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Jack, the wealthy second-generation heir of the illustrious Smith family, embarked on a remarkable journey. He was sent away from the comforts of his opulent home to undergo a grueling test of endurance and poverty. The purpose? To determine his worthiness as the rightful heir to the prestigious Smith family dynasty. As Jack ventured into the unknown, the weight of his family's legacy rested heavily upon his shoulders. Would he succeed in completing the arduous test without succumbing to the allure of returning home? Could he navigate the challenges of living a life of destitution and self-sufficiency? The answers to these questions held the key to his future as the heir to the Smith dynasty. In this captivating tale, the reader is left to wonder: Would Jack ever find the strength to resist the temptations that surrounded him? Would he overcome the hardships and emerge victorious? And most importantly, would he ultimately choose to reclaim his privileged life or embrace the newfound wisdom he gained through adversity? As the story unfolds, the reader delves into a world where appearances can be deceiving. Is all that glitters truly gold? Will everything work out smoothly for Jack, or will unexpected twists and turns challenge his resolve? The answers lie within the pages of this enthralling narrative, waiting to be discovered. So, join us on this extraordinary journey and find out if Jack will rise to claim his destiny or if fate has a different plan in store.

Chapter 1 Riches To Rags

Jack woke up with a wide grin on his face, realizing it was his 17th birthday. He eagerly hopped out of his cozy bed, taking a moment to admire his room. The walls were painted a beautiful shade of white, adorned with posters of his favorite superheroes. Shelves lined with action figures showcased his passion for adventure. In one corner, there was a cozy reading nook filled with thrilling books, and a desk awaited him for his artistic endeavors. It was a room that sparked his imagination and brought him joy.

Excitement filled his heart as he pondered what surprises awaits him on this special day. Birthdays were always a cause for celebration in his life. With a skip in his step, he made his way to the bathroom, ready to indulge in a nice, relaxing bath. As he hummed a cheerful tune, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the day ahead.

After his refreshing bath, Jack made his way downstairs and decided to take a leisurely stroll around his family's magnificent villa. The sight was simply awe-inspiring. The villa stood as a symbol of luxury, with its grand marble columns and majestic palm trees. As he walked, he couldn't help but be captivated by the sparkling infinity pool that overlooked the vast ocean. Entering the villa, he was greeted by a world of opulence. Lavish furnishings adorned every corner, elegant chandeliers illuminated the rooms, and breathtaking artwork adorned the walls. Each room was meticulously designed to exude grandeur, featuring spacious bedrooms, a private cinema for movie nights, a state-of-the-art gym for fitness enthusiasts, and even a personal spa for ultimate relaxation.

One of the highlights of the villa was its stunning rooftop terrace, offering panoramic views that took his breath away. It was the perfect spot for the family to enjoy the beauty of their surroundings and host extravagant parties.

As he explored, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his grandfather's wealth and success. He admired his grandfather and aspired to achieve similar heights someday. Spending a whole two hours getting a complete glimpse of the villa, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the life he was fortunate to have.

He made his way back to his room, feeling utterly exhausted from the excitement of the day. He knew he needed a moment to rest and gather his thoughts. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and allowed a wave of gratitude to wash over him. He couldn't help but feel immense appreciation for the life he had been blessed with, knowing that he was born into a world of privilege and abundance. As he was lost in his thoughts, a gentle knock on his door interrupted his moment of reflection.

It was Mr Tony, the butler, with his usual warm and respectful demeanor.

"Good morning, Mr Jack," The butler greeted him with a smile.

Returning the smile, Jack replied, "Good morning, Mr Tony." His innocent grin revealed the genuine joy he felt in that moment.

The Butler's next words filled the room with excitement. "Happy birthday to you, Mr Jack! Your birthday breakfast is all set, and the family is eagerly waiting for you to join them in the dining room." Jack's eyes lit up with anticipation. "Okay, I'll be with them shortly," he replied, already thinking about what to wear for the occasion. He quickly scanned his wardrobe, searching for the perfect outfit that would match the celebratory atmosphere of the day.

