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The 5'3" girl


Matilda is conflicted with love and betrayal, as a difficult part of her past life is being revealed most unexpectedly. Will Matilda's affection for Jaden prevent her from avenging her parent's deaths? Or will she make use of the opportunity and lose her beloved lover?

Chapter 1 1

Matilda sighed sadly as she rested her back against the front door, with an envelope in her hands.

"How will I clear all these debts alongside Niki's hospital bills?" Matilda whispered to herself silently, as a drop of tear escaped her eyes.

She immediately cleaned her tears as she heard Niki approaching the sitting room.

"Were you talking to yourself?" Niki asked with his eyebrows arched in curiosity.

"Of course not little champ, I was just going through our bills for the month" she replied with a faint smile.

"Oh..." Niki said with sadness in his voice.

Matilda walked up to him and bent down to make direct eye contact with him.

"You have nothing to worry about alright? Big sis got it all covered, my little pumpkin" She playfully ruffled his hair.

"Don't call me that, I'm 12 now" Niki said with a little frown which made Matilda laugh heartily.

"You will always be my little pumpkin, baby brother. C'mon get your bag, you don't wanna make us late" Niki rolled his eyes as he picked up his school bag.

"Did you pack your medication? Your oxygen mask, I don't want you to..."

Niki cut her mid sentence "check check check, I packed it all no need to worry".

Matilda patted his head with a smile " you're a big boy now, and so responsible, c'mon let's go now".


Matilda hurriedly went past everyone she met on the stairs, she cannot afford to get late to her desk before Jaden arrives.

She got to her desk panting heavily and let out a sigh of relief "I hope he has not arrived yet" She said as she started to arrange her desk.

Matilda inhaled three times to calm herself down before knocking on his door.

She knocked thrice, and there was no response. She knocked again and this time she was met with her bosses' husky voice.

"Come in".

"Good morning sir" Matilda greeted with her head bowed facing the ground, her both bands folded in front of her.

She cannot afford to look him straight in the eyes.

"Are you talking to the floor?" Jaden questioned with annoyance in his voice.

"No sir...I...I was only trying to..."

"Save your explanation, I do not care. Go and get me my coffee downstairs, it must not be below 100°C. Now". Jaden bellowed.

With her trembling and shaky legs, Matilda managed to find her way out of the office. She heaved a sigh of relief like she was choking from shortness of breath.

Matilda ran as fast as her leg could carry her to the cafeteria. She got Jaden's coffee just like how he always wanted it.

Hurrying back to his office, to prevent the coffee from dropping below the temperature he gave her.

"This is your coffee sir" She placed it in front of him, still not looking him in the eye.

"What's my schedule for today?" Jaden inquired as he took a sip from his coffee.

"You have a meeting with the manager of SOS company, by 11am.

Next, by 1pm you have a scheduled date at the Sweet Sensation restaurant with..."

"What? Did you just say a date?" Jaden was furious as he stood up from his desk and began to approach Matilda.

Matilda took a few steps backwards, to avoid his terrible gaze.

"Your father called me and said I should..."

"How many times have I told you never to take orders from my father?" Jaden blurted out in anger, his eyes brazing in fury.

"I am sorry sir" Matilda answered with a soft and trembling voice.

" Do not apologise to me, this should be the last time you ever take orders from my father. Have I made myself clear?!"

"Yes sir" A tear dropped from Matilda's eyes as she was scared and nervous.

"Now, take this coffee away and get me a new one. Your stupid self caused this, now get out and cancel that so-called date".

"Yes sir" she muttered with a teary and shaky voice.

Jaden railed at Matilda and did not care at all that she was crying.


Matilda brushed past everyone she met on the way, faster than the speed of light.

She got a new cup of coffee for Jaden and also got one for herself, to help relax her nerves.

"Here's the new cup of coffee sir" she said, bowing her head as she headed towards the door to leave.

Little did she know that the wrath of her boss was not yet over.

"Did I ask you to leave?" Jaden queried.

Matilda turned back and her eyes met with his, and she looked down quickly to avoid his terrible stare.

Her feet were glued to the floor, her hands shaking from the fright. She uttered no response.

"I need these files to be ready before you leave for work today. I do not care if you have to stay after work hours, just get it done" he pointed at the pile of paperwork on the table, as he spoke.

Matilda's heart sank immediately, she remembered she had promised Niki to watch his favourite series Harry Potter, together later today.

"Understood sir" still in that fixed position, Matilda managed to voice out a response.

Jaden stood and picked up his jacket from the coat rack, walking towards the door where Matilda stood.

"I will be leaving for the meeting now"

He stopped walking when he got to where Matilda was standing, like he was waiting for a response.

"You will look at me when I speak to you, Matilda" Jaden growled.

It took every ounce of boldness left in Matilda, to look him in the eye.

The intimidating height from Jaden was very obvious, Matilda barely reached his shoulders.

Matilda felt like his eyes were piercing through hers as he stared at her. She parted her lips to speak, but words failed her.

"Anyways, just get the work done" Jaden finally said as he opened and went through the door.

As the sound of Jaden's footsteps fade away, Matilda collapsed against the wall, letting out a breath of frustration in it.

She took the pile of paperwork and headed to her desk. She slumped in her chair, as she placed her head on the table.

"What a good way to start the day" she muttered sadly to herself.

Matilda rose up and finished her already cold coffee in one gulp, as her phone rang.

"Yes, this Matilda Blair speaking. How can I help you?".

The coffee mug fell from her hands and broke.

"What?!...No no, it can't be!" Matilda yelled over the phone, her hands trembling as she placed them over her mouth, tears welled up in her eyes.

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