20 when I hardly had any electricity and you know it but now... you are asking me to pay $100?"

"Yes, you used $100 worth of electricity so you have to pay it tomorrow at the latest."

"No, I am not paying anything. "

"Then get out of my building, we will see who agrees to rent you such a nice flat at such a low price? You young people are so ungrateful these days..."

"Oh, no Mrs Harrison, do not start..."

"Get out of my front door, go away. Shoo..."

As she said these last words, she closed her door without the young woman having time to say another word. She took two steps backwards, even more indignant but powerless... She would have liked to go to the police and talk about everything she was going through here but... it was impossible. Mrs Harrisson's son has great connections in the police and every time, it's the one who complains who ends up being chased away. And she... she could not afford to lose her flat. The price was nothing compared to the others...

Once back in her flat, the young woman turned on the light switch. After a little sizzle, the bulb finally came on.

"That filthy magpie, she is probably turned the power on now. she said.


She grabbed the list of bills and glanced at it. 300 in bills in total. A sum she wouldn't have until the end of the month. She sighed and looked at her phone. It was in situations like this that she cursed her father with all her might...

She picked up her phone and reread the messages before activating the keypad...

** I will do it... 2 000 $. Tell me what to do**.

After some thought, she finally sent the message and put the phone back down. However, the voicemail rang...

He had answered...

** I will let you improvise, I trust you. 2,000 $. whatever you want. The driver will pick you up in 3 hours...**

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