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Eva : 100 Days Revenge

Eva : 100 Days Revenge

Arr Jay


Betrayal takes two. Who did it to who? ******* Eva Gascaden has been married to her husband, Tyler Gascaden for a year and still feels like a stranger in her home. Sidelined by her in-laws and abused emotionally by her own husband, courtesy of her adoptive family who married her off to create a business relationship between the Sailors and Gascaden. However, Eva gets betrayed and bedridden after Tyler professes his love to her sister. On her death bed, nature gives her a second chance to right her wrongs, and reborns her to a year back, and she swears to pay everyone in their coins, at the cost of the life she's lost once.

Chapter 1 Forgiveness is the best revenge


Frederick Lenz once said forgiveness is the best revenge. If only he'd lived my life, perhaps he'd eat his words. Rather, revenge, the sweetest morsel on the mouth, is a dish prepared from hell.


Her thick brows were furrowed at me, with a sharp glare as she made her way out of the kitchen. Was there anyone in this house who didn't hate me?

"Serve Tyler his food now, he's probably starving now," My mother-in-law ordered and I carried the food without delay, trying so hard not to get insulted.

"Yes, mother."

"Move quickly and quit being a sloth!" She yelled and I quickened my pace.

Well, that was a harsh burn from my mother-in-law who hates me with every fiber in her. She's feeling generous today, she's usually more cruel on other days.

I reached our room and knocked on the door shakily, afraid of the consequences of entering unannounced. A wife's family house is hers, so they say yet I feel like a stranger in 'my house'. Rather, I'm a stranger there. The marriage was one of convenience, I just never expected it to be so horrible; a hell with fancy chandeliers and marble floor.

"Who's it?" My husband's baritone voice came out grumpily, a voice I was used to so much. I tried so hard to find my voice and when I replied my name, it came out as a squeal. The deafening silence that followed meant approval to come in and I placed his dinner on the table, by his side.

"What is that on your skirt?!" I looked down and saw a red stain. Ketchup sauce! I'm done for, again.

"Oh, it's ketchup. I-I'm sorry, I'm not q-quite sure how it got there," I defended shakily, as Tyler got up coming towards me in slow strides, his face looking mysterious and the image of the Grim Reaper flashed through my mind. I'm so dead tonight!

"So, the stain flew there? I had no idea ketchup's been modified to have wings," he said, his voice sounding nothing like the look on his face.

My mouth trembled as I took slow steps backward, while he kept walking lazily towards me, maintaining a straight yet devilish demeanor.

And when my back hit the wall, he mouthed 'Oops!' and I needed no one else to tell me I was doomed tonight. He swiftly locked the door and repeated his question.

"Look at me, Eva! Did the stain fly there?!" I tried to speak but I swear terrified wouldn't qualify how scared I was. I stared at my toes as they curled, tears streaming down my face like a broken tap.

"Eva!" Tyler's growl followed a hard slap that landed on my cheek, and everywhere went silent. Tyler successfully deafened me. I got on my knees as my legs failed me and started pleading for mercy, but my screams got on deaf ears, as no one interfered. He kicked me so hard everywhere and left me when he was satisfied, and I pitied myself as my body was red, some parts bleeding.

He returned to the bed like he hadn't sent me to heaven just minutes ago, and kicked the food on the table away, claiming I made him lose appetite.

I struggled to get up, as my whole body ached like I just went through a meat grinder.

"You're still there?" Tyler questioned with a cold glare and if those eyes could kill, I'd be in a casket by now. I squirmed to get up and cleaned the mess.

I went to the guest room allotted to me, and cleaned myself up. The soap stung my bruises, and I stopped myself from screaming.

"How dare you bathe without cleaning the dishes, Eva?" Sierra, my sister-in-law yelled as she entered my room.

"I'm coming!"

"It's fine, it's not like you'll ever be clean anyway, whore!" She responded, every word of hers laced with nothing less than mockery and tears fell down my eyes.

A slap resounded in the room as it was small, and a muffled wince followed.

"You slapped me for this wench, Curtis?" Sierra winced and the knot in my heart loosened a bit.

Curtis has been the only one who stood up for me, but he's always busy and away. The only thing that made this hell hole of a home peaceful was him and his tenor voice.

"Yes, and I'll do it again if you keep harassing Eva." He replied and my lips curved into a slight smile, while tears fell down from my eyes. No one's ever stood up for me like he did.

"You need to know that she will never love you, not like you do." Sierra spat, her venomous voice coming out with hatred.

Another slap resounded and Curtis ordered coldly, "Scramble, Sierra."

"She's gone now. Come out," he said, after Sierra left, slamming the door and I came out in a new dress.

Curtis consoled me for a while and I finally felt at ease again. I dashed out of my room, remembering that I have to wash the dishes and when I started, I felt something slick stream down my thigh and I saw blood which terrified me instantly.

"Eva!" I heard Tyler growl again and I wondered what I'd done wrong again.

"Why the fuck would you clean the floor so clumsily?!" He yelled and I looked down after turning to face him, wishing the earth swallowed me.

"Are you trying to get back at me? Is that what this is about?" He yelled again and smashed a glass cup on my head, and everyone gasped, but none dared to move.

I felt a banging headache and my stomach upset increased, as my blood tainted the marble floor. I looked up to see a figure covering the light that shone from the chandelier, and Curtis' auburn hair and fists were the last I saw, before I blacked out.

"Can you hear me?"

Where am I? Heaven? Explains the bright light shining.

"If you can, blink." Heaven has a medical operating team also?

"Eva! Stay with me!" I tried opening my eyes, and looked around weakly to see surgeons and nurses. Oh, the hospital.

I felt numb yet achy all over my body, both happened at the same time and I tried to recall what happened previously. Tyler smashed a cup on my head, and exchanged fists with Curtis.

When the nurses finished whatever they were doing on me, Tyler entered looking sober as ever and fear gripped me. What does he want again?

"How are you, my dear disloyal wife?" He came to my side and stroked my palm softly and I felt the warmth he's never for once shown. Why was he being weird?!

"I'm just gonna ask you one question, Eva. And I'd appreciate your honesty. We don't wanna be bedridden again, do we?" He threatened subtly and my lips quivered under the oxygen mask.

"Who's the father?" He whispered and tears filled my eyes. Father? Then my mind dashed back to the blood. Did I miscarry?! I touched my belly nervously and Tyler smirked.

"You catch on quick. Now answer," he smiled evilly and I nodded sideways. I never knew I was pregnant.

"Three weeks old. Was it Curtis? Was it when I flew to China?" He whispered and trailed his fingers down my thighs, reminding me of the blood and how it flowed. My heart raced fast.

"Well then. Guess we'll do it the hard way." He grabbed a pillow and tried to smother me with it, and the door flew open.

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