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They told her she wasn't anything special. They lied.

Chapter 1 Prologue

Remember when you were younger and wished you had those awesome super powers you see in movies? You know, things like controlling fire, water, earth, air, and the ability to see in the future? If I were you i'd wish for something better, like a puppy. These powers are nothing but a curse that leave you with an aching head and sore body. Your mind is almost always mush and completely uncontrollable. I only wish I knew how to get rid of them because they've ruined everything. Life was so much easier when I never knew these powers existed.

I didn't have to worry about keeping me temper under wraps, or making sure I don't let my emotions play across my face. If I'm not in check, my eyes glow depending on my moods and it's extremely noticeable.sometimes strange things occur inside the rooms in which I'm standing in, like moving objects or a sudden flicker of lights.

I was adopted almost four years ago by the Ackermanns'. They were cruel folks, not always welcoming but can fake it in front of others. I believe they only adopted me for the money coming their way. Because of the accident that happened seven years ago, the Institute is willing to pay big bucks for me to be taken care of. I'm given basic needs, but treated more like their personal maid. They were middle-class citizens, having money but not too much or too little.

Keeping my secret ability has been easy so far- that is until Carter Davidson, known as Mr. Popularity at my school, takes a sudden interest in me. The boy who also happens to be my nosey next door neighbor. He notices everything, and it's almost as if he shows up everywhere I'm at, watching me.

No one ever notices me , so his presence is not a welcome intrusion. He's observant and it kind of scares me. I don't know what his deal is, but I'm going to make sure he never finds out my secret otherwise my already terrible life will get a whole lot worse.

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