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The Immortal Emperor Returns 2

The Immortal Emperor Returns 2

Xiu Guo


The protagonist, who slept for hundreds of millions of years inside the Antarctic ice, suddenly wakes up and loses all his cultivation. He returns to the city to find his reincarnated lover. Ancient warfare rekindled in modern times.

Chapter 1 Chapter : Waking up and finding lover

The Antarctic glaciers are frozen for thousands of miles and wrapped in snow.

Several snowmobiles slowly move forward on top of the ice, and the flag in front of the snowmobiles indicated that this was a M Country Antarctic expedition.

In the middle of the snowmobile stands a three-meter-tall square stone quadripod with four sides carved with the four sacred beasts of Long Xia in lifelike relief.

The most surprising thing is that in the stone quadripod, there is a figure sealed in ice. Through the ice layer can be seen, the person’s eyebrows like a beautiful painting, extremely handsome. He wears a moon white brocade robe, eyes tightly closed, as if asleep.

This stone quadripod was found by them in the broken ice layer 4,000 meters down.

"Armand, what are you thinking?" A tall M Country man in the front-most snowmobile asked, looking at his companion beside him.

Armand, who is the chief of this expedition, said with a twinkle in his eye, "Man, do you know what this discovery means? I've just briefly researched it, and this stone quadripod is older than we could have imagined. It's at least before the Cretaceous period. This means that there was a civilizational fault line for humans. This discovery is destined to shock the whole world. Do we really want to share our results with those Long Xia people?"

This Antarctic scientific research is a cooperation between M Country and Long Xia.

"What do you mean?" The man who spoke before turned his gaze grim.

"With this great discovery, you and I are destined to be remembered by the world. Wealth, status, and fame are already beckoning to us. I don't want anyone sharing the fruits of our victory, especially not those disgusting Long Xia people."

"How do you want to do it? I'm at your disposal."

"This is the Antarctic, anything can happen. Even if we kill all those Long Xia people and throw them into the glacial crevasse, no one will know."

"Good idea, you know I never liked those disgusting Long Xia people. It just so happens that I know the leader of the Snow Wolf Mercenaries, and it would be most appropriate for them to do this. I'm afraid those Long Xia people waiting to greet us at the camp never dreamed that what they waited for would be a life-threatening butcher's knife."

Armand nodded slightly, and the two looked at each other and laughed cruelly.

However, at that moment, the stone quadripod on the middle snowmobile suddenly erupted with a demonic purple aura that shot up into the sky, enveloping a hundred miles around with purple light, forming an aurora borealis spectacle.

The reliefs of the divine beasts around the stone quadripod are as if they are alive.

In the next second, a huge dragon shadow tens of feet long flies out from the stone quadripod and hovers overhead.

Immediately after, a dozen feet long, such as the mountain-like white tiger shadow also rushed out.

Ho ho ho!

Two terrifying beasts hissed with their heads held high, deafening.

The dragon soars nine heavens, the tiger roars a thousand miles.

Click...million miles of glaciers trembled, and huge cracks spread out.

"OMG...what is that thing?" Armand's huge body shrank into a ball of fear, his face pale.

All the M Country people were scared out of their souls, shivering in fear as they stared at the huge shadow of the beast.


Loud and clear chirping is very penetrating. A huge fire bird flew up in mid-air, with wings a hundred meters long. Terrible red flames swept heaven and earth, that the ice layer of a thousand meters thick instantly melted.

Several snowmobiles, crashed into the deep sea amidst the screams of those M Country people who were terrified to death.


Dull roar like muffled thunder exploded. A huge turtle with a giant snake on its back slowly crawled out of the stone quadripod, opened its mouth and gulped. The melting ice instantly frozen, only a huge stone quadripod suspended in mid-air.


Sounds like ice breaking came out of the stone quadripod, and cracks spread on the surface of the frozen figure, like a porcelain doll about to break.


Finally, it exploded, ice chips crumbled. An upright figure flew out from the stone quadripod and landed on top of the ice.

Qin Mu slowly opened his eyes, the purple aura under his eyes spurted, a long time to dissipate. With it, the stone quadripod spurting out and forming the purple aura of aurora spectacle also dissipated.

Slowly clenched his fist, his expression slightly stunned, and then indifferently said: "The injury is healed, but the cultivation is lost. It seems to have to start over."

The dragon, the tiger, the bird and the turtle, roared at the same time.

Qin Mu slowly raised his head, his hands formed a seal, pointing a finger in the air. The four huge beast shadows suddenly dissipated like a firework, turned into four drops of blood flew over and was swallowed by him.

In a flash, a bizarre purple aura surged around his body.

He sat down and began to absorb the four drops of divine beast blood with his cultivation.

A few hours later, with a boom, terrifying energy gushed out wildly from around him, shaking the surrounding ice surface of tens of meters to spread cracks like spider webs.

Qin Mu slowly stood up, reached out and beckoned, the stone quadripod suspended in the air into a stream of light and flew, landing in his palm, becoming the size of a walnut.

He looked far to the east and whispered, "I have slept for hundreds of millions of years, and you have been reincarnated for ten thousand lifetimes, so finally we can meet again. Qing Chan, wait for me."



Long Xia, Yunyan City.

In a luxurious villa, a girl of twenty-three or twenty-four was tied hand and foot and thrown on the sofa, struggling in vain.

The girl wore professional clothes, her long black and silky hair was somewhat disheveled, and her beautiful features could not pick out the slightest flaw. Her slender waist, plump hips, and long, slender legs under short skirt were enough to arouse the most primitive desires of all men.

"Xia Chan, I advise you not to struggle, no one will come to save you. What's wrong with being my woman? I dare not say anything else, but I guarantee that I can make you happy every night."