As he descended the stairs, the affectionate gazes of his loved ones greeted him, filling his heart with warmth. The room erupted in a chorus of voices, standing in unison to sing a heartfelt rendition of "Happy Birthday" to him. Overwhelmed with joy, tears welled up in Jack's eyes, reflecting the depth of his gratitude for the love and support surrounding him.

Among the smiling faces, his eyes locked with his mother's— Ivette. She was a vision of beauty, embodying grace and elegance in every step. Her flowing, lustrous hair framed her face, while her sparkling eyes held a world of wisdom. A warm, genuine smile adorned her lips, radiating a love that could light up the entire room. She approached Jack, enveloping him in a loving embrace.

"Happy birthday, my love," she whispered, her voice filled with tenderness. In her hands, she held a beautifully wrapped present, a token of her affection. Jack accepted it with gratitude, his heart swelling with love for his mother,

"Thank you, Mom," he replied, his voice filled with sincerity and appreciation. The bond between mother and son was one that could never be measured, and in that moment, Jack felt an overwhelming sense of love and connection.

His warm smile grew as he gazed at his Father, Andrew, a towering figure who exuded strength and charisma. With a sense of anticipation, he walked up to his father and embraced him tightly, feeling the love and warmth radiating from their connection. Andrew was a tall and handsome man, possessing a strong jawline and eyes that held a hint of mystery, as if they held secrets of a world unknown.

"Son," He spoke with a gentle tone, his voice filled with pride and affection. "Happy birthday," he continued, extending a carefully wrapped present into Jack's hands. Jack's smile widened, gratitude shining in his eyes as he replied, "Thank you, Father." In that moment, the bond between father and son was strengthened, and the love they shared was palpable.

Jack made his way around the table, his eyes lit up as he spotted his uncles and his favourite cousin, John. Excitement filled the air as they exchanged warm hugs and laughter. Each uncle presented Jack with a carefully chosen gift, adding to the pile of presents awaiting him. It was a big, loving family, and their jolly smiles reflected the joy they felt in celebrating Jack's special day.

As the family chatted and caught up with one another, Jack stood out as the centre of attention. At 17 years old, he possessed a slim and handsome figure that caught the eyes of many. His youthful charm was accentuated by a mischievous glint in his eyes, hinting at the adventures and mischief he often found himself in. With well-defined features and a captivating smile that lit up his face, Jack exuded an undeniable magnetism.

But what set him apart was not just his looks. He carried himself with confidence, moving with a natural grace that drew people in. Whether he was dressed casually or in his school uniform, he had a way of capturing the attention of those around him. However, what truly endeared him to everyone was his humility and utmost respect for others.

And there was one more thing that made Jack stand out among the crowd,He was the heir to the prestigious Smith's dynasty, a legacy that carried weight and expectations. Yet, despite this, he remained grounded and focused on being the best version of himself.

With a smile on his face and a heart filled with gratitude, he embraced the love and support of his family, cherishing the moments that made his birthdays celebration truly special.

He felt a surge of pure joy coursing through his veins as he realized that his favourite time of the year had finally arrived again . Birthdays were special to him, not just because of the presents and celebrations, but because they provided a precious opportunity to gather with his beloved family members, some of whom he rarely had the chance to see.

The anticipation grew as he imagined the lively conversations, the laughter, and the heartfelt moments that awaited him. It was a time to reconnect with his relatives, to share stories and experiences, and to strengthen the bonds that held their family together. The thought of being surrounded by his loved ones filled him with excitement and a sense of belonging.

Lost in his thoughts and admiration for his happy family, Jack was suddenly interrupted by the arrival of the butler. With a sense of awe and anticipation, the butler announced the presence of Jack's grandfather, the esteemed Mr Smith. Jack's heart skipped a beat as he gasped, unable to contain his excitement. "Grandpa is here!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with joy and anticipation. The arrival of his grandfather added an extra layer of significance and warmth to the already special occasion.

As the dining room door swung open, a distinguished figure entered. The old man, in his late 60s, exuded an air of wisdom that seemed to have been acquired through a lifetime of experiences. His face bore the marks of time, etched with lines that told stories of triumphs and challenges overcome.

The silver strands of his hair added a touch of elegance, catching the light and shimmering as if to reflect the wisdom he carried within. His eyes, filled with a twinkle of mischief and nostalgia, held countless tales from the past, waiting to be shared with those willing to listen.

