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My lady boss

My lady boss

Black Reign


Like almost every dramatic romance novel, Bella’s story begins with a bad grandfather, a treacherous sister, and a stupid boyfriend. At the age of twenty, he fell victim to their grand scheme and became the laughing stock of the country. A piece of news about her boyfriend’s reunion has brought Bella hard into a state of poverty. However, an accident happened ... Bella rose from the ashes. In the blink of an eye, Bella has become the Ladyboss of the strongest and most powerful in the underworld.

Chapter 1 1

"Young miss, we are being warned not to let you in. Please young miss don't torture us." The bodyguard said nothing to Bella as they blocked her entry.

"I won't be long. I just need to clarify something so let me in." Bella's pleading.

However, no matter what he says, the bodyguard remains tough and looks indifferent.

After an hour of convincing the bodyguard, Bella just walked away without enthusiasm. She heard the sigh of one of the bodyguards as he turned to the fellow bodyguard "Isn't he thirty years old? He's too old for Mr. "Gonzales ... It looks like he's definitely using drugs."

Bella frowned, she had half a mind to turn around and tell the bodyguard that she never used drugs and most of all she was only twenty years old!

However, he stopped when he saw the reflection of himself in the lake next door.

All the youth in her face was gone and the sparkle that once adorned her eyes had long since faded.

She has gothic make-up, skinny frame, dry hair, devilish face and old black dress that looks like she is thirty years old in her appearance.

Actually it looks like he gave the apple to snow white. Pure wicked witch, hmphm.

Besides, her gothic make-up is so thick. He was like a demon escaping from Hell.

Even though he was really only twenty years old!

Bella smiled bitterly as she struggled from the last few years suffering in her mind.

He slowly cleared his mind. As he dragged his tired body and started to walk away.

The night was quiet and gusts of strong cold wind were blowing.

Bella was still walking thoughtlessly down the road.

At that very moment, a glare of a dazzling light shone from the end of the road.

Bella lost her composure and naturally looked ahead. Expensive cars rushed towards him at lightning speed.

His instinct told him to run but it was all too late. The car crashed into Bella. His head landed first and immediately fell down.

He fell into a long dream.

"The patient is still unconscious but his condition is relatively stable. He suffered a small concussion from the head, but a week or two of rest is enough for him to get his legs back. However, he will need to some supplements for extended periods of malnutrition ... "

Inside the hospital ward the doctor explained Bella's physical condition in detail to the man behind her.

The statusque man's forehead furrowed slightly.

After a long moment, Bella woke up. He opened his eyes and realized he was lying on a bed. He saw a man sitting on the sofa.

The long legs of the seated man were casually crossed. She wore a slim-fitting tailored suit that emphasized her broad shoulders and slender waist. His white shirt was buttoned up to the collar.

His body seemed to be enveloped in ancient frost. His cool and calm demeanor was like a raja in ancient times.

The man noticed Bella watching him and he looked up with a deep look in the direction of the ocean towards Bellat. Its cold stare seemed to penetrate him.

The look the man gave her felt intrusive, like a sharp surgical knife separating her piece by piece; his bones trembled.

Bella decided to join the fight, not wanting to lose to the man anyway and his uncomfortable stare.

He asked impatiently "Sir ... Are you the one who hit me? What if I die or what if I can't walk anymore you will work for my family's needs!"

Daniel standing quietly next to his master, sweating from the cold_ No one had dared to scold his young master and yet this woman still dared.

Yet Lu Lei just stared at the woman on the bed, as if he was trying to tell if the expression on her face was real.

After a long time, he seemed to finally believe that the woman did not yet know his identity. Then he coldly spoke, "What do you want."

"I like?" Bella didn't understand.

"The young master wants to apologize to you so he asks you to say your request!" Daniel has the expression 'this is the luck of your life, you're rich' written all over his face.

Upon hearing this, the gears quickly spun in Bella's head as she carefully said, "Forget it ... There's no need."

That road is not for pedestrians. Plus, he was to blame for not being alert. Although he himself was really very unlucky to be run over, how would he dare to take the reward just for that?

Bella thought there was no issue with her answer, but Lu Lei's expression remained unsatisfied, causing an explosion of fear in Bella's heart.

My God! Did I say something wrong? Is that the man's face?

Daniel spoke "One apology is not enough. The young master also doesn't want to be indebted to others, you must say what you want or one of your passions to be given right away! Don't hesitate!"

Are there people who will force others to issue a request?

The edge of her mouth twitched, "Uh, anything?"

"Whatever." Lu Lei spoke again simply and to the point. His face began to show traces of impatience.

Bella laughed at what she thought was ridiculous "Peru what if you can't afford to give it to me?" He asked with puppy eyes

Lu Lei's expression became even more ugly.

Bella burst into tears. If you have something to say, just say it!

Does paniniguado kill the man anyway?

Daniel wiped the sweat from his head, "Sorry, we're in a hurry so I can please speed up your decision. The young master can give everything so don't worry."

"Eh what if ..." He smiled shamelessly and slowly got up from the bed and slowly walked towards the cold man standing.