A thin, swarthy young man with a face full of lust said, his throat rolled and he kept swallowing.

Behind him, there were four other large men in black, each with a fiery gaze, staring at the girl on the sofa with salivating faces.

"Wu Li, if you dare to touch me, my grandfather will not let you go." Xia Chan struggled desperately, her wrists were abraded by the binding ropes and blood seeped out.

The bottom of her eyes were full of anger. She had always guarded against Wu Li, but she didn't expect that he had bribed her driver.

"Your grandfather?" Wu Li’s face was full of disdain and he mocked, "That old trash, if it were before, maybe our Wu family would still respect him a little bit. But now, he can only be accompanied by a wheelchair, what can he do to me?"

Xia Chan's grief and anger were mixed, and her heart was sad. Since the death of her parents, her grandfather's legs were invalidated and his cultivation fell. Xia family has become less powerful than before, and even the Wu family, a new money family, now dared to jump out and step on them.

"Xia Chan, I target you. My father was kind enough to go to your family to propose a marriage, but your loser grandfather doesn't know any better. After I fucked you, I'll see who will still want you, a rotten bitch, in this Yunyan City."

"Wu Li, you are shameless, you will suffer retribution."

Wu Li, with a lecherous smile on his face, took out a clear vial with a blue potion inside, "Bitch, when you beg me to let you get high later, see if you'll have a hard mouth?"

"What do you want to do?" Xia Chan panicked, her pretty face was pale.

"This medicine is something I went to a lot of trouble to get. No matter what kind of chaste and virtuous girl, if you take it, it will turn you into a lecherous slut." Wu Li threw the bottle to a big man and said, "Pour it into her mouth."

Xia Chan desperately resisted. Even if she was not tied hand and foot, how could she be the opponent of a strong man, that bottle of potion spilled half, but still half was poured in.

"Wu Li, you beast, I must kill you..." Xia Chan's pretty face was red, feeling like her body was on fire, and like there were millions of ants crawling on her body.

"Bitch, you'll beg me to fuck you later." Wu Li's ugly face was full of lustful smiles as he turned back to the four big men and said, "You four go out and guard the outside."

"How dare you drug her?" An icy voice suddenly rang out, causing the surrounding temperature to drop a few degrees.

Wu Li and the four people who were about to leave almost jumped up in fright, turned around and looked, and was dumbfounded to see a sturdy, handsome, demon-like youth appear behind them at some point.

Wu Li was so scared that he felt impotence and said angrily, "Who the fuck are you? How did you get in?"

The door was in front of them, and the man appeared behind them, where there were only windows, but the windows he remembered were closed.

Qin Mu’s gaze was icy cold. He had a hard time finding Qing Chan, but he did not expect that someone would dare to plot against his woman, so that his heart was filled with killing intent.

"I'm asking you, how the fuck did you come out of nowhere?" Wu Li was used to arrogance, plus just drinking some wine, and four men here, he was not afraid at all.

"Are you fucking mute? Didn't you hear me ask you?" His desire is disturbed, Wu Li was enraged, and he did not think much about it, his hand waved and roared, "Don't think it's okay if you don't talk! kill him for me."

The four big men heard the order and rushed towards Qin Mu with fierce eyes. They followed Wu Li to commit many evils. With the Wu family's power, killing a person was not a big deal.

The big man who rushed in front. The harsh whip leg with a sharp whistle swept towards Qin Mu's waist side, unusually fierce.

As the Wu family's young Master Wu Li's men, how can they do without some skills?


The big man's harsh whip leg swept Qin Mu's waist side without any fancy, and the ear-piercing sound of broken bones rang out.

The three big men behind subconsciously stopped, including Wu Li, all with hideous smiles on their faces. Listening to the sound, this whip leg must have broken several of Qin Mu's ribs.


The mournful scream caused the smiles on Wu Li's face to freeze directly, only to see that the miserable scream was not from Qin Mu, but from the attacking big man, who fell to the ground, holding his ankle, his face twisted in pain, and screaming miserably.

"My leg...my leg is broken ......" the big man wailed, he felt that what he swept was not Qin Mu, but a steel plate, making his leg bones instantly crushed and painful to the bone marrow.

"Go, together, kill him ......" Wu Li's eyes panicked, he sensed that something was wrong and roared desperately after coming back to his senses.

Qin Mu frowned slightly. His hands formed a seal, and four odd patterns appeared in the air, flicking his fingers, four patterns like streams of light flew out, landing on the bodies of four big men.

Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, a blazing fire rose from the four, and every pore was spewing a terrifying red flame.


The harsh screams were chilling, but the four only had time to let out a scream, and the next second they collapsed, like blocks collapsing, turning into a pile of ashes in the blink of an eye.


Wu Li lost his voice screaming in fear, shit and urine flow, legs soft as noodles, directly paralyzed on the ground, crawling on hands and knees towards the outside.

He had never dreamed of such a terrible sight. A good person, in the blink of an eye, turned into dust and fly.

Qin Mu looked disgusted. The people of this era were really weak and pitiful, and spineless and bloodless. Raising his hand to form a seal, a Bloodthirsty Bone Transformation Seal, turning Wu Li into flying ash instantly.

He formed a seal again, raised his hand and waved lightly. The ashes on the ground swept up and fell into the huge fish tank by the wall, the dozens of flowerhorn scrambled to swallow.

"Hot...so hot..." Xia Chan's eyes were misty. Her skin was a charming pink, and her seductive torso was writhing unconsciously.

Qin Mu walked over, and fingers like a knife, with a flashing, the rope tied Xia Chan's hands and feet broke.

Xia Chan like a soft and boneless beauty snake wrapped around Qin Mu.

The corners of Qin Mu's mouth raised slightly, his eyes as gentle as water, picked up Xia Chan and walked to the room inside.

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