Though age had left its mark on his features, there was no denying that he had been a handsome man in his prime. Even now, he commanded respect and admiration as he made his way into the dining room. Everyone rose from their seats, their actions, a testament to the reverence they held for this patriarch.

Taking his rightful place at the head of the table, he settled into the dining seat that was always reserved for the head of the family. It was a position that symbolized his role as the guiding force, the one who had led and nurtured the family through the years. In that moment, as he sat down, the room seemed to be infused with a sense of reverence and love, for this man embodied the strength and unity of their family.

Jack approached his grandfather's seat with a sense of admiration , bowing respectfully before him. "It's my birthday, grandpa. Did you get me something?" he eagerly inquired, his eyes shining with anticipation.

A warm smile spread across his Mr smith's face as he affectionately patted Jack on the back. "Happy birthday, Sonny," he replied, his voice filled with love and pride. Jack's heart swelled with joy, knowing that he held a special place in his grandfather's heart. Being called "Sonny" by his beloved grandfather always brought a smile to his face.

Year after year, Jack had come to expect a special birthday present from his grandfather. It had become a cherished tradition, one that filled him with excitement and wonder. Little did he know, this year would hold a surprise beyond his wildest imagination. With eager anticipation, he awaited the unveiling of his birthday gift, completely unaware of the incredible surprise that awaited him. He gazed at his grandfather, a glimmer of hope in his eyes as he posed the question once more, "Grandpa, did you get me a present for my birthday?" A flicker of curiosity danced in his mind, wondering why his grandfather had entered the dining room empty-handed.

As his thoughts wandered,He couldn't help but imagine the possibilities. "Maybe he got me a car," he mused silently, imagining the gleaming vehicle waiting just outside. "Perhaps the keys are tucked away in his pocket," he pondered, his imagination running wild with excitement.

But even as he entertained these thoughts, a sense of innocence and contentment settled within him. "Oh well," he muttered to himself, a touch of innocence in his voice, "even if Grandpa didn't get me anything, I'm still happy he's here." A genuine smile graced his face, for the presence of his beloved grandfather was a gift in itself.

The dining room exuded an atmosphere of warmth and elegance, with its cosy ambiance and tasteful decorations. Soft lighting bathed the room, casting a gentle glow on the tables adorned with crisp white linens, sparkling silverware, and delicate flower arrangements.

As the tantalising scent of delectable dishes wafted through the air, the wait staff gracefully entered the dining room, carrying trays of non-alcoholic champagne. With a deft hand, they popped the bottles and poured the effervescent liquid into the awaiting glasses of each seated guest.

Amidst the clinking of glasses and joyful chatter, Mr Smith raised his glass in a heartfelt toast to honour Jack on his special day. Everyone joined in, raising their glasses in unison, savouring the moment of celebration.

Soon, the sumptuous feast was served, a true banquet of mouth-watering delights. Each dish was a culinary masterpiece, crafted with care and precision. As they savoured the delectable flavours, conversation flowed freely, filling the air with laughter and happiness.

In the midst of it all, Jack couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of contentment. The joy of being surrounded by loved ones, the exquisite ambiance, and the exquisite cuisine created a perfect moment that he would cherish forever. As they finished their meal, the table was swiftly cleared,

leaving him with a sense of anticipation hanging in the air. He couldn't help but wonder if he had somehow disappointed his grandfather, as the absence of any mention of a present weighed on his mind.


Intrigued, Jack's attention was drawn to his father and grandfather, engaged in a hushed conversation. A surge of hope and excitement coursed through him, as he thought to himself, "This must be about my present!"

His father's voice broke through the silence, calling his attention. "Jack, your grandfather and the rest of the family have something important to share with you," he announced. Eagerly, Jack responded, "Okay father I'm Listening".

With a solemn yet gentle tone, his Mr smith began to speak. "We have a family tradition, Jack. It's a moment that signifies a new chapter in your life," he explained. Jack's eyes widened, his heart racing with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

"What is it?" Jack stammered, his mind racing with questions. "Have I done something wrong?" His voice trembled with worry as he turned to his family for answers. His mother's eyes filled with pain, as she struggled to meet his gaze, her silence speaking volumes.

