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Seducing The Alpha King

Seducing The Alpha King



Have you ever love someone you hate at first? Have you been abandoned and got rejected by your mate? Will you leave and abandon your mate after meeting someone else? Questions after questions, but couldn't answer immediately. In Aishianna Raven Roberts life, she is meant to marry the beta of the strongest clan – Roswell's. But the sudden turn of events happens – she got cast away and rejected by her mate. It’s a good thing that she hasn’t fallen too far for him but her ego was the one who got hurt the most. The embarrassment of being rejected in front of so many werewolves was making her blood boils. She even ended up on planning to seduce the Alpha King – his supposed mate's older brother, Claude Wayden Roswell, the current Alpha of the pack. Can she really seduce the intimidating and ruthless leader of the pack? Or she’ll end up hurting herself, again?

Chapter 1 That's New

CHAPTER 1: That’s New


“YOU LOOK STUNNING, YOUNG LADY,” my personal servant said to me as she does my hair. I just smiled at her as I look myself at the mirror.

She’s right – I am seeing a young woman who is very stunning in her red glittery gown. A simple make up on her face and then a pinkish lips. It’s very natural looking and I am glad to look like this tonight.

My thought fades when someone knocked on my door as if they’re going to break it. ‘Tsk! Why are they always hot tempered?’

“Come in…” I said and not even minding those who entered my room. ‘Well… I just don’t care at all, that’s why.’

“Aishianna, baby!” I heard my Mother’s voice approaching me. “Are you ready?” she asked me that question – I just nod my head to give her an answer. “That’s good!” Mother said again with a sound of relief in her voice.

‘Geez!’ I couldn’t help but to let out some deep and heavy sighs as I signaled my servant to stop fixing my hair and making her leave my room as well before I turned around to face my mother whom has this worried sick face right now. I even rolled my eyes at her because of that – ‘Tss… I hate making her worry about something that she shouldn’t be worried about.’

“Mom… calm down, okay?!” I said to her. “I’ll be fine on my own… you know that, right?” I smiled at her while giving her an assurance on something. “Besides… I’m a very independent woman. I can take care of myself just fine, so please… stop giving me that kind of look in your face,” I even added while making my lips pout.

She stared at me with a relieve look in her face as the silence began to succumb the surrounding. But even before the whole place will be drawn into the silence, I manage to hear how she releases some heavy and deep sighs.

“What’s with the deep and heavy sighs, again?” I asked her that question without minding if I was the one who broke the lingering silence between the two of us. “I don’t like how it sounds while you’re looking at me with such a relief in your face,” I even added.

Mother just shook her head to answer my question and then she sat at the chair in front of me as I felt one of her hands slowly touching my cheeks as if she’s feeling it too. ‘Tsk! What’s wrong with her today? It was like… Urgh! I’m having a bad feeling about this, really bad feeling to be exact.’

“Mom!” I said with a warning tone in my voice. “Tell me your thoughts about this, hmm?!” I even added trying to convince her to spill the tea – I mean her thought that keeps on bothering her, I know.

Mother releases some deep and heavy sighs first before she answers my question. “It’s just that, I don’t think I could really bare to see you leave this house, baby!” Mother said to me with a worried look in her face, again.

I reached her both hands and caress it. “Mom… I’m not leaving the house for good, okay?” I said to her just to clear her negative thoughts about me, leaving them. “I’m just going to attend a party in the capital with my fiancé… Eric.” I even added.

“I know…” Mom said to me and it almost turns out a whisper. “But I really can’t ignore this bad feeling inside me right now especially that we can’t accompany you there,” Mother even added.

I give her my sweetest smile. “I’m going to be fine… I promise!” I said to her. Mother just nods her head as she stand up and made me turn around to look in front of the mirror again and she started to fix my hair.

‘I love her… I love them both. So as much as possible I won’t be a disgrace or a burden to this family.’

It didn’t take more than five minutes for Mom to do my hair. She just curls it, so it would become wavy as it always is. And it was as if on cue, a loud knock on my door again got our attention. ‘I am guessing that it was my father this time.’

But I guess, I wasn’t really good at guessing. “Madame, young master Eric’s personal guards are here outside the house, waiting for the young lady,” it was one of our servants here in the house.

Mom and I stand from being seated and started to track the exit of my room. When I opened my rooms’ door widely, my eyes search for one specific werewolf in the house – my father. But he isn’t around, again.

‘He’s never there for you, Aishianna… can’t you just accept that f*cking truth? Or you just want the really to slap you, using it?’ I scolded myself for hoping that he’s here, walk me outside our house and say, I should enjoy the night and take care of myself.

But… but f*ck! The whole f*cking truth slap me hard in the face. ‘I forgot – my father only sees me as second to my older brother and I somehow hate that fact!’ Sad, isn’t it? That’s also the reason why I agree with this engagement – to make him proud of me, even just a bit.

I may sound insecure about my brother but… that’s just how I feel towards how the way he treats the both of us. It’s just… there’s a very big gap and difference between my older sibling and me.

But before I could think of something else and get hurt by it, I felt my Mother’s hand wrapped around my shoulder as she slowly caressing it, as if she knows what’s running on my mind right now and she’s doing that to make me calm.

“It’s fine… he’s here,” Mother whispered in my ears. My brows furrowed because of curiosity at what she said. “There!” she even added while her lips were I think pointing out something?! And when I turn around to look at what she’s pointing, I saw father talking to those men outside our house.

I felt a glint of happiness building inside me when I saw him there. ‘He’s here… at least he’s able to see me off?’

As we walk towards them, I overheard some of their conversation and I know Mother did too because her grief on my shoulder became stronger and somehow, was hurting me too but I just leave it like that, not minding the fact that I am starting to feel pain.

“Where’s Eric?” I heard Father’s voice asking one of Eric’s personal men.

“The young master can’t join us to pick up the young lady because he’s currently taking care of some important matter with the Alpha,” that’s what Eric’s personal men, answered.

“Is that so? Then… please take care of my only daughter,” I heard Father said again and I felt the building happiness inside me while we’re getting near them. ‘He cares… he just doesn’t want to show it to me,’ I just realized it now.

But wait… Eric’s not here to pick me up? That’s new.

To be continued…

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