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Forced to love the Alpha

Forced to love the Alpha



Nielle's once carefree life gets turned upside down when she gets the shocking news of her arranged mating with Zephyr, the formidable Alpha of the Eastern territory. Her heart gets already torn between her deep feelings for Kieran, her best friend, and the forced union with Zephyr, setting the stage for an emotional rollercoaster. In this world where age-old traditions clashes with personal desires, Nielle finds herself in a complex web of ancient laws and territorial disputes. Things take a turbulent turn when a precious land rich in oil was discovered within their territory. Zephyr's unwavering determination not to sell the land triggered a fierce power struggle, and Rietta's ambitions to seize the land through Nielle's kidnapping led to a perilous confrontation. In this world hanging in the balance between tradition and desire, the burning question remained: Could love withstand the pressures, and if so, at what cost?

Chapter 1 1

"Nielle," A commanding voice interrupted her moment with Kieran, jolting her back to reality from the conversation she was having with him. "You are needed in the assembly room." Her heart raced at the unexpected summons, and she exchanged a quick glance with Kieran, her best friend, with whom she'd developed a deep bond. Kieran had hinted at seeking her father's approval to become her mate, a thought that thrilled her as her eighteenth birthday approached.

Upon her return to the cabin, Damian, her father's trusted Beta, stood at the doorstep with a grave expression, forewarning that something was amiss. She waved briefly to Kieran and followed Damian, her curiosity now fully piqued. The assembly room, typically reserved for important pack meetings, was an unfamiliar setting for her.

As she entered, a whirlwind of emotions assailed her senses—excitement, concern, and curiosity. She had a keen sense of mood, and the mixture of emotions left her bewildered. Her eyes darted around, taking in the Elders deeply engrossed in conversations with unfamiliar, older individuals. Her father, with a furrowed brow, was in conversation with a man she didn't recognize.

The stranger was a commanding presence, towering over her father at six-foot-four, radiating strength. Broad shoulders and a well-defined, muscular physique hinted at his physical prowess. Dark, slightly disheveled hair framed a striking face with chiseled features and full lips. Sensing her scrutiny, he turned, his amber eyes locking onto hers. He had an aura of steel but briefly softened as he met her gaze, his eyes skimming her figure before returning to her face. Nielle blushed under the intensity of his stare.

He offered a curt smile before resuming his discussion with her father, seemingly dismissing her presence. Her father, noticing her, approached her with a scowl marring his face. "Nielle, you've been running again, I see."

Nielle glimpsed at her reflection in a nearby mirror, her tousled long brown hair and a faint sheen of sweat giving her sun-kissed skin a dewy glow. Wiping a smudge of dirt from her nose, she turned her attention back to her father, grinning sheepishly in an attempt to defuse his annoyance. "It was too nice a day to stay indoors."

"But what did I tell you? It isn't safe to be out alone in wolf form, especially during hunting season, and even though our property is posted, humans don't always heed—"

"I was with Kieran, and we stayed away from the property's edge. We're not foolish, you know."

Her father sighed once more. "Ah, Kieran..." He paused, his expression growing serious. "Nielle, I have something to tell you. As you may know, the pack to the east has a new Alpha. His name is Zephyr." He gestured towards the imposing man standing across the room, and Nielle gave a polite and interested smile in response to her father's announcement.

"Meet me?" She couldn't help but wonder why her presence was required for this political gathering. The intricacies of pack politics had never concerned her, and her father had always shielded her from council meetings. Nonetheless, it was evident that the men in the corner, engaged in conversations with her pack's Elders, must be representatives from the eastern group.

"Yes, Zephyr is here to meet me... and you."

"Me?" Nielle was taken aback, and an inexplicable quiver of unease began to creep within her.

"Yes, you. The Elders have decided that with a new Alpha in charge, a fresh alliance should be formed. Zephyr is willing to be mated to you, and our packs will continue to coexist in peace."

"Mated? To me?" Nielle's mouth hung open in shock. She glanced across the room to find Zephyr gazing at her with a neutral expression, his hands behind his back. She turned back to her father. "But... but... Kieran...?"

Her father sighed. "I'm aware you have feelings for him, but this is for the pack's benefit. Strong alliances are crucial to guard against the human threat and provide access between territories."

Her mouth grew dry, and she clenched her fists at her sides. Nielle couldn't help but recall her sister's experience when she had been bonded to a male from the north. Back then, at the age of twelve, she had been more excited about the festivities than concerned with her sister's feelings. Now, she found herself in a decidedly uncomfortable position.

"But the old ways are outdated! We've moved beyond the need for alliances. Pack wars are a thing of the past, and most humans are unaware of our existence!"

"Packs coexist peacefully because of the longstanding tradition of alliances. Family ties bind us together and ensure territory respect." Her father maintained an even tone, but it was clear that he didn't relish having to explain this to her. He, like many in their pack, adhered to the old traditions and expected unquestioning obedience. As the youngest in the family, she had been treated more leniently, with fewer expectations. Now she could hear the implied lecture: she should have paid more attention to pack politics and taken an interest in what was happening. If she had, she would already be aware of these matters.

He continued with conviction, "And the human threat remains real, not in their knowledge of our existence but in their persistent attempts to encroach on our territories. We must stand united and resolute in protecting our land from developers."

Nielle attempted to voice her objections, but her father's stern gaze silenced her, leaving her words unspoken. It was futile to protest; the decision had been made by the Elders, and the Alpha had endorsed it. Defying the pack's mandates would lead to exile. Nielle had never known a life outside the pack, and the prospect of solitude was inconceivable. Yet, the notion of bonding with a complete stranger was equally repugnant. She managed to utter one word, "When?"

"Tonight. There's no reason to delay. Zephyr and his council are here. A dinner is being prepared, and the pack is being informed. We'll conduct the ceremony under the rising moon."

Three hours. In three hours, she would be bound for life to a man she had never met, who would become her mate, and... She couldn't bring herself to think about the rest at the moment. She was well aware of the implications of mating; it wasn't a taboo subject within the pack. However, she had always assumed it would be with someone she knew and cared for.

Suddenly, she realized someone was addressing her. Looking up, she saw Zephyr had moved closer, standing beside her father. "I'm pleased to meet you, Nielle." His deep, steady voice held her gaze.

Licking her lips, she managed to croak out a greeting. Zephyr appeared even more imposing up close, and she wished she had a few more inches in height. At five feet, six inches, she was of average stature, but next to the new Alpha, she felt rather petite. Her father nudged her with his elbow, and she realized that Zephyr had extended his hand towards her. Tentatively, she reached out and shook it. The warmth of his touch enveloped her, sending a shiver up her arm. Startled, she looked up at his face and noticed a faint smile playing on his lips.

"I believe we will be well-suited." He nodded to her father and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "I'll see you later, at the ceremony." Zephyr cast one more appraising look at her before heading back to the council's gathering.

"Nielle, I must go. There's other business to attend to before the ceremony," her father said, kissing her on the forehead and gently pushing her away. "Go and find Martha. She's been instructed to help you get ready." Martha, Damian's wife, had been like a surrogate mother to her. Hunters had taken Nielle's own mother years ago, and her father had never taken another mate.

For a fleeting moment, she considered running away and hiding, but she knew it wasn't an option. There was nowhere she could go without being found, short of stealing a car and driving off, but then what?

She had no where to go.

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