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Secretly Loving the Hybrid

Secretly Loving the Hybrid



"I am secretly loving you, Alkina Allestair Herveaux!" In Alkina Allestair Herveaux life, she was chosen as the next leader of her both kind - werewolves and vampires. The prophecy tells that she'll be the most powerful immortal. She was the one who will bring peace, because after all she is the daughter of the most powerful werewolf and vampire. But everything change when she met Chander Lucian Draugluin, the next heir of vampire clan. And she will kill and stop the reign of his father. Everything started to change when she met him and as the days past by, she haven't noticed that she's starting to rewrite what's written of the said prophecy. And the chaos started.

Chapter 1 Forget


"KINA!" I heard someone calling my name from afar.

But instead of paying some of my attention to whom was calling me, I closed my eyes and feel the presence of the nature.

When I opened my eyes, the blueish sky greet me. A smiled formed in my face because of that.

Oh I love to this kind of scenery everyday! I love the warm breeze of the wind touching my skin in a gentle way. I really love this place a lot.

But then, I remember something. Yeah - right! And then a deep and heavy sighs escape from me.

I can't possibly see these kind of scenery everyday! I just escaped and I don't know when I will comeback here, in this beautiful place.

"KINA!" I heard the same familiar voice whom calling me earlier.

And once again, I closed my eyes for a bit and then opened it as I turn around and face the one who keeps on calling me and interrupt my moment.

"What do you f*cking need from me, Ciro?" I asked him while my brows were furrowed at him too.

At first he didn't answer my question, he continue walking towards my direction and sit on the ground just beside me, instead.

Tss. Does he want me to repeat my question for him, then? Sorry to say this but - no in a h*ll way I'll do that!

"Father was looking for you," he then said to me.

Because of what I heard from him, a heavy and deep sighs escaped from me right after I turned my head to face my front.

His father - sh*t!

And instead of asking him why, I just stayed silent. I... I actually don't know what I should say to him after his remarks.

I... I don't know but... But everytime a father thing was involved, I am being too emotional.

"Don't you want to ask me question about it?" He asked me this time.

And just like earlier, I didn't answer him. I didn't give any response to him. I just stayed silent. But I know he can feel how I am rapidly releasing some heavy sighs.

He's a werewolf - his senses was sharper than humans.

"Are you still thinking about what happened in the past?" And then, that question bombed me.

My tears was racing to get out of my eyes when Ciro asked me that question. But then, even if I tried to stop my tears from falling, I know to myself that I won't win - I can't stop them when they're triggered to rampage.

So I cry - I cry while he's beside me. F*ck!

"Kina, you should start to forget the past and focus on the present," Ciro said to me, again.

Forget? How? How can I easily forget about it when I clearly saw how those rogue vampires and werewolves killed my parents?

"You're not there... Y-you're not there when they kill my parents in front of me, Ciro! So... So stop telling me to forget about my past because... Because you wouldn't understand the pain that I felt back then," I was crying and stuttering while saying those words to him.

"But Kina... That was almost fourteen (14) years ago!" He said, again.

And? What's his point then? Because... I honestly can't understand his point right now!

I turned around to face him and he's facing me too. "Why are you so eager to make me forget it, huh? Ciro?" I asked him that question.

And then, he looked away before giving me an answer. "To stop you from plotting revenge," he said to me with a weak voice.

To stop me from plotting revenge? Why? Why is that? Why is he trying to stop me from plotting such thing like that when everyone wants me to do that?

But before I could even ask him a question regarding that, he already give me an answer. "I don't want you to get hurt, Kina!" Ciro said. But... But still, his answer was still unclear to me.

After that, I decided to stop talking - I calm myself instead. And Ciro did the same thing too. He stayed silent not until for long, though.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked me that question. "Kina?" He even added.

But I still stayed quiet. I stayed like that until I already confirm to myself that I am fine.

It took me almost more than a minute to do that and Ciro on the other hand was patiently waiting for me.

"You fine now?" He asked me that question when I think he notice that I am breathing slowly, already.

I stood up and look at him while I nod my head too. I even saw a glint of relief in his eyes when I answered his question. And then he stood up too.

"Are you mad at me because I told you that?" He asked me the same question that he asked me, earlier.

And of course, I can't help myself but to rolled my eyes at him. Isn't it obvious? I mean... Who wouldn't be mad at that? Right? Because what he's asking me to do was the most difficult for me to achieve.

"Yes!" I honestly said to him. And he was about to react on what I just told him when I cut him off from talking. "But... But you know I can't get mad at you for long," I even added and then rolled my eyes after I said that.

And without even giving a sh*t on his reaction, I started to walk away from him.

We need to get back before sundown. This place was too dangerous at night time. That's also why no one dares to enter this forest - well, except for me.

I'm always here whenever I get a chance to escape from Ciro's father.

I don't know what's in this place but the moment I learned that this place existed, there's a part of me that always want to go here. No matter what the consequences awaits me.

"Wait up, Kina!" I heard Ciro's voice, calling me. But instead of paying attention to what he's saying, I just ignore him.

To be continued...

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