His grandfather, sensing the weight of the moment, continued, "We are offering you a choice, Jack. It's a chance for you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and independence. We want you to venture out into the world and fend for yourself."

Jack's mind whirled with mixed emotions. Confusion and fear swirled within him. He looked at his family, seeking reassurance and understanding.

Becoming the heir of the Smith dynasty is no easy task, Jack would have to endure a rigorous training of suffering and poverty. He'd have to leave the comforts of home and live like a humble peasant, with no money, no family support, and no contact with them for a whole five years. It's truly a daunting test.

Jack had always lived a life of abundance, like a king with everything he desired.

Doubt starts creeping into his mind as he questions his ability to handle such demanding challenges. He contemplated waiting until he turns 18, to secretly save up money without his parents' knowledge.

When Jack shared his plan with his grandfather . His grandfather shook his head in disapproval. His stern gaze spoke volume, indicating that postponing the training was not an option.

Interestingly, a similar situation unfolded in the past between Jack's father, Andrew, and his brother, Collin. They refused to undergo the training, forfeiting their chance to become the heir of the Smith dynasty. Consequently, the dynasty remained in the hands of their father, Mr Smith.

"No way Jack!" exclaimed Mr Smith, his voice filled with firmness. "The test of long suffering and poverty can only be undertaken once you reach the age of 17. It will last for a gruelling five years, and on your 22nd birthday, if you successfully pass the test, you will be welcomed back home as the true heir of the Smith dynasty," he explained.

Jack was left speechless, his eyes darting between his father and mother, who remained silent. Seeking guidance, he turned his gaze back to his grandfather, who spoke with a mix of affection and authority. "Sonny, this would be my special 17th birthday gift to you. It's up to you to accept or reject this present "

Jack's heart sank as he realized the weight of his grandfather's words. He knew he couldn't refuse any gift his grandfather bestowed upon him. The decision now weighed heavily on his young shoulders, leaving him deeply troubled.

"Okay, grandpa," he replied with a mixture of determination and innocence. "I'll embark on the five-year training. I can't reject this precious gift you've given me, grandpa. I love you," he spoke earnestly, his words touching the depths of his grandfather's heart.

Mr Smith was deeply moved by his grandson's , and yet, they also broke his heart. The realisation that he wouldn't have the same frequent conversations with his beloved grandson for the next five years weighed heavily on him. However, as the head of the family, he knew he had to remain composed and not show any emotion. With a solemn nod of his head, he simply said, "Your father will provide you with all the necessary details."

Leaving the table, Mr Smith's departure left a sombre atmosphere, with everyone wearing expressions of sadness and contemplation.

One by one, everyone on the table approached Jack with heavy hearts, expressing their concerns and bidding him farewell, unsure if this would be the last time they spoke to him. Each person conveyed their love for Jack, saddened by the thought of a life without his cheerful conversations. With a sense of melancholy, they slowly left the dining room, returning to their daily routines, but not before wishing Jack a heartfelt happy birthday once again.

Jack's heart sank as he realized how one of the happiest days of the year had taken a bitter turn. The weight of being seventeen years old suddenly felt heavy on his shoulders, and a wave of sadness washed over him. He couldn't help but wish that he could stay younger, escaping the impending challenges that lays ahead. With a heavy heart, he ran up the stairs to his room, seeking solace in the familiarity of his surroundings.

As he entered his room, his eyes scanned the familiar sights that had brought him comfort over the years. His posters adorned the walls, showcasing his favourite superheroes and serving as a reminder of his cherished hobbies. He gazed out of his favourite balcony, taking in the view that had provided him with countless moments of quiet contemplation. In a soft, almost whispered voice, he muttered to himself, "I'm going to miss all of this."

The room seemed to hold a bittersweet nostalgia, as Jack's mind wandered through memories of laughter, dreams, and the simple joys of everyday life. The awareness that soon he would no longer have the same comforts, like sleeping on his soft bed, weighed heavily on him. But in that moment, amidst the longing and sadness, Jack also felt a flicker of appreciation for the experiences he had been blessed with, and the unexpected surprises that life had brought his way.

