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Love always prevail

Love always prevail



A marriage of convenience turns into a journey of love and redemption. Michael is married to Anna, but Sarah is determined to win him over. She tries to destroy their marriage by using deceit and manipulation. But in the end, the power of love prevails, and all three of them discover what it means to truly care for one another.

Chapter 1 The beginning

Michael’s father has always been strict and demanding, and he has always expected Michael to follow in his footsteps. Michael has always felt like he was living in his father's shadow, and he's never felt like he was good enough. One day, Michael’s father told him that he needed to get married and have children if he wanted to inherit the family business. Michael felt trapped, but he agreed to do what his father asked. So, he started looking for a wife.

He knows that if he doesn't do what his family wants, they'll cut him off financially. So, he agrees to start looking for a wife. He meets with several women, but none of them feel like the right fit. That is, until he meets the woman who will become his fake wife. She's kind and down-to-earth

Anna has a feeling that there's more to the marriage than meets the eye. She's noticed that the man is keeping secrets from her, and she's starting to get suspicious. But she needs the money, and she knows that if she can just make it through the contract, she'll be set for life. So, she agrees to go along with the marriage, even though she knows that it's not real. She's determined to make the best of it, and she throws herself into the role of the perfect wife. She cooks, cleans, and does everything she can to make the man happy.

Anna is doing everything she can to keep up the facade. She's hosting parties and attending events, all while trying to hide her growing feelings for the man. But it's getting harder and harder to keep up the charade. She finds herself thinking about him all the time, and she can't stop herself from imagining a future with him. But she knows that it's impossible. She's trapped in a marriage that's based on a lie. And she's not sure how much longer she can keep up the act. She feels like she's on a tightrope, and she's afraid that any wrong move could send her packing

Michael, meanwhile, is also struggling with his feelings. He knows that he's not supposed to be in love with the woman, but he can't help himself. He finds himself looking forward to spending time with her, and he even starts to make plans for their future together. He knows that it's wrong, but he can't help himself. He's caught between the life he's supposed to have and the life he wants. He's afraid of what will happen if he admits his feelings, but he's also afraid of what will happen if he doesn't. He's stuck in a dilemma, and he doesn't know what to do.

One night, they are having dinner together. They're talking about their day, and Sarah is laughing at one of the man's jokes. He reaches across the table to touch her hand, and she looks up at him. Their eyes meet, and in that moment, they both know that something has changed. The air is thick with tension, and neither of them can deny what they're feeling. They lean in towards each other, and their lips meet. It's the first time they've kissed, and it feels like fireworks. For a moment, they forget about the contract, and they just enjoy each other's company

Michael and Anna pull away from each other, both feeling a little guilty about what they've just done. But at the same time, they can't deny the connection they feel. They talk late into the night, sharing secrets and hopes and dreams. They find themselves opening up to each other in a way they never have before. When it's time to say goodnight, they find themselves not wanting to let go. They stare into each other's eyes for a moment, then Michael says, "I don't want this night to end." Anna replies, "Me neither."

Anna and Michael spend the next few weeks getting to know each other better. They take walks together, share meals, and talk about their lives. They grow closer and closer, until one day, Michael finds himself unable to deny his feelings any longer. He looks at Anna and says, "I think I'm falling in love with you." Anna is taken aback, but she can't deny that she feels the same way. She says, "I think I might be falling in love with you too." And then, they kiss again. This time, there's no guilt, no hesitation. They both know that they're in love,

Meanwhile Micheal’s childhood friend, Sarah, is livid when she finds out about Michael and Anna's relationship. She's been in love with Michael for years, and she feels betrayed. She decides to do everything she can to break them up. She starts spreading rumors about Anna, telling everyone that she's a gold digger who only wants Michael for his money. She even goes so far as to spread lies about Anna's past, making up stories about her that are completely false. Anna is devastated by Sarah's actions, but she refuses to stoop to her level. She tries to ignore the rumors, and focus on her marriage.

Despite Anna's best efforts, the rumors begin to take a toll on her. She starts to doubt herself, and she begins to question her relationship with Michael. She wonders if maybe Sarah is right, and that she really is only interested in Michael for his money. Michael does his best to reassure her, but he can see that she's struggling. He knows that they have to do something to fight back against the rumors. So, he and Anna decide to hold a press conference, where they'll set the record straight. They plan to tell the world the truth about their relationship, and how it's based on love, not money.

Michael and Anna are preparing for their press conference when they get a phone call from Sarah. She threatens to go to the press with the story of their contract marriage. She tells them that if they don't call off the press conference, she'll make sure that their secret is exposed. She hangs up before they can respond, leaving them both feeling anxious and uncertain. They consider calling off the press conference, but they know that they can't let Sarah control them like this. They decide to go through with it, even though they're nervous about what might happen. They gather in front of the cameras

Anna takes a deep breath, and begins to speak. "My name is Anna, and I want to set the record straight about my relationship with Michael. It's true that we entered into a contract marriage. But that was only because of the pressure we were under from Michael's family. We were both unhappy with the arrangement, and we never intended for it to last. We fell in love, and we want to be together. We're not interested in money or power. We just want to be happy." Michael takes a turn, and says, "I love Anna, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her

Sarah is fuming as she watches the press conference. She can't believe that Michael and Anna are so brazenly defying her. She makes a decision: she's going to take matters into her own hands. She calls up some of her old friends, and tells them about Michael and Anna's relationship. She tells them that the two are deceiving the public, and that they're only in it for the money. She tells them that they need to do something to expose the truth. Her friends are skeptical at first, but Sarah is persistent. Eventually, they agree to help her. They start to spread rumors about Michael and Anna

As the rumors continue to spread, Anna starts to feel overwhelmed by the pressure. She knows that she has to do something to fix things, but she doesn't know what to do. Meanwhile, Michael is also feeling the pressure. He's starting to feel like his whole life is falling apart. He tries to ignore the rumors, but they're becoming impossible to ignore. Then, one day, he gets a text message from Sarah. She asks him to meet her at a park near his house. He's hesitant, but he decides to go. When he arrives, Sarah is waiting for him. She's holding a cup of coffee.

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