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The Alpha Mate I Was Sold To

The Alpha Mate I Was Sold To

Zoe Merick


Synopsis Elizabeth is the niece to alpha Jude of the moonlight pack but he doesn’t treat her as family. Her parents were dead leaving her in the hands of Alpha Jude who thought nothing of her. She was treated differently, not in a bad way at least. She gets to dress well, eat well and get ample sleep only because she was to be gifted to Alpha Damien, alpha of the Black Woods pack. Alpha Damien is brutal and a ruthless alpha, his pack has never been defeated or under a massive attack. His name is Damien but people like to call him the devil. Nobody crosses his territory and lives. Elizabeth is an angel, soft and resilient. She stumbled upon the world of terror, lies, deceit and power. She was sold in other terms to a wolf who’s not her mate. When she stayed with him she noticed that he may not be the devil they paint him up to be and maybe she could like him and live as his. But what happens when emotions are born, his mate arrives and her position in his life is questioned not to top it when her own mate equally shows up? What will she do, who will she choose and not to sum it up the very undefeatable pack is under a massive attack and may very well be the end of the great pack. Find out the twist and turns in this awesome book.

Chapter 1 A kiss of betrayal

Chapter one

A kiss of betrayal.

Elizabeth’s POV

I stood by the mirror staring at my reflection. My hair packed up in a messy bun but it was perfect, glittering silver earrings dangled from my ear. My honey eye filled with tears. I stared at the dress, a green velvet flowing dress with a high slit, off shoulder, long sleeved and silver heels.

The door opened to my alpha, alpha Jude. He smiled when he took in my appearance.

“You look stunning my dear” he said still smiling, he approached me when I turned and I gave him my full attention.

“Oh dear, no need to have that face. Remember you’re doing this for the pack, your parents would have wanted this,” he said, dampening my eyes with a white handkerchief.

Of course I was doing this for the pack, I was being sold to a ruthless alpha in exchange for him to protect our pack against attack over the pack. He was right, my parents would have wanted this. Being given to an alpha that was not my mate.

Every werewolf on this planet wanted nothing more than to find their mate and be happy but as far as I know happiness was far from me and I must hold on less I fall. I could not be weak, I couldn’t cry, I'm already prepared for everything.

“Oh are you gorgeous!!.”

I looked behind my alpha to see his mate. Her eyes twinkled with joy. I plastered a fake smile.

“Now you remember my child, whatever he wants, you give to him”. She said tilting my face from side to side, admiring the work in my face and my beauty.

I nodded.

“You see, life is all about sacrifices ... .oh you’ll be his new favourite… see that skin and baby face” she appraised.

“It’s good to know our work was not in vain” she breathed out “you look perfect”.

“You’ll be down in three hours,” my alpha said and walked out with his mate.

I was prepared for anything, I would give him whatever he wanted. My alpha and his mate made sure I was still a virgin when I was offered as a prize. They needed to make it look like they cared and loved me so that it’ll be like we’re bound by family and that was the thickest bond. Sitting down on my chair, I looked around. I’m really going to miss this room. I was strong, I was trained, made to read all the scholar's books and be beautiful for him.

The door creaked open, from the mirror I saw my servant walk in. She ran to me, tears in her eyes, they were already red and puffy from crying, her nose filled with snorts. She sniffed crying.

“This isn’t fair, this isn’t right” she said amidst tears.

I forced a smile “well Cheryl life isn’t fair” I said wiping her tears, I couldn’t cry and spoil my makeup.

“You’re so pretty, your mate will give anything to be with you,” more tears flowed from her eyes. I was trying not to cry but she was making it impossible, I sniffed.

“Oh… no no no, don’t be sad” she apologised. “You’ll ruin your makeup.”

I laughed and she joined me “you are right I can’t have my makeup ruined.. so no more cries.”

She smiled “you’re gonna be okay.”

“Wait, how about you run?That could work, right?” She suggested.

“He’ll come after the pack, and I care about it” I answered honestly. Yes maybe I’d been treated like a doll with no feelings but this was my parents pack and I had people I actually care about..

She started singing, Cheryl had such a beautiful voice. I saw her holding back a sob as she sang. I had people here, they were few but I did and I was gonna miss them.

