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My love is a starlight

My love is a starlight

Jemima Davis


Lilyviles high school, here I come." Amelia said to herself with excitement as she took one last look at herself in the dressing mirror. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Amelia Brown gains admission to Lilyviles High School, the best high school in Los Angeles. She resumes to the school with the belief that her school year would be peaceful and uneventful. Her hope becomes a wishful thinking when the hottest guy at school falls in love with her. This earns her a lot of enemies at school and troubles begins to come her way. Things becomes more hectic when her boyfriend gets accused of murder. Will she fight for her love? Will she be able to find the real killer? Will she overcome the challenges? Find out in this captivating story.

Chapter 1 A dream come true

Amelia's POV

"Welcome to Lilyviles High School, Amelia." I muttered as I checked myself out in the mirror. My school uniform looked so elegant on me and it fitted me perfectly. It was a white shirt and a pleated yellow skirt with white vertical and horizontal lines designed on it. The name 'Amelia Brown' was boldly inscribed on the name tag that was fixed to my shirt. I perfected my outfit with a pair of white sneakers. I giggled excitedly as I took one last look at myself.

It was my first day at school and words cannot describe how ecstatic I felt.

Lilyviles High School had always been my dream school. It was the dream school of every teenager in Los Angeles. Although it was a dream for many, it only came true for very few people - The children of the rich whose parents could afford the exorbitant school fees and a few teenagers who gained admission to the school through scholarship.

I know what you are thinking. Yes, I gained admission to the school through scholarship. The school fees, the school uniforms and all other expenses had been paid for. All I needed to do was to dress up every morning and be a student of LHS.

Tears rolled down my eyes as I remembered taking the school's entrance examination twice but I failed to meet the pass marks by being short of a mark or two.

Final years in high schools are most crucial to every student. They are years when students get to apply to the universities of their choices.

For me to attend the university of my dream, I needed a school with outstanding teachers who would groom me into success.

I remembered summoning every bit of courage and confidence as I took the online scholarship exam organized by LHS. I was taking the exam for the third time. As expected, the questions were so tough and they required a high level of brainstorming. It was a very difficult exam that I had to take under forty minutes.

I had no choice than to face the questions and give the examination my very best. I had no choice. The children of the rich didn't have to apply for the scholarship to get admission into the school. There was no need for a scholarship. Their parents could afford the school fees. It was a total walkover for them.

It was the exact opposite for me, the first child of a family of four. My average family could not afford three square meals a day. There was no way I could attend my dream school unless I get myself a scholarship.

I widened my eyes with disbelief as I stared at the screen of my phone. For a minute or two, I was in a state of shock. Okay, maybe not shock but I was definitely astounded.

"Congratulations Amelia Brown. You have passed the entrance exam into Lilyviles High School. Please click the left button to accept your admission." Those words typed in bold fonts stared back at me.

"Yayyyyyy!" Like someone suddenly released from a spell, I screamed my heart out.

"I did it!" I found myself saying repeatedly as I did a little dance in my small room. That night was one of the best nights of my life. I was finally a Lilyvite.

I quickly wiped my tears and tied my hair into a small bun. The sweet aroma of French toast filled the air. I needed no one to tell me that mother was at it again, showcasing her amazing culinary skills.

I carried my school bag which contained a book or two. I had been told that a laptop and an iPad would be given to me when I get to the school.

It was totally unlike my former school where books and pens were used to take notes. I stepped out of my room and closed the old, rickety door behind me. I noticed that the lock had broken. I sighed and took a mental note to fix it when I return from school.

I walked to the kitchen and met my mum cooking on a rusty gas cooker. The kitchen utensils were pretty much old but they were still in good shape.

I shrugged and turned to face mother who had noticed my presence in the kitchen.

Her tired face brightened up with smiles on sighting me.

"Good morning mum." I said to her with cheerfulness.

Mrs Brown as I fondly called her was a woman in her mid- forties. She was of an average height, slim and beautiful. Although the effects of hardwork were showing on her skin, toughing it, she still looked radiant as ever.

"Good morning dear. I hope you slept well." She asked with a smile.

I responded with a nod as I watched her walk up to me. She held my hands with affection as she looked into my eyes.

"I can't believe that my daughter is now a student of the best high school in Los Angeles. I'm so proud of you daughter. I really am. It's your first day at school. Do not cause trouble. Don't beat anyone up"

I rolled my eyes at the last statement. I wasn't going to promise that. There won't be any need to cause trouble unless anyone steps on my toes. I have heard a lot about how arrogant and demeaning the rich kids could be.

"Be a good girl Amelia." Mother spelt out her last words of advice and pulled me in for a hug.

My nose caught a whiff of her body spray. I loved the homely sensation it gave me. I wrapped my hands around her back and melted into her embrace.

"Thanks mum. I promise to make you proud." I responded.

A small, mischievous cough at the door made us disengage almost immediately.

Standing by the door was Evans, my chubby little brother of thirteen. He was fully dressed in his school uniform.

"Hey," I walked up to him and ruffled his hair with fondness.

His eyes fell with sadness.

"Sister," He said with a feeble voice. I needed no one to tell me what was up with him.

We used to attend the same school and the fact that I had to leave for another school bothered him.

"C'mon Evans. I thought we've spoken about this. I'm bound to eventually graduate someday anyways. Don't worry Evans. I promise to work hard and bring you to Lilyviles High School." I promised him.

My promise sounded ridiculous to his ears. We all knew that no amount of money that I make from my part time jobs could ever sponsor my brother to Lilyviles High School."

His face brightened up a little but beneath his eyes were looks of doubt.

He spoke louder, this time with a tone of hope.

"No Amelia. I'll study hard and sit for the next scholarship examination."

I nodded in admiration and flicked my fingers in optimism.

"Yeahhhh you can do that. I believe in you."

"Guys, your father didn't come home last night." I heard Mum say.

I felt a surge of anger and non-chalance rise within me.

"Like I care." I said, nonchalantly.

Evans shrugged. "Like I care too."

"C'mon kids, don't be that way to your father." Mother cautioned us.

I sighed. "Mum, let's not ruin this beautiful morning with talks about him."

Evans nodded in agreement.

My wristwatch suddenly beeped, reminding me that it was time to go to school.

I hurriedly took a piece of French toast from the pan and savoured it. I took a sip from the milk mother had prepared for Evans and I.

I skipped out of the kitchen, waving my hands and mother and Evans.

I could hear my mother's voice, persuading me to eat more but I was not going to be late on my first day at my new school.

I unlocked Betty, my bicycle. It was a Trek FX line model. It was getting old but I loved it that way. It was a gift I got from my mum when I turned seventeen. That was about a year ago

I hopped on it and peddled it as fast as I could to Lilyviles high school.

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