She gently touched the nails to the man's chest, he said; "My request is ... Marry me! Can you?"

Lu Lei:


Wow Miss Suarez, you are brave!

Lu Lei would have slightly shook his head but after a slight thought, he nodded, "Okay, let's go."

Bella was speechless!

Daniel was speechless either!

Bella lost her life for a second, before coughing loudly, almost choking on her own saliva, "Cough cough cough ...... wahhh what let's go? Where are we going"

Lu Lei met his eyes; he said in a deep voice "let's register our marriage"

Bella was stunned.

Bella felt strongly as if she was in a dream as she stared at the iceberg -like man who said shocking words without even an expression on his face.

He touched her forehead softly, “Doctor ..... Where is the doctor? I think my brain is crazy .... "

Next to him, Daniel's innocent expression, _I wasn't even run over but I think my brain was also damaged ...

Based on the looks, it's obvious that he's really handsome, and he's definitely rich, but it's very impossible!

"You're just kidding aren't you?" Bella blinked "Mr. I'm not even qualified enough to sleep with you."

Lu Lei's assistant Daniel was stunned in disbelief, _how this woman is brave ... She even dared to joke while the master obviously wasn't, and now how the hell will she deal with this matter?

Lu Lei's face turned as black as the bottom of a pot, the whole ward was immediately enveloped in a dark cloud.

"Daniel, come out first"

"Ah? Did ... Why does he have to go out?" Cold sweat condensed on his forehead.

Lu Lei gently adjusted the cuff of his sleeve, "To prove something impossible, Miss Suarez."

Seeing the dark expression of one and the stare that wanted to swallow her whole, Bella was frightened and immediately backed away.

"Mr, I haven't started yet, I'm just saying nonsense, I thought it was just a joke! Besides, you don't really have to give me a reward just because of the accident noh ... peru if there really is, let it be I hope you change my passion, it's okay, it's just money, isn't it? ... Ah tika ..., sorry, I have something very important to go to now, I need to go! We'll see each other if we're really destined okay-! "

Bella quickly let out her words and prepared to flee.

However, after only a few steps, Lu Lei's cold voice came from behind him, "Did I let you leave?"

To Bella's horror her legs began to tremble.

I hope his miserable life will end now!

Bella shook her head "Uhm er am I? Hah I'm not leaving eh, just cr-cr for a while"

"Okay I'll accompany you" Lu Lei answered firmly, he didn't even give Bella space to refuse ... He walked out first.

Hayyy if I hadn't been on the top floor of the building, I would have escaped from the window a long time ago.

Bella came out of the ward lifeless but suddenly dropped her jaw when she saw two lines of mysterious men wearing black suits with a pair of black sunglasses patiently standing outside her ward.

Forget it! ... Escape from the hand of a man is really impossible!

The couple’s marriage processes were processed quickly. In just half an hour, Bella held the marriage certificate in her hands. From now on, she is a wife.

Ah what did I really do at the wedding ah! _Bella asked tearfully to herself, _dead how can I tell papa? Where can I be beaten? In the ass?

When papa finds out that I married a man I don't know, what will be his reaction? Will he reject me as his child?

"Get in the car!" Lu Lei adjusted his tie as he exited the registration hall.

Bella followed tightly from behind. After getting into the 'Rolls-Royce', she nervously looked at the man she had just met who was now her husband.

After she sat in the backseat of the car, Bella felt awkward sitting with her husband. To alleviate the strange feeling he had, he decided to focus himself on today’s news using his phone.

He didn’t know, when he saw the headline. Suddenly he was stunned, his finger that was supposed to scroll stopped in mid-air.

‘The management of multinational conglomerate EI Corporation is in turmoil. Chairman Lu is in critical illness ... Mr. Lu Lei, the 8th young master who is one of the Chairman's heirs, was spotted by some citizens at the airport a few days ago ... According to the company. He said EI Corporation will hold a press conference about the new seat ... '

The screen showed a picture of Lu Lei.

It was apparently secretly picked up at the airport. At a large and spacious airport, a very handsome man was walking with some men.

The man has a face that can cause the destruction of a nation. It is as if God has personally carved his attributes, which are flawless and unique. He seemed to be enveloped in a cloud of mysterious deep mist, and he seemed cold and distant.

Bella was speechless

What is happening?

That man, isn't he ... His wife?

Idiot Bella sat as she stole a glance at the man sitting quietly next to her. In an instant, his brain seemed to be crushed by hundreds of massive mammoths.

"Lu ... Lu Lei?"

She tried again to remember why this man suddenly agreed to marry her. However, he still could not understand whatever was going to happen.

This is unreasonable at all! He was sure this man was the one in the news earlier, he couldn't be wrong.


Bella slapped herself!

'Bella, wake up!'

'You've been dreaming so much now!

'You must be just dreaming now!'

Lu Lei was momentarily speechless as he watched Bella's sudden slap on his face. Her expressions seemed to contradict each other.

To prevent Bella from hurting herself again, the man warned her. "Maybe, you need to calm down first."

Bella nodded earnestly, albeit stiffly. "Yes, yes, yes! That's right! I need to calm down."

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