As he was lost in a sea of thoughts, his father's gentle knock on the door interrupted his reverie. Andrew entered the room, his face reflecting the pain and concern that mirrored Jack's own emotions. Without needing to utter a word, Jack understood the weight his father carried.

Silently, Andrew took a seat beside his son, his hand reaching out to touch Jack's cheek with a tender gesture. "Are you enjoying your birthday?" Andrew asked, his voice filled with a mix of genuine curiosity and a hint of sadness.

Caught off guard by the question, Jack's mind raced to reconcile the conflicting emotions within him. How could he possibly find joy in his birthday celebration when the news he had just received weighed so heavily on his heart? He glanced up at his father, his eyes betraying his true feelings, but with a resolute nod, he affirmed that he was indeed enjoying his birthday.

Andrew, though perceptive, chose to remain composed, understanding the complexity of his son's emotions. Deep down, he knew that Jack's response was a facade, a brave attempt to shield both himself and his father from the pain that lingered in the air. In that moment, a silent understanding passed between them, a shared acknowledgment of the unspoken truth.

"I understand that the discussions during your birthday breakfast have left you with a lot on your mind. It's completely normal to feel overwhelmed, especially at your age," Andrew said, his gaze filled with a stir of understanding and pity. Jack's distress was palpable as he cried out, voicing his concerns about the daunting prospect of living on his own and taking care of himself.

"But I'm only 17," Jack exclaimed, his voice trembling with fear and desperation. "How am I supposed to navigate this Father? I can't do it alone. I need your help."

Andrew's heart ached as he listened to his son's plea. He knew that the weight of responsibility was heavy for someone so young. With a gentle tone, he sought to offer guidance and perspective. "You have a choice, Jack. You don't have to go through this if you don't want to. But remember, your grandfather is getting older, and he hopes that you'll carry on the legacy of the Smith dynasty. Do you want to be the heir, or would you prefer to let another family take the reins ?

The room fell into a heavy silence as Jack grappled with the weight of his decision. The future seemed uncertain and overwhelming, but in that moment, Andrew's words offered a glimmer of clarity amidst the chaos.

Jack thought about it and gathered all the courage he needed, he replied "okay father , tell me all I need to know about the long suffering and poverty training". His mind was made up, he drew strength from the thought that he had always wanted to be like his grandfather. Andrew leaned in and hugged him tightly.

"Throughout the training, you must maintain complete isolation from the family. No assistance will be provided, and you'll be solely responsible for your own progress. If anyone dares to offer you help, they will face severe consequences from your grandfather. And if you accept any form of aid, the training will be abruptly terminated."

Andrew meticulously laid out the rules and expectations to his son, ensuring that he understood the gravity of the situation. Jack's full attention was captured by his father's words, his focus unwavering as he absorbed every detail. The weight of the training's demands settled upon them both, their shared understanding serving as a solemn reminder of the challenges that lays ahead.

Andrew's voice carried a sense of finality as he pressed on with his instructions. "You must depart without delay, venturing far away from this corner of Washington. Begin a new life elsewhere, ensuring that your connection to the Smith family remains a well-guarded secret. The moment you step out of this house, you shall cease to be a part of this family for a period of five long years. Your mother and I will have no association with you during this time," he declared. his words heavy with determination and sorrow.

Jack's eyes met his father's gaze, filled with confusion and inquiry. The unspoken question hung in the air, begging for an explanation.

His concern for his parents' well-being was evident as he questioned the difficult decision before them.

Andrew's heart swelled with emotion, his voice tinged with sadness and resolve. "No, we are not okay with this, my son," he admitted, his voice quivering slightly. "But sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good. Your mother and I are also making a sacrifice, as we will be unable to see our beloved son for the next five years."

"You have to leave tomorrow," he said, stressing the little time they had. Tears welled up in Jack's eyes, the reality sinking in. "What?" he blurted out, disbelief in his voice. "I only have a few hours with my family?" he asked, on the brink of tears .

Andrew stood up, his countenance solemn and filled with purpose. "Your mom will be here soon, You should spend some time with her." he said his voice tender yet resolute. The remaining moments they had together were precious, to be cherished amidst the looming separation. With a heavy heart, Andrew exited Jack's room, his steps slow and laden with sorrow. Jack, devastated by the situation, found his mind consumed with thoughts of the impending separation. The weight of it all was overwhelming, especially considering that his 17th birthday had transformed into a farewell. Determination welled up within him as he whispered to himself, "I will make my family proud."

