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The Divine Core

The Divine Core

Chiyo Kobayashi


In a world where the strong lives protect the weak, Daemons safeguard humanity's existence. But one fallen Daemon, consumed by evil, threatens the balance. With the enigmatic force of Cosmos endangering all, the Daemons unite to seal him away, restoring peace. In the modern era, a peculiar Daemon named Kai is born, shielded from his true identity by illusions. Yet, visions reveal his origins, and his guardian Shujin unveils reality. Determined, Kai embraces his purpose: to find his family, uncover the earth's imbalance, and restore harmony. In a race against malevolence, Kai defies fate, grappling with inner conflict and facing formidable foes. His journey becomes a quest to reshape destiny and save humanity. In "The Divine Core," Kai stands as the last hope for all mankind. Can he bring everlasting peace and harmony to the world?


Deep within the Heian Era, Daemons ascended, their presence unyielding with most prominence in Japan. The shackles of shattered harmony in the realm of epic proportions bloomed. The bridge between good and evil emerged to commence a quest: to restore balance, to rewrite destiny; that the world may know peace once more. But, with a saga forged in strife, a Celestial storm brewed, valour ablaze…





As the sun dipped behind Tokyo's skyline on a mid-August evening, the city prepared for the annual Obon celebration.

Lanterns adorned streets, casting a warm glow upon kimono-clad figures. Families, draped in vibrant yukatas, gathered in parks, their laughter resonating with the rhythm of traditional taiko drums.

The air hummed with anticipation as dancers, adorned in intricate yukata patterns, swayed gracefully to folk melodies.

Against the city lights, the night embraced a joyous spirit, with locals and visitors alike partaking in the Bon Odori dance, weaving through the streets like a river of celebration.

On this enchanted night, Tokyo painted a vivid portrait of cultural unity, honoring ancestors with every step.

Kai Nagano, illuminating the streets with his heart of gold, journeyed through the busy roads at a quick pace, showing off his sky blue yukata and white palms.

“Kāsan! Tousan!” He called out his mum and dad to pick up the pace. “Hurry up! We don't wanna miss the Bon Odori dance, right? Aren't you supposed to move faster than me?”

“We're trying, kiddo,” Mr. Nagano replied. “But, you sure do move fast for your age.”

He wasn't wrong. Kai had just turned five years old. But, he could clock out at ten miles per hour on average ratings. It was a feat that was peculiar in itself but was overlooked as a talent of his.

“The night isn't running away, sweetheart.” Mrs. Nagano pointed out. “Taking it slow should be more fulfilling, yeah?”

Mr. Nagano chuckled, realising the true intentions of his better half. “You know, Kai, your mum doesn't want to ruin her makeup and dress. After all, she spent hours staring at the mirror to nail the 'perfect look.' Right honey?"

The family laughed over Mrs. Nagano's internal struggle. It was a beautiful lavender yukata with shades of aqua to add to the overall dazzling nature of the dress. Falling over in an embarrassing bit was not an option for her. Not tonight.

The Nagano family eventually made it on time to tag along with the dancers. Kai's piercing shade of sky blue eyes, complemented by his silver-white hair, gave light to the festive night as he showed off his moves.

It was that period of time he always looked forward to. He, alongside his parents, danced the night away, hoping it would never end.

Life seemed like one of eternal joy and bliss.

But, for how long?

As the Nagano family reveled in the rhythmic dance of the Bon Odori, unbeknownst to them, a shadow slithered through the alleyways of a district nearby. Hidden from the vibrant celebration, the obscure corners of Tokyo concealed a nexus of malevolence, a place few dared to acknowledge.

In the clandestine heart of the city, a district known as Azure Meadows thrived in shadows. Its name whispered tales of illicit dealings and dark secrets. Neon signs flickered in the narrow alleys, casting an eerie glow on those who dared to venture into its depths.

Within Azure Meadows, hidden behind a nondescript curtain, opened into a realm of decadence and corruption. The air, thick with the scent of incense and clandestine agreements, betrayed no hint of the revelry transpiring mere streets away.

Deep within the dimly lit confines of the dark district, a figure clad in obsidian robes observed the revelry through enchanted crystals. Her name, whispered in the darkest corners, was Yumiko Kurogawa – a harbinger of chaos and orchestrator of Daemonic ascension.

As Kai twirled under the moonlit sky, the malevolent eyes of Yumiko focused on the unsuspecting family. Her lips curled into a sinister smile as she sensed a power emanating from the young boy – a power that could tip the delicate balance between light and darkness.


As the last notes of the Bon Odori echoed through Tokyo's streets, a chilling wind whispered through Azure Meadows, carrying with it an ominous foreboding.

