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Can’t live without you

Can’t live without you



I must have passed out. It was too much, 2 hours and I now felt like every part of me was broken. I drank too much but it’s coming back to me. That man, those blue eyes staring at me. I could recognize him anywhere. He came towards me and I was glued to my chair. I felt him behind me and my heart felt like I was suffocating, beating so fast. Then he placed his hand on my back moving his hands around touching my waist, then moving down between my legs. Even though so many people was around it’s as if no one paid attention to what was happening. I open my legs without realizing I was doing so and his fingers started rubbing my clit through my panties. I was soaked immediately. He kept staring at me through the glass behind the bar watching me come apart as he rubbed me there. I opened wider, panting and squirming feeling myself fly so high. Then he stopped, my eyes flew wide open. I need to come. I shook my head in disbelief that he could leave me wanting like this. I was angry, hurt, humiliated. He placed a key card on the bar counter, stared at me and I knew what he meant. I was confused as to what I really should do. He was my boss, should I cross this line. Will he fire me after?? I wanted him, been listing over him since our last encounter but he threatened me after saying I seduced him. But that was not on my part alone. I know he feels the connection between us and now here he was again. I took the card and walked away towards the elevator. I couldn’t resist him, I wanted to feel his cock inside of me again. I wanted him to fuck me hard. I wanted him to suck me there and fucked me from behind deep and hard. He sat where I left from , watching me with those piercing hooded eyes. I went up, open the door and went straight to take a shower. I washed every part of my body with those sweet spelling shower gel. I knew what he liked, he was a clean freak. Tony, Anton Sawyer, billionaire tycoon. Every woman’s dream man. I’ve worked for him, his company since I was 17yrs old. I’m now 20, quiet, did my job working hard and learning everything about this business. But I’ve know tony since I was 5. My mother was his nanny and my dad their family butler/chauffeur. Tony was then 8 yrs old and was always this serious quiet boy always staring at me but not in a mean way. Sometimes I would catch him looking at me with a tender endearing look but it was fleeting. He masked his face as soon as he sees me looking at him. His family was good people. Treated us kindly. I went to the best schools just like tony did. We had our own cottage on their property but I was always in the big house running around playing just as if I was their own kid. I started interning at the company, ANSENTERPRISE, learning the ropes in advertising plus business management. I became team leader within two years and was happy at my job. It was an accident that night when tony and I bumped heads. We were working late on a project and everyone else was gone. “Ouch”, I cried out and Tony grabbed me from falling. “Watch out, what’s wrong with you?” Tony shouted at me. “You watch out I yelled back”! Instead of letting me go he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. “What are you doing, I mumbled”. But then he kissed me harder, pushing his tongue in my mouth. His hands grabbed my ass and pushed my body close to him. I could feel manhood hard. It felts so good, I starred at him, kissing him back rubbing myself on him. He suddenly stopped. He pushed me into his desk and grabbed me up sitting me on his desk. He sat in his chair and opened my legs wide. He tore my panties off but I became scared. I have never been touched before like that. I never had sex but this tension between us made me not afraid still. He lifted my legs on his shoulders and kissed me there. He started kissing my clit pushing his fingers in my flower and it felts so good. He licked and sucked me watching me fall apart gushing my juices in his face. He continued licking me dry and I came all over his face again. “Amanda!! You want this too, right? I was past caring because I knew I wanted him to be the first one there. “Yes, please” but I’ve never done that before”. He looked stunned!! What? “But you’ve dated before”, “so I said mockingly. “That doesn’t mean I allowed anyone to touch me there”. He lifted me bridal style and took me to the sofa….

Chapter 1 Can’t live without you but I must

I felt so bruised and my body felt tortured and broken. I open my eyes, looking around and my head felt like a bomb went off in there. I slowly look around and Tony was laying beside sleeping with his arms wrapped around me.. it’s coming to me in slow motion,

I drank too much last night. I was sitting on that bar stool contemplating what my life would be like now. Tony took my virginity last night. I now watch him Staring at me through his hooded eyes, those mesmerizing blue eyes that feels like he sees Everything in my head. He’s nursing a drink because it’s in his hands but he’s not drinking.

He gets up slowly walking towards me and I can’t help but stare at him. He’s tall, well built without an ounce of fat anywhere. I know, I felt his body last night as he rode me hard.