Lost in his thoughts, Jack remained unaware of his mother's presence until she stood beside him. She gazed at her handsome, slender boy, unable to contain her emotions, and tears streamed down her face. Startled by her sobs, Jack looked up and uttered, "Mom, why are you crying? Please don't cry. Dad and I have already discussed it, and I'll be okay." He offered words of comfort to his mother, knowing her emotional nature all too well. Ivette, being a deeply sentimental woman, struggled to control her overwhelming emotions.

Jack did his best to console his mother, by reminiscing about a past memory. "Mom, remember when we went to China and I got lost at the mall? You were so scared, but when you finally found me, I was right where you left me. You said I wasn't even scared at all." Ivette raised her eyebrows, revealing her beautiful, expressive brown eyes. A small smile formed on her face as she looked at him. "Yes, my boy. You were such a strong and courageous little boy."

"And remember the first time you dove into the pool without a floater? I was so scared that I jumped in with my dress, thinking you were drowning "

Ivette recalled, her voice filled with emotion. "How could I stop myself from coming to save you when you need help? You're still my baby boy. I don't want you to go. This sacrifice is too hard for me, son." Her tears flowed once again.

Jack reached out to his mother, gently wiping the tears from her beautiful, silky face. Even in her sorrow, she remained stunning. Jack felt a pang in his heart seeing his mom cry, and he did everything he could to console her. But then, she looked up at him and pleaded with him to say that he didn't want to go, that everything would end. She didn't care about the money or the power; she just wanted her boy by her side. Jack was deeply hurt. He knew what he had to do.

He locked eyes with his mother, his gaze filled with determination. "Mom, I have to do this. I want to do this, for you, for dad, for grandpa who's retiring soon. I don't want to leave knowing you'll cry for me every day. Mom, I only have a few hours before I leave."

"What?" Ivette cried out, her voice filled with disbelief. "I won't even have enough time with you, my boy." She continued sobbing, her elegance still present even in tears.

Jack felt a wave of sadness wash over him. He was tempted to stay behind, to comfort his mother. But his mind was made up. He was determined to embark on the challenging journey of five years suffering and poverty training. His mother eventually accepted his decision, embracing him tightly and wishing him well. They spent the entire afternoon in each other's company, reminiscing about the precious memories they had created as a family. Laughter and warmth filled the room as they relived those great times together. Eventually, it was time for Ivette to bid her son farewell. With a heavy heart, she hugged him tightly, showering him with kisses, before sadly walking out of his room. Jack watched her leave, emotions flooding his thoughts. Could he really live without her by his side? With a sigh, he resigned himself to the reality of the situation.

Later that day, Jack sought solace in the presence of his beloved siblings and the rest of his family. They gathered together, celebrating the remaining hours of his birthday. Jack couldn't help but notice that some of them still wore sombre expressions. Determined to make the most of his last day and his final birthday before leaving, he mustered up a smile for his family. "Why is everyone still wearing long faces?" he playfully exclaimed. "Please, let's smile. I don't want my last day to be a sad one." Despite the bittersweetness of the occasion, Jack's family joined him in embracing the joyous moment .Amidst the gathering, his cousin approached him, offering a heartfelt hug. Though his eyes were red, John held back his tears, both of them cherishing their bond that made them feel like they were the same age, despite the age difference.

John, with his mischievous grin that could light up a room, stood confidently despite his shorter stature. His blue eyes sparkled with intelligence and curiosity, a reflection of his sharp wit and clever sense of humor. He always knew how to bring a smile to people's faces, by effortlessly engaging in playful banter with Jack.

Looking at Jack, he couldn't resist teasing him, "So, what kind of 'poor people food will you be indulging in now?" Laughter filled the air as everyone including Jack, joined in. Jack playfully responded, "Well, after five years, I'll open a restaurant serving all the best 'poor people food'!" The laughter continued, and the day took a turn for the better.

