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I'm  Mafia's Slave

I'm Mafia's Slave



prologue Rowin "Sir," When I got out of my car, Vale immediately ran to me. But when our eyes met, he couldn't speak immediately. "Lorenzo's kids found out we were following them." It stuttered "Do we have information where they moved?" I asked him "No sir." I slammed the car door shut. "We've been looking for Lorenzo for months and now you just let him get away!" I couldn't stop my voice from rising. lorenzo is just a pawn but we have a strong lead if we catch him. The problem is that he has a lot of connections and it's easy for him to switch hiding places. "Where's Jake and the others?" I asked "Sir Jake left with the others" he answered me. "Tell Gab to try and release a Flight Ban. He will definitely try to leave the country" I ordered him. I was about to walk in but he stopped in front of me. "Sir, we have also brought Ruel's son here. What are we going to do with him?" I didn't answer him when I heard what he said and I went straight inside When I entered the Mansion, I saw a woman sobbing and wiping her tears. "Sir, he said he doesn't have any money to pay yet," Vale whispered behind me. "What the hell do you expect" I weakly promised him. I walked closer to where he was. I was expecting her to look at me. But maybe she's scared enough to see me. That's right. You should be scared, because from now on your life is going to be hard. "Your tears won't be enough as a down payment" I sat on the couch so that we faced each other. "W-What do you want me to do?" It surprised me. I avoided her eyes. I've had enough caring with other people. The more we care about their feelings the harder it gets to sacrifice them. "Since you don't have money to pay what should I do with people like you? I can't make you one of my guards and play with gun" I grinned. "Your brothers can" I saw the clenching of his palms resting on his thighs. "Just try it!" the tone of his voice rose. I lit a candle and leaned on the couch. I put one foot on my other thigh while I watched him. "I don't negotiate with someone like you" I said. "I say the things that you do. you don't refuse to them" I unleaned my back against the couch to take a close look at her face. "So going back, What should I do to you" He didn't say anything and just bowed. "Ah.." I gasped. "I remember your Dad's words" "Ruel told me, If he can't pay, you will be the one who pays for his debts. Are you worth 10 Million, Mendoza?" I didn't realize that he was already holding the glass of water in front of him and he poured it on me. "You animal!" it shouted. now i am pissed off. I saw Vale running towards us. But I signaled them to back off "You are stuck here" My jaws tightened as I spoke. "You're gonna be my slave" His eyes widened at what I said. I wiped my face and stood up to approach him. He tried to walk away but our body guards stopped him. "Being a slave, That is the payment."

Chapter 1 1

chapter One

The Man in Black


I couldn't take my eyes off my two younger brothers who were just looking at Dad's Grave. I don't know how the next days will be in our lives. Dad dahl died of heart disease just one day. because he didn't say anything and he was suddenly attacked. We rushed him to the hospital but it was too late.

Archie and Junior are my Dad's brothers. He is not my biological Father, He is my Step Father. My real father died when I was 14 years old. Mom married someone else, And he stood as my Father for Ten Years.

I stopped studying then. I also need to earn money that's why I'm looking for income. since Mom's death Dad has changed, He often gets drunk and who is with him.

ǢLianne!” I turned around when I heard Aling Marie calling me. He ran towards me and seemed nervous about whatever he was going to say to me.

"Why?" I asked him when he got close to me and was still panting.

"Someone is looking for you, but I feel different here, Son." Aling Marie's voice shows concern

"Who is he? Why is he here?"

"He told me that he needed to talk to you. he looks rich, he has friends. He said he knows your father. "

"Please look at them Junior and I will talk to him"

From not far away while I was walking I saw the Expensive black car and five men talking. Aren't they bad people? What do they need from my Dad? Or us?

"Ah, Good day." I tried to speak to make them turn to where I was.

One of them turned to me, He had a friendly face and he smiled at me. A man next to her also turned to me and removed the shades he was wearing. He was wearing leather shoes while wearing slacks and a black coat. Its inner polo is white and its necktie is red. Its clothes also seem to be loved.

when our eyes met I was suddenly nervous and I felt like I was thinking something bad, Why are they here or what is their purpose. They look like Loan Sharks, or maybe syndicates.

"Lianne Mendoza?" His forehead was wrinkled when he looked at me. because my legs were shaking and I was nervous I just bowed and nodded to him

"You might say it is a very bad timing, but I was trying to reach you since last week."

It began to speak. “Your father owes me money. A big one I should say

My eyes widened when I looked at him. "My father?"

"Yes, Mendoza and He ran away from me. And now he's dead who else would pay it?" I saw his smile. He has been looking at our house for a while and later his eyes will move to me.

"Wait a minute." I dared to look at him "You can see that our family is mourning. Come back another day." I turned my back on him and was about to walk back home but he spoke again

"That's also 10 million" My eyes widened when I heard that. with the amount of it, I can't believe that my father was able to borrow that much while we always had money problems.

"I'm sorry, but I can't give that kind of money yet." I walked quickly and returned home.

when I saw my yellow brother waiting for me, I immediately hugged them. Dad's death was already too painful, add the debt he left behind. but even if I sell our house and land, even my soul, I don't know if it will reach 10 million.

"Oh Lianne, I heard your conversation earlier" Aling Marie came to me crying.

"Even if we sell all the goats, it might not be enough to begin with"

"I don't even know where to start. " I looked at my father's grave. I want to blame him, but there's a part of me inside that I don't want to. what else can I do, my father is dead and he left us. Most of all, I don't know how I will raise my two brothers.


Dad's funeral was simple, we were the only ones who took him to his grave. Neighbors also look at each other. I didn't miss the gossip from them. Maybe it's right that we leave the house and sell it.

"Lianne, that black car has been following us for a while" Aling Marie grabbed me

"Let them. no matter what they do, I won't get ten million now" I promised him.

We were leaving Dad's grave when suddenly some men approached us. They were the body guards of the man who went to the house.

"You have to come with us. A man spoke.

"Wait, you're going to bring Lianne! I'm going to call the police!” Aling Marie screamed when two men approached me

"Sister!" Archie and Junior cried out in tears.

I struggled but they were really strong. I looked at my yellow brother crying. I did nothing but follow them.

"Let me go!" I begged them but they didn't seem to hear anything. They forced me into the car. I looked at my two brothers from the window, They wanted to run to chase the car in which I was riding but Aling Marie stopped them.

"Please stop the car first, I'll just say goodbye to them!" I begged them but they didn't even turn to me.

"Please" I breathed as tears continued to flow in my eyes.

Dad's funeral was just over and these men forcibly took me in front of my brothers. This is unforgivable.

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