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'His Obsession

'His Obsession



"Your eyes..." I spoke up after taking the first shot. She seemed surprised when I spoke. "Why? They are mine. You need them?" she said mockingly, her voice feminine but assertive. "They are staring too much at me, wonder why?" I asked without looking at her, focusing on my second shot. "I'm a woman. Besides alcohol, what else could I be here for? Of course, a man," she replied sharply. I have to say, I commend her honesty. "I understand," I said. "So, do you like me?" I finally looked at her, and we stared at each other for a few seconds. I can say that she is beautiful and sexy. She can easily tempt other men. The way she dresses is quite similar to those girls I've seen working in a bar. "I wouldn't stare at you for long if I didn't," she arched her eyebrow. She's really feisty. "I see, bottom line it for me," she furrowed her brow at my statement, and I expected her to understand. "What?" she asked. I saw the last shot left. I downed it. She seems stronger than I thought. But I'm not drunk yet. I'm still in my right mind. I moved to the chair between us. I don't know if that was necessary, but I'm enjoying our talk. I like how curious she is right now. I like that she is paying attention to what I might say next. "What do you want?" I finally caught her gaze. I don't know what's stopping her from responding, though the answer is very obvious. "Girls in this bar used to like two things..." I said as my hand moved on its own. I didn't debate in my mind whether to touch her hair. I brushed it aside and placed it behind her ear. "Money or pleasure. Which one is it?"

Chapter 1 1

"I can't believe you survived."

I don't know how long we've been facing each other. I've already finished a glass of lemon juice we ordered, but I still haven't spoken to her. I'm actually wasting my time here.

Why am I here?

A nun came to the house I rented. I recognized her, but I can't remember her name. She's one of the nuns from the orphanage where I grew up.

"I'll cut to the chase. Take this money and leave. Don't ever let me see you again," she handed me an envelope. Even without opening it, I have an idea of what's inside.

"Why? Are you afraid to see the baby you abandoned?" I locked eyes with her. I don't see any hint of guilt on her face. It's as if she's the one angry for seeing me alive.

"I was young. I had many dreams. I wasn't ready to be a parent. I was offered a marriage to a rich man."

My hands clenched on my thighs. I felt a fire ignite inside my heart. Somehow, I knew she was going to say that, but hearing it directly from her is awful.

"I think that is enough for you to start up," she glanced at the envelope in front of me.

I hate her.

I took the envelope from the table. As expected, it contained cash.

"I don't need money," I said. I grinned as I took the cash from the envelope.

I threw the thick bundle of money in front of her. She looked stunned in her seat. We caught the attention of everyone in the restaurant.

"I never had your help to survive since I was a baby. Why would I accept your money now?" I raised an eyebrow.

I felt she was embarrassed and furious about what I did. Maybe she couldn't react because people were watching us.

"You're not my child, and I'm not a mother."


The cheers in the club are deafening. But it's better than silence for me. It's my day off, but I'm still at my workplace. It's better than being at home without Tin. She's probably with her foreign customers. And that woman really ruined my day. How dare she show up to me.

"Give me your best seller shots."

I looked at the man who just arrived. He sat deliberately far from me. Maybe he's a new customer; we have regulars, and I remember their faces.

"Right away, Sir," the bartender responded.

He seems new here as he glances around. My eyes are drawn to him; he looks decent, almost like a businessman. The sleeves of his shirt reveal a well-built physique.

I've read a lot of erotic books, and as I stare at him, I see the man described in those works.

This isn't the first time I've seen someone like him, but there's something different.

"Your eyes," he surprised me by speaking. I realized I've been staring at him since he ordered, and I'm still looking at him even after his shots arrived.

What the hell, Reys?

"Why? They are mine. You need them?" I replied, trying to act normal despite feeling a bit startled. I didn't expect to hear such a cold voice.

"They are staring too much at me, wonder why?" He asked while he busied himself with the second shot he ordered.

"I'm a woman. Besides alcohol, what else can I aim for here? Of course, a man," I retorted.

"I understand," he said.

"So, do you like me?"

I didn't expect him to be this upfront. Is this really the immediate question? Can't he steer the conversation a bit? This guy seems to have an overwhelming level of confidence.

"I wouldn't be staring at you for so long if I didn't," I frankly admitted. There's no use denying it anyway.

"I see, bottom line it for me," I furrowed my brows as he said that. I'm not sure why I feel confused by what he's saying, or maybe I just can't believe how fast our conversation is progressing.

"What?" I asked.

He didn't answer right away. He enjoyed the last shot before coming closer to me. This time, his face was much closer. I failed to predict that this would happen. The conversation is becoming more exciting.

"What do you want?" That's exactly what I've been waiting for him to ask.

"Girls in this bar used to like two things..." he continued.

I shouldn't be thrilled because I'm used to it, but I was surprised when he brushed my hair aside. His hand is very manly, and the watch he's wearing fits perfectly. I don't know why I noticed that too. But I feel something different with this guy. I don't easily get excited, but I'm just so curious about him.

"Money or pleasure. Which one is it?"

He's really my type.

He's frank. He's honest. He's hot.

But he's lonely.

"Both. I can't live without pleasure. I want money. I want to find a rich man."

He laughed at what I said.

His laugh is sexy. But why is he laughing?

"You are so delusional," he said after he stopped laughing and looked at me again.

