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"I never thought... I mean, I thought only poor and greedy guys would marry me," Kate admitted, her eyes scanning the lavish surroundings. Edwin chuckled softly, "Appearances can be deceiving. You deserve more than a life of compromise." The tour continued, unveiling the manifold amenities of the manor. Kate couldn't help but marvel at the vastness of the estate, each room more extravagant than the last. The disparity between her expectations and reality deepened her intrigue about Edwin.

Chapter 1 The Fateful Reunion

On the grand aircraft carrier Atlantes, Edwin, known as Zeus in the Pantheon, received a call from his phone, on checking it, he saw it was Hermes on the line. The air hummed with the sounds of the ship's activities as Edwin answered the call.

"Hello" Edwin's voice echoed.

"Hello Sir, Its Hermes on the line" "Good afternoon sir". the voice from the other end replied.

How're you doing Hermes its being a while, what's the update? Edwin asked

"Sir, we've found her," came the voice through the static.

"The girl who saved you, all those years ago," Hermes explained. "She's from Oando City, with her small family. Her life's been difficult since the incident. The car explosion disfigured her appearance."

Edwin's gaze sharpened. "How is she now?"

Edwin's face darkened with a mix of concern and determination. "Tell me more."

"She's been living a hard life, scorned for her appearance. It seems the kindness she showed you didn't bring her much fortune," Hermes added.

Hearing it, Edwin’s face turned gloomy, feeling sorry for her and annoyed with those bullied her. Ten years ago, his family was massacred by an unknown forces, he almost died in a car crush but a girl risked her life saving him.

When he woke up, he found that he was in the army. In ten years, he became the supreme commander of foreign wars and the only Honorary Seven-Star Marshal in his country, organizing Pantheon, of which “Hermes” belongs to.

"Give me the details. I want to know everything." Edwin's voice remained steady.

Hermes briefed him on the current situation of the girl who had saved Edwin a decade ago. The aircraft carrier's deck buzzed with activity, but Edwin's focus was solely on the information relayed through the phone.

Hermes' voice crackled through the radio, "Sir, her family is actively searching for a son-in-law. The pressure on her is increasing."

Edwin's jaw tightened. "Any leads on those responsible for my family's massacre?"

"Still investigating, but it won't be easy," Hermes replied.

"Get me any information you can. I want names, affiliations – everything," Edwin commanded.

The connection went silent, leaving Edwin alone with his thoughts. A decade of military service had honed his instincts, and vengeance fueled his every move. He spared no sympathy for those who had wronged him, and now, for those who tormented the girl who had saved him.

Edwin's fighter jet sliced through the air, hurtling toward City with an intensity matching the storm of emotions within him. As the cityscape unfolded beneath him, memories of the past collided with the urgency of the present.

As he pondered on the past events of his life, immediately returned by fighter jet and all the soldiers on the carrier sent him off respectfully.

Edwin's sleek black car glided through the bustling streets of the city, its tinted windows concealing the figure inside. Determination etched across his face, Edwin, now clad in civilian attire, navigated the urban terrain with purpose.

Beside him, Hermes, also incognito in civilian attire, maintained a vigilant silence. The car glided through the familiar streets, nearing Kate's family villa. The information had led them here, and Edwin's pulse quickened with a mix of anticipation and apprehension.

As the car pulled up near Kate's house, Edwin observed the surroundings. His able-bodied men, dressed inconspicuously in black suits, formed a protective barrier around the vehicle. The air was charged with tension, a palpable energy that hinted at the imminent confrontation.

Edwin stepped out of the car, his gaze sweeping the neighborhood. The sight of the familiar streets brought back memories, both painful and redemptive. Kate's family villa stood in the midst of it all—a witness to a past that refused to remain buried.

Hermes, taking his cue, whispered, "We're here, Zeus."

Edwin nodded, his eyes fixed on the villa's entrance.

Kate, draped in attire resembling a mummy, concealed every inch of her skin, a stark contrast to the lively celebration that should accompany such an occasion. The fabric clung to her, a reminder of the fire that had left its permanent mark. The horrible burn, an unwelcome companion to her every step.

As Kate stood among the shadows, three men, hopeful suitors, stood nervously in the room. Their eyes darted between Kate and the family head, awaiting the impending decision that would alter the course of their lives.

The family head, Mr. Antonio who is her Grand Father, a stern figure with lines etched by time, eyed the potential husbands with a discerning gaze. Kate, unable to express herself freely, felt a knot tighten in her chest. The choices before her were mere strangers, yet her destiny hung in the balance.

Finally, Mr. Antonio, with a solemn nod, pointed toward Edwin. "You," he declared.

I've chosen you to take good care of my grand daughter as I give her to you in marriage

Edwin, dressed in civilian attire, accepted the unspoken responsibility with a nod. His eyes met Kate's, conveying a mixture of understanding and determination. The Mr. Antonio, not wasting a moment, announced, "The wedding ceremony will be held half a month later."

Kate, hidden behind her veiled appearance, fought back the swell of emotions. A pang of sorrow resonated within her as she realized the trajectory her life had taken since that fateful day ten years ago.

Amidst the strained atmosphere of the villa, the eldest grandson, known for his relentless ridicule of Kate, seized the opportunity to mock Edwin. "Look at you, a military man marrying this... this tragedy," he sneered, a cruel smirk playing on his face.

The room erupted in a cacophony of laughter, not of joy but of scorn. The rest of the families, distant relatives, and onlookers joined in, their congratulations laced with mockery. Even Kate's own parents and her brother, burdened by societal expectations, viewed her as a disgrace, a stain on the family's reputation.

Unable to bear the weight of their disapproval, Kate's parents and brother hastily retreated, leaving Kate alone in the suffocating environment. Silently, tears welled in her eyes as she bore the weight of their disdain.

Edwin, witnessing the heartless spectacle, approached Kate with a determination that mirrored the promise he had made to protect her. He gently took her hand, a silent reassurance amidst the sea of cruelty.

"Come, Kate. You won't face this alone," Edwin whispered, guiding her out of the villa. Outside, a military jeep, its engine humming with readiness, awaited them. A formidable black-suited man stood beside it, a silent sentinel prepared to execute Edwin's commands.

As they drove away from the haunting echoes of mockery, Edwin spoke to the strong man, "To the manor. It's time to begin the healing process."

The jeep traversed the city streets, leaving behind the shadows of Kate's past. The manor, a place of refuge and transformation, loomed in the distance. Edwin's promise to protect Kate, both physically and emotionally, echoed in the quiet moments of the journey.

Upon reaching the manor, Edwin led Kate inside, away from the judgmental eyes and cruel laughter that lingered in the recesses of her memory.

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