Like my mother always said, ‘everyone on this planet earth had a course, and chasing that is most paramount’.

A light knock came on my door, Cheryl quickly stood up, by the door stood Sam, my alpha’s son. He was older than me, he and his siblings were. It’s Vivian, the last child that was the same age as me. There were three.

He walked in slowly, we didn’t get along, I didn’t think I got along with any of the Parkers. They couldn’t bully me because I was a package for the treaty. They mostly never paid attention to me.

“I heard that the alpha is pretty good in bed,” he said, smirking “I hate that I’m gonna miss how you walk when your legs are spread out”.

“I’ll miss you Bethy” he said when he was close to the door, he opened it and shut it behind him.

My parents gave their life for this pack and I got sold for this pack. I took a long, shaky breath. Life was really unfair. Cheryl noticed my sad face and walked up to me singing again, she sang one of the songs my mum taught her, at that point I was at the brink of tears. A light knock then followed by the opening of the door, Vivian stood in all her glory, eyes to the ground. I wondered why.

“It’s time, you’re needed downstairs” she said and stepped out.

“So this is it, the moment we’ve all been waiting for” I muttered. As I stepped out of my room, Cheryl didn’t follow. She was still preparing herself trying hard to control her tears, I saw my uncle and aunt standing outside by my door.

They stretched forth their hand for me to take it and I did. They led me gracefully down the stairs and then across the big parlour stood a room with a door, one step through that door and it was bye bye to my life, to my dream.

The Black Woods guard stood at some points. We got to the door and they squeezed my hand tight. One may mistake it for care or love but it couldn't have been further than that.

One step and we were inside the room, a not so small room, the guards stood from both packs, their court members present.

I started hearing sobs. I looked to see if it was from Cheryl but she was in no way in sight, slowly I turned to my left to find my Alpha and Luna crying. Crying profoundly, at that moment I forgot my worries and pains and looked at them astonished.

“Oh Susan, don’t worry we’ll come visiting always” my alpha said to his mate.

These people should be given an Oscar for their acting, they don’t give two sheets about me.

“Oh Elizabeth” I heard my name. I turned to see my alpha’s children wearing equally sad faces. Oh gawd. They walked to my side and hugged me crying also. I felt a pinch by my side and I looked up to catch Susan’s eyes on me “cry” she whispered.

I was Stubborn, nevertheless I did as I was told. When they approached the court, everyone sat, they brought out papers and signed, I did not bother reading, what good would it do. Alpha Jude’s hand squeezed mine on the table, he sobbed as he signed me off. An alpha crying in front of another.

My eyes met with the Alpha I was being sold to for the first time, I had been dodging his gaze. His black orbs were boring holes in mine. He looked so damn scary.

We all stood.

“I….. alpha Jude…of the..moonlight pack gi..ves” he paused and took a break. “Gives my child.., Elizabeth Theodore” he held his mouth and took another long shaky breath “to you alpha of the Black Woods pack” he finally completed his Oscar award winning speech.

I needed to play a game also, maybe if this alpha saw that I’m loved and wanted by my family members he may treat me with a little respect. So with that I fell to the floor by my uncle and alpha, he was surprised at first then he quickly played along every single one of them. Hypocrites.

Crying at his feet “I will love you Uncle Jude, you were like a father to me, a wonderful alpha. I will always be loyal to you”.

Approaching The Luna, Susan I Hugged her crying equally, “I love you” and hugged her and her children.

We heard a loud thud, we turned in sync to see Cheryl by the door.

“Let me go with her, my lady” she said, crying and running, repeating the same words. I must’ve been faking my tears but when I saw her like that, torn apart, her heart true I sobbed even more from my heart.

My alpha was about to refuse but Susan quickly cut in “no problem child, accompany her. Watch over my daughter”.

Cheryl already had her bags packed hanging over her shoulder.

“Of course that’s if it’s okay by you Alpha Damien” alpha Jude said.

The alpha just nodded. So cold.

They handed me over to him, I called for my alpha and Luna and hugged them. I whispered quietly in their ears “you’ll regret this”.

She smirked “stubbornness will kill you over there my child, don’t be rebellious, be kind and gentle and don’t let your anger get the best of you” she said, patting me by the shoulder and then a kiss by my cheeks.

A kiss of betrayal…

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