"I have everything you want."

"Really? Then can you make me rich?" I challenged him with my gaze.

"If I can give you what you want, what would I get?"

Without hesitation, I touched his thigh against mine.

"I'll offer myself. I'll sell myself to you," I said to him, squeezing his thigh that felt firm. I wonder if the one beneath his zipper is harder, though.

"Your offer is quite tempting," he said, holding my hand on his thigh.

"But I only buy properties." His smile gradually faded as he removed my hand from his thigh.

I just grinned as he left his seat.

"But if you change your mind, you can always come here," I said to him as I glanced at him before he walked away.


"You're really stubborn. Why didn't you take the money? You know Moira needs it," I watched Moira peacefully sleeping in her hospital room, only to be confronted by Tin. Here I am, getting another sermon.

I narrated to her our encounter with that woman. I told her about the money I refused to take. I desperately need the money for Moira's hospital bills and her dialysis, but I won't accept it from her. I'll find another way.

I earn little from the bar. It's just enough for Moira's medication. Her monthly bills haven't arrived yet. I only manage to catch up when customers order takeout.

As long as I survive and can afford Moira's treatment, that's all that matters to me.

Moira is not my blood relative. I met her at the bar when she was still a child, just 10 years old. I felt bad that she was about to take a job similar to what I did when I was younger. I took her in, and she became like a sister to me. She and Tin are my family.

But when she turned 14, she was diagnosed with kidney failure. I've been working hard for her.


I had a date set up by Tin. I went along because Tin said my date was wealthy and quite generous.

I wore a knee-length tube dress and fixed myself up.

Light makeup to look innocent despite the hidden turmoil.

When I entered the restaurant, I immediately looked for the man in the picture Tin showed me. I walked to the table near the window because he seemed to resemble the person in the photo on my phone.

I found him talking on the phone. When he noticed me, he quickly excused himself from the call.

"Miss Reys Cortez?" He stood up and shook hands with me.

"Mr. Alejandro," I shook hands with him.

He pulled out a chair for me.

"You're even more beautiful in person," he complimented me. I smiled a bit, maintaining my image tonight as an innocent and simple girl.

"I am Blake Alejandro, by the way, and please just call me Blake," he said. I was pleased that he spoke like a young person.

And honestly, he's really hot. He's in his 40s, but he looks younger.

"I have three kids..." his voice softened. I openly admired him for that.


"Nice to meet you, Blake. You look younger than your age," I said.

"I have to admit I've heard that a lot," he laughed softly.

"So, you are into dating?" he asked.

"Yes. But I'm not into relationships yet," I replied.

Blake was the one who ordered our dinner. It wasn't the first time for me to eat in an expensive restaurant like this. Several men I met at the bar took me to places like this, but I still wasn't accustomed to their ordering style.

The waiter arrived and laid out dishes that I wasn't familiar with. Blake seemed to be the wealthiest man I've dated so far. I hope this date works out; if it does, I won't let Blake go.

I glanced at the waiter pouring wine into our glasses and scanned the entire place. I noticed the excitement from the people on the side where the band was playing.

My eyes caught a guy at the counter, even though he was facing away, I felt he was handsome. I guess I can confidently say that I am good at spotting handsome guys.

He was talking to a woman in her 40s, and they seemed to be having a joyful conversation. So, does this guy have a sugar mommy?

And then suddenly, he turned around. He was sitting on high chairs at the counter.

I even dropped the knife next to my hand out of surprise. It's as if I recognized that guy. I noticed that I caught the attention of people at the neighboring table due to the loud clatter of the knife.

"It's okay. I got it," Blake said, taking my knife. As the waiter passed in front of me, our eyes met with that guy. I even caught him smiling at me and staring.

That was when I finally remembered that man. He was the one I talked to one night!

I couldn't bear to make eye contact with him. So, I shifted my focus to my food. But I could still see from the corner of my eye that he was looking at me.

Could he still remember me? That's impossible. We didn't talk for that long.

When I looked again to see where he was, he was gone.

"Reys?" I was surprised when someone suddenly called me. I looked up, and there was a man standing in front of me, pointing at me.

"It's you. Oh my god. I didn't expect to see you here," he said, covering his mouth. He and Blake exchanged glances, and Blake's gaze shifted back to me.

"This is how you are, huh? You're going after the rich ones," he said sarcastically. I tightened my grip on my spoon and knife.

Of all the people I could see, it had to be Flynn?

"You should be careful with this girl; she's a gold digger," he declared to Blake. Out of frustration, I stood up. I saw Blake's gaze on me and the other people in the restaurant.

Flynn had sex with me once, but I never contacted him again when I found out he's a married man.

"What? You're going to deny it? You're a Slut!" He laughed in front of me.

I wanted to slap and punch him, but my hands and knees were trembling. I don't know why I can't defend myself.

I feel embarrassed, though I've already accepted that this is who I am now.

I felt Blake was embarrassed too, so I didn't expect him to speak. He just lowered his head and stayed quiet.

"What? Can't speak because it's true. You shouldn't live like that. Come on."

"You're a gold digger. You're a crazy manipulative bitch!" He approached me. I couldn't move from where I stood because I was scared. I just closed my eyes because I felt he was going to hurt me. I don't know why my mind is closed off to fight back now.

"I think that's enough." I wanted to thank that voice. I didn't expect that voice to be the one to save me.

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