As the evening progressed, they all eventually retired to their respective rooms. Jack found himself reflecting on the day's events before finally settling in for the night. As he sat alone in his room, he couldn't help but ponder what life would be like without his family by his side. At just seventeen years old, the weight of the world felt heavy on his young shoulders. "I think the first thing I'll do is find a job," he mused, his mind racing with plans for the future. "Then I'll get a big house, just like this one, and make sure I can afford a new school. It shouldn't be that hard," he thought optimistically, believing that everything would fall in place effortlessly.

Lost in his thoughts, his mind wandered to his first love, Lucy. Should he tell her about his impending departure? "No," he concluded, remembering his grandfather's advice. "Nobody must know." He decided that it would be easier to leave without letting anyone in on his secret. He didn't want to cause sadness or make anyone worry. The thought of leaving behind his dear friends weighed heavily on his heart, especially Jayden. Jayden, with his charming dimples and infectious smile, had been Jack's closest friend since childhood. They shared countless memories and had a bond that seemed unbreakable. Jack knew that saying goodbye to Jayden would be one of the hardest things he would have to do.

Lucy, with her captivating emerald green eyes that sparkled like precious gems, had a way of drawing people in. Her eyes reflected her inner depth and charm, and Jack found himself getting lost in them, time and time again. Her silky skin and slender figure only added to her alluring .

Then there was Annabel, a friend of Lucy's, and therefore a friend of Jack's. She possessed long, flowing dark hair that cascaded down her back, lending her an air of elegance. Her dark, shiny skin also enhanced her natural beauty. Jack couldn't help but think of both Lucy and Annabel, hoping that they wouldn't miss him too much when he was gone.

With these thoughts swirling in his mind, Jack eventually drifted off to sleep, his mind filled with the memories of his friends and the bittersweet anticipation of the unknown. Jack was abruptly awakened by a resounding thump on his bedroom door. Startled and groggy, he stumbled towards the door, mumbling, "Who is it?" the butler, responded, "It's Tony, Mr Jack." Confused by the loud banging, Jack wondered why the usually gentle butler was so forceful this morning.

With a frown on his face, Jack opened the door and asked, "What?" He was still half-asleep and eager to return to bed. The butler replied, "It's time, Mr Jack." Jack retorted, "Time for what?" Then, realization struck him like a lightning bolt. Today was the day he had to leave the house. The sleep vanished from his eyes, and a sharp pain pierced his heart. "Is this really it?" he mumbled in disbelief.

It was barely 5 am, and he was already being asked to leave. Dejectedly, he looked at the butler and said, "I'll take a quick shower and be downstairs in a minute." Jack struggled to the bathroom, feeling an overwhelming urge to just drown himself in the bathtub. But he resisted, thinking about his parents, his friends, and the life he was leaving behind. He pulled himself out of the bathtub, determined to stay alive for their sake.

With renewed hope, he took a long, hot shower and dressed himself. He packed a few clothes, shoes, and some of his precious jewelries into his suitcase. As he closed the suitcase, he looked ahead with determination. He would definitely return, and when he did, he would become the heir of the Smith's dynasty.

Downstairs, he saw everyone waiting for him, his mom was already in tears, and he avoided making eye contact with her. Oh how he wished he was never leaving her side, But this definitely had to be done . He slowly walked over to them and hugged them one by one. His mum was about to give him some money when his dad stopped her. He left the house with nothing.

Outside the house , his grandfather's most trusted bodyguard and hit man, Troy was instructed to take him somewhere far away from home and drop him off. he escorted him but before they left , Lucy and Jayden stopped them. "Hey Jack , you want to go to the mall with I and Lucy " Jayden asked . Jack was speechless, he didn't know what to do or say , he didn't want to tell them

anything just yet . He was just going to leave and have them figure out that he left.

"No I can't ". He replied, "I'm taking a trip to one of my uncle's villa in LA, I will be back soon, when I come back, we can go to the mall “

"When will you be back?" Lucy asked. He looked at her beautiful green emerald eyes, it sparkled really bright, it was hard to resist, and he felt like looking at her all day without going anywhere. But Troy coughed, trying to get his attention. "I will definitely be back soon Lu, and I will marry you when I'm back ". He leaned forward and perked her on the cheeks . He said goodbye to Jayden with the rest of his family peeping at him through the transparent glass door. They both got into the car and drove away.

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