It was an accident that led to something I never thought would happen. Our status is not on his level. My mother was nanny, now his head housekeeper. My dad the butler/ chauffeur. I’ve know him since I was five and have loved him my whole life till now.

I started working at the company when I turned 17, I’m now 20 and the head team leader of my group. Group A. Tony and I had to finish up on a project due next Friday.

I dropped a sheet and we both bumped heads at the same time. “Ouch”, I yelled. “Watch it Mandy” he Yelled back. I stepped back and almost fell backwards but Tony caught me with his arms around my waste. He stared at me and then kissed me. First it was just a small peck but he just stayed there, starting Sucking on my lips. I felt all funny inside, and I know I wet myself. Feeling my juice flowed between my thighs. I closed my legs tightly, rubbing them together.

He must of felt me doing that because his kiss became harder, pushing pass my teeth then sucking on my tongue, my lips. I felt his hand reaching between my legs and his fingers went inside my panties. I came. It felt so good. I moaned “Tony, please”.

“Please what” he said. He looked in my eyes, puzzlement showing on his face as if he didn’t know why I said that. He sucked my lips, biting, I could feel the metallic taste of blood but he kept on sucking my lips, my tongue while his fingers kept rubbing on my clit, then pushing inside my cunt. I groaned.

My juices gushing out all over his fingers. But he didn’t stop there, he raised my skirt, bent down and started licking me there. “Ohhhh!!! “Aaahhhh” I moaned and screamed out as I worked my clit and my cunt with his tongue.

I had to hold on tightly to the desk behind me, reaching down with hand in his hair pushing his head down. I was going to come again but Then he stopped. He stood up and without a word, licking on his lips he spun me around

I could hear his buckle being pulled open while his fingers went down again, rubbing my clit but he wouldn’t let me come. “Please, please, help me”. He says “ help you how”. I want inside me please Tony”. I felt his cock rubbing on my ass. Pushing on my asshole and I panicked. I tried to get away, “no. Not there” but still he said nothing.

He bit me on my back. Sucking and biting me. “ have you been fucked before” he asked. I shook my head no. He grabbed my hair, bending me back and kissed me hard. Biting me, sucking on my mouth. His cock was hard, rock hard, big and long.

He pushed at the tip of my cunt and I almost blasted. “Wait, hold it” not yet my little Mandy” he kept pushing just at the mouth of my cunt, in just a little then pulling out. He so, and for the first time I was really scared. How is that going to fit inside me?

His hand came around tugging on my nipples, squeezing and kneading each breast while his cock kept in and out. I was burning up, sweat now drenching me, every hair took up on my body. I was shaking so hard. I kept climbing so high, so high and then he ramped his cock past my hymen and just stayed there.

“Aaahhhhhhh” , I screamed so hard and came at the same time. It hurt, so bad. But good all at the same time. He had his head between my shoulders, panting.. “don’t move , your so tight, relax Mandy” breathe, he says. He pushed his knees between my legs opening up wider.

He pushed me down on the desk and slowly started moving. He missed my back and his worked my nipples. He was going slow but the fire was building again and wanted it faster. But he kept going slow.

Pulling out all the way then ramming in hard. He kept this up and I must have come four my times before he picked up speed. He kept fucking me for two hours, on the chair, by the window. On the floor. Tony kept going until I almost past out. I was exhausted. He lifted me on the sofa, laying me face down, raising my ass and then rammed in without mercy. He fucked me so hard I felt it in my womb.

He kept pounding and pounding until I felt him stiffened and I blasted all over his cock, his body as he pulled out then pushed in and blasted his cum inside me. I swore I came again then fainted.

I have no clue how or when I got home. I was clean and in my pajamas. When I woke I was so sore. I tried getting up but couldn’t move. I needed to pee so badly. Then I felt movement. I looked over and saw tony looking back at me. He never smile. Just those blue beautiful eyes always just staring at me. He got out of bed, came around and lifted me up. He actually took me straight to the bathroom and placed me down beside the toilet.

“I ran a bath for you, when youre done, soak in it”. I then realized I was not at home, I was in Tony’s apartment. I just nodded my head. It was too much to think right now. I saw two tablets and a glass of water. “That’s for the pain”.. “ We didn’t use a condom Tony”. “I need the morning after pills”. “Why?” “What?” What do you mean why? “We will talk about that when you’re done.” “I’ll get you some coffee. Two sugars no cream, right?” I nodded my head. “Yes, ok”.

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