Under the soft glow of ancestral lanterns, Yumiko began to recite the incantation. The air thickened with ancient power as she chanted:





(Meikai no tobira, akehanataren.

Yomi no chi yori, reikon modore.

Inochi no ito, meguri megure.

Seimei no wa, futatabi tsumugan.)

In the depths of the night, Tokyo held its breath, as the lines between the living and the dead began to blur, responding to the mystical cadence of Yumiko's ancestral chant.

“Now, let the real celebration begin!”

In a powerful crescendo, the lights went out. The burning flames reduced to embers. The dance halted. The wind howled upon the graves of the dearly departed. And, in sinister harmony, the arms of the dead reached out to the world that bid them goodbye once before; they were granted life anew.

The humans were shrouded in disbelief. Their screams made this evident. The people they once loved spawned back to reality. But, not in the way they wanted.

As the technique unleashed by Yumiko's incantation took hold, the atmosphere in Japan transformed drastically. The air crackled with an unsettling energy, and the once dormant shadows now stirred with life.

The revived spirits, once peaceful and joyous, emerged with bizarre distortions. Their forms were twisted and contorted, resembling nightmarish giants and bioengineered monstrosities.

Kai, still caught up in the remnants of the Bon Odori dance, felt a shiver run down his spine. The joyous celebration had given way to a nightmarish reality.

The once-cheerful atmosphere of Sakura Grove now echoed with the ominous presence of the reanimated dead, their goliath-like figures casting eerie shadows on the once serene streets of Obon Lane.

The Nagano family, like others caught in the unexpected resurrection, recoiled in horror at the sight of their once-beloved ancestors turned into monstrous entities.

The vibrant lanterns that once illuminated the path of celebration now flickered in the face of a dark turn of events.

Yumiko, observing her menacing creation with a wicked satisfaction, basked in the chaos she had unleashed. The hideous beings, driven by a hunger for the living, began to move through the streets of Sakura Grove with deliberate malice.

Panic ensued as the living were forced to confront the abominable versions of their dearly departed.

Bioengineered mutants, infused with an otherworldly force, sought the lives of the unsuspecting celebrants, their once-familiar faces distorted into nightmarish visages.

The festive night had taken an unforeseen turn into a realm of horror, where the living danced on the precipice of survival, desperately trying to evade the relentless onslaught of the reanimated dead.

As the moon cast an eerie glow on the chaos that unfolded in Sakura Grove, the once-celebrated Obon festival became a nightmarish battleground between the living and the twisted specters of the resurrected.

“He-he-he-llo, su-nny. Long time no see.”

The once dazzling face of Kai's resurrected grandmother spoke.

“Kāsan, Tousan, what's happening?” Kai inquired.

“I wish I knew, son. I wish I knew.” Mr. Nagano replied, a hint of fear plunging his words.

As the mutated creatures, once the dearly departed, staggered through Sakura Grove, fear spread like wildfire among the living.

A chilling sense of terror filled the air as these bioengineered monsters, resembling their former family members, relentlessly pursued their own kin with an insatiable hunger.

In the midst of the panicked crowd, anguished cries and heart-wrenching screams echoed as the mutants, with freakish faces resembling their past selves, approached their living relatives.

The eerie voices of these twisted figures spoke words that echoed memories of happier times, creating a spine-chilling blend of familiarity and horror.

"Remember the warmth of my embrace?" moaned the mutated great grandmother, her voice a haunting mix of the known and the monstrous.

"Your laughter used to be music to my ears," whispered a mutated sibling, their words a disturbing symphony of nostalgia turned nightmare.

Faced with the terrifying reality of their once-beloved family members now transformed into monstrous beings, the living experienced an overwhelming horror. Panic surged through Sakura Grove as desperate cries filled the air, blending with the eerie howls of the mutants.

In the chaos, Kai clung to his parents, their faces marked by sheer terror as they confronted the nightmare that had engulfed the once-celebrated Obon festival.

As the mutants reached out with distorted limbs, hungering for the lives of their kin, the living found themselves in a heart-wrenching dilemma.

The cackles of the deranged lady echoed. Her reality unfolded perfectly. The worst was yet to come.

••• ® •••

Hello, avid minds! I hope you'll grow to find this story to be your cup of tea.

Very briefly, for those who wonder what the deranged lady was chanting, here's the translation:


(Meikai no tobira, akehanataren.)

"Gate of the underworld, be opened."


(Yomi no chi yori, reikon modore.)

"Spirits, return from the land of the dead."


(Inochi no ito, meguri megure.)

"Threads of life, weave and intertwine."


(Seimei no wa, futatabi tsumugan.)

"Circle of life, spin again."

••• ® •••

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