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Chapter 2 Out Alone

Word Count: 3684    |    Released on: 13/12/2023


. Troy glanced at Jack, offering words of encouragement, "Take care, boy. Make us proud because I'm rooting for you." With

eal dream, hoping someone would awaken him from this nightmare. He longed for the butler to come poun

om this harsh reality. Suddenly, a voice from behind interrupted his plea, "Move, boy." Another voice chimed in, mocking him, "Go back to your momm

his suitcase, he found solace at the bus stop, where he continued

or the next five years. With a heavy heart, he g

as having a heated argument with him. Checking his pocket, he found $200, a reminder of how he used to carelessly forget mone

discovered his phone's battery had died. "Oh no!" he exclaimed, frustrated by his streak of bad luck. Being kicked out of his home, dropped

he first house he approached revealed a grumpy woman, her appearance worn and haggard. Dishevelled hair, deep lines etched on her face, and tired eyes adorned with dark circles painted a pi

avily.. Suddenly, he realized struck him he had left his suitcase, contain

repeatedly, "I want to go back home," as if seeking solace in those words. Finally he reached the spot where he had dropped his suitcase, he dis

his time, an unsightly man emerged from the house, dressed in shabby clothes and ho

smile played across his face as he asked. Jack's eyes widened with hope as he heard the question. "Yes, sir, that's me. I left my suitcase here," he responded anxiously. "It's a large brown suitca

an ounce of pity, shutting the door in Jack's face. A few moments later, he reappeared, holding Jack's suitcase. "Is this yours? It must be worth a fortune," he remarked. "I could sell it an

o walk away. Jack felt a surge of desperation and pleaded, "Please, it's all I have. It's just my clothes inside, and I have nowhere else to go." He lied, knowing that if he mentioned the expensive jewelry, he'd never see it again. Jack cont

om him. Jack pondered for a moment and then spoke up, "I happen to have 200 bucks on me. I could give it to you if you let me have my suitcase." The man's eyes lit up with doubt,

nd thoughts. Jack wasted no time and dashed away, putting as much distance as possible between himself and the haggard man's house. After running for several blocks, he finally came to a halt, gasping for air. He took a mo

him? He decided to take a chance and walk into any random store, hoping they would accept his jewelry as payment for snacks. After asking around, he was

potato chips, tempting chocolate bars like Snickers and KitKat, and colourful packs of gummy bears. His stomach growl

hen the time came to pay, he realized he had no money. The total came to b

had chosen. With a gesture, the cashier summoned security to escort him out. As Jack was being taken away, he pleaded desperately, tears streaming down his face. "Please, don't send me away. I'm starving, and I h

ust before he reached it, he noticed a girl who had discarded a partially eaten burger. Jack hurriedly approached, seizing the opportunity, and devoured the burger hungrily. The girl observed him, her heart filled with compa

voice. His heart skipped a beat, but he remembered Lu and remained calm. "Hey," he replied, "I'm sorry for taking your burger. I was really hungr

illed with compassion as she asked, "Where do you sleep now?" Jack's eyes began to well up with tears as he answered, "Nowhere." Moved by his sadness, she gently wiped away his tears and said, "Don't cry. Let's be friends. I'm Cynthia, but you can call me Cici if

ppearance and torn clothes from his

was a handsome face waiting to be revealed. As they walked towards the empty store, a smile formed on Cici's lips. The store was exactly as she had described it - deserted and lonely. Cici had a key to the store, which she had put a lock

eyes filled with curiosity and ant

ke it. After all, it was a roof over his head.

wasn't the most attractive, but it had a simple charm. It was a one-story house with weathered brick walls, giving it a rustic look. The roof had wor

e of home for Cici and her single mom, who were just trying to get b

at Cici's place. With her mom out, it seemed like the perfect opportunity. But th

years. The water rushing down his body felt like a cleansing of all his past struggles. Reluctantly, he turned off the shower when he heard Cici calling for him to hurry up before her mom returned. After quickly drying hims

gnise him. “You look

ve with Lu, he couldn't help but feel something for Cici. But he reminded h

he couldn't believe he was the same guy rummaging through the trash for food. In her mind, she admitted, "I re

d. Jack expressed his gratitude, thinking to himself, "If it weren't for her, I might have starved

e couldn't help but admire her long legs as she moved. He kept watchin

he knew he needed to map out his plan. It wouldn't be easy, but he was determined not to give up. He opened hi

his face as he realized he wouldn't have to starve or worry about finding a place to stay. Despite the d

drifted off to sleep, snoring loudly. It

ng. Tears streamed down her face as she pondered what he had eaten that day and where he would sleep that night. Without wasting any time, she rushed to fi

she cried out. Andrew, understood her motherly instincts, and he held her tightly, trying to calm he

I need to know if he's okay." Tears continued to stream down her face as she looked up at Andrew, pleading,

ust by saying the word. Looking at Ivette with pity, he agreed to have someone find Jack and keep an eye on him. Iv

plans. With sad eyes, she told Andrew that she would be sleeping in Jack's bed, wanting to be

ght to Jack's room. She Climbed onto his bed, but kept tossing and t

ut what was happening, he debated whether to go outside or stay inside. The noi

she would feel when he returned after five long years. Would she still b

inking about her when his heart belonged to Lucy. "Maybe it's because she had been so

ide, first he looked towards Cici's house, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. Disappointed

ured out. But before he could proceed, he needed to charge his phone and get a new S

ooked around, in searched of a place to charge his phone. Just down

ed, "Please ma'am, may I charge my phone here for a b

er beauty. With her curly hair, luscious lips, flawless skin, and deep brown eyes that seemed to penetrate one's soul, sh

his attention, and he suddenly snapped back to real

He looked at her and received a sweet smile in return. Aware of the age diffe

something to eat, but first, he had to sell the jewelry. That was his only

f he could retrieve his phone. As she stood up and approached him with his phone, his gaze wandered to her tanned

and asked for his name. "Jack," he replied. She remarked that he seemed new around

hone, Tania. I have to be on my way, but I need to know, do you know any stores where I can sell some

ress